If you want to report in game bug, please use our dedicated bug reporting platform .
Forum posts and straightforward member reporting can be done via the report button on individual posts and Member Profiles. Any other Issues or more major issues can be done via the following list. Please use relevant specialist to assist you at the lowest level first, any level jumping or ignoring the escalation procedure will result in delay in resolving your problem. Thanks.
Gold/Pack Purchasing Problems, Registration Problems in game or Main Warthunder Page – Raise a Support Ticket Here
Forum & Game Rules – Here
Warthunder Main Registration Page (change your name from this location) - Here
Game Masters:
(Contact them via PM if you have problem with: Chat Ban / Chat Moderation / Game Ban (excluding Bans due to Use of Forbidden Modifications / Hacking and Account Security Issues, or Teamkills. You can find them here ). Note also the languages the GM’s can be contacted in.)
- [Koreflash] -
- [MorkoKaiser] -
- [ottaro] -
- [ symposium54331] -
- [Pro Patria 86-13] - EN
- [Lazo1337] - EN, DE, SERBO-CROATIAN
- [Gentlespie] - EN, ES
- [EsperJosh] - EN
- [Monika_in_action] - EN, CN, (JP)
- [FlyingLeathrneck] - EN
- [GracingLily] - EN, CN, BM, (KR)
Senior Game Masters:
(Contact them ONLY if those above cannot resolve your issue or if you have problem with any of them)
- [Badpanzer ] - EN
- [Beestar ] - EN, CZ, SK
- [Necronomica] - EN,SWE
- [Schindibee] - EN, DE, FR, IT
- [WoIfman] - EN
Community Manager:
(Contact him only if those above cannot resolve your issue or if you have problem with any of them)
- [OrsonES] - EN, PL
Forum Moderators:
( Contact them if you have problems with Forum or Forum Members - you can find them here )
- anastasia001122
- crazed_feel
- falco416
- Hylian_Knights
- katyushá
- MightyBaozi
- PAF_ACE_Nouman
- Redmisty
- Surbaissemaxxing
- TestandRecognise
- TheCheshireCat
- TheKnightOfZero
- Turxtar
- VincentComfy
Senior Forum Moderators:
(Contact them if those above cannot help you or you have Moderation Issues)
- BlueBeta
- DieJagdente
- Pacifica
- PantherAl
- Soric_
- TheElite96
National Community Co-Ordinators
(Contact them if you have a problem related to your National Community - you can find them here )
- Autumn_Maple秋枫 - China
- ArlindoBerto - Brazil/Portugal
- DiscorderlyChaos - Spain
- EuroDoragon2 - Poland
- FryingTiger - United States
- kheynom - Czech Republic
- LeiteArts - Brazil/Portugal
- Monika_in_action - China
- R_ecover - Korea
- Railo_Adm - France
- Saharczyk - Poland
- WASPXx1xX - France
Community Manager:
(Contact if those above cannot help you or you want to escalate problems with the Staff)
- [Stona]
Technical Moderators
(Bugs/Technical Problems)
(Contact them if you have problems with bug report you have submitted. Any Technical Moderator can help you with any report, even if they did not handle the report originally. - you can find them here )
- Abrams_X (PC)
- Acroute (PC)
- apemax (Linux)
- HK_Reporter (PC)
- InterFleet (PC)
- Magiaconatus (PC)
- Metrallaroja (PC)
- Mo_guy96 (PC)
- Optical_Ilyushin (PC)
- Pony51 (PC/Mac)
- SaabGripen (PC)
- Stuhlfleisch (PC)
- tronexer (PC)
- UNIT_normal (PC)
- Vonarian (PC)
- WaretaGarasu (PC)
Senior Technical Moderators
(Bugs/Technical Problems )
- _82AB_GruberRd (PC)
- David_Bowie (PC)
- Conraire (PC)
- Gunjob (PC)
- KnightoftheAbyss (PC/PS4/Steam)
- LordMustang (PC)
- Piciu713 (PC)
Community Manager:
(Contact if those above cannot help you or you want to escalate problems with the Staff)
Steam Moderation
(Contact them if you have any issues with the War Thunder Steam Hub/forums - you can find them here)
- [shadowsutekh - Steam Moderation ]
- [AttackerCat - Steam Moderation]
- [ErickaUnlimited - Steam Moderation]
- [HudsonM1A2 - Steam Moderation]
- [KnightoftheAbyss] [ - Steam Technical Moderation ]
Community Manager
(final decision on appeal)
- [BlitzkriegWulf]
- [magazine2]
- [Stona]
Live.warthunder Moderators
(Contact them for any matters relating to Live.warthunder site - you can find them here )
- [Atsuk0 - Live.warthunder Moderation]
- [bobpie1 - Live.warthunder Moderation]
- [Illusionyary - Live.warthunder Moderation]
- [MadCaoDisease23 - Live.warthunder Moderation]
Senior Live.warthunder Moderator
(Contact them ONLY if those above cannot resolve your issue or if you have problem with any of them)
- [CmdNomad - Senior Live.warthunder Moderator]
- [Turbulenz_JP - Senior Live.warthunder Moderation]
Community Manager
(Contact him only if those above cannot resolve your issue or if you have problem with any of them)
- [OrsonES]
Wikipedia Editors
(Contact them if you have any issues with the War Thunder Official Wikipedia - you can find them here )
- X_pazzo1972_X
- 島風 (Shimakaze)
Senior Wiki Editors
Suggestion Moderators
(Contact them for any matters relating to the Suggestions Area)
- Arcadia_Nyx
- AREX_it_the_zero
- Headnaught
- R_nminbiY_n
- TerikG2014
- Til_Dovre_Faller
- tono_taka
- VelvetCrowe TLoC
- WreckingAres283
- yoyolast
Senior Suggestion Moderator
(Contact them only if those above cannot help you or you have moderation issues)
Suggestions Final Decisions
- [Smin1080p_WT ]
Complaint Escalations
(If any of the guys above cannot help you with your problem - you can find them here )
- [DisconnecT83]
- [Friedrich84e]
- [magazine2]
- [OrsonES]
- [Ouiche ]
- [Scarper]
- [Smin1080p_WT ]
- [Stona]