Clear Hackers

Please note I am a long time fan of the game and a long time player with over 8k hours and this is my favorite game. I have played since it was only air planes…

Please note that the first part is an example of hacking that I have noted in detail then I explain further how you can spot hackers, what I think their intentions are and how they are avoiding detection.

I feel as a community we can easily rid the game of these parasites… I hope the game developers assist us with this and possibly read this post… I have put alot of details and thought into this as to try and raise awareness…

I do not understand how hackers like this are still around in War Thunder and I would like to assist to bring these game ruining parasites down… I also call upon the community to please do their checks and report adequately as I understand a hackers reports only get looked at after 10 or so reports on their profile in 24 hours?

About the replay:

Players to focus on: BadS, INCAL_ and stee

Firstly I would like to point out the most obvious of factors on these players accounts… 10 to 1 KD ratio, Hardly any time spent in battles with level 100 account and profile pictures that are not in the game…

Now ways I identify hackers is by reviewing gameplay footage and checking if the players are following tanks through terrain, shooting through terrain or other obstacles, bouncing rounds hitting every weak point on the tank and taking no damage, knowing where players are or where they will be with no audio or visual clues but clearly knowing…

Something to note please: These hackers are forming clans of hackers??? They are laughing at Gaijins anti-cheat engines and Gaijin is just letting this slide un noticed? How are accounts like this aswell as many others not flagged automatically by the game client when they are making it so obvious?

Ways the hackers avoid detection (I Think): The only time I have noticed hackers of this nature is in Simulator game mode, more specifically Ground Simulator. I suspect this is due to the fact that they become less noted due to how simulator mechanics change players perspectives and aiming and they are hoping this lessens the suspicions of hacking. They also seem to have a variable hacks such as god tier armor that allows every 1 in 100 shot through as to further avoid detection.

You can also review the players stat cards and review time played, KD Ratio aswell as level. When you compare these 3 to either pro players or long term players it does not add up at all as they makes the pros and vets look like beginners to this game mode.

You can also review past replays however I have noticed they somehow hide their player names making it abit harder to find previous replays but it is possible…

Hacks I have noticed: I have noticed the following hacks purely by observing how these hackers move, aim and generally react to their environment.

Wall Hack: Players can see all vehicles through terrain and other obstacles
Aimbot: Im not sure how this one works weather the hack auto points them to a weak spot or calculates the damage as a kill shot every shot… Ill leave that to debate
God like Armor: They can get hit 100 times and only 1 shell will make it through regardless if you hit the weakest part of the tank or the most armored… This does not seem to apply to bombs however this is due to no observation of this event happening in games I have reviewed.

Reasons I suspect they hack:

Monetary gains: They play Simulator game modes as it provides the least detection and most reward allowing them to quickly level up accounts then once to a certain level they either sell the account or use it to boot other accounts

Intentionally ruining gameplay: Either hackers looking to tarnish the game itself or cause flooding of servers and or marketplace.

Most obvious one is boredom and looking to be annoying.

I think when these hackers eventually get caught the mods only ban the alt account and never actually do research on the players and find their main accounts so these hackers get away without any punishment and continue making free money off of the lack of hack protection or moderation in this game.

I have reported multiple obvious hackers even more obvious than these and the accounts have remained up for months after reporting them which really makes one demotivated to even try to help better this community…

Please can we make an effort to pressure the game developers to clamp down on these game ruining people.

Much love if you read all of this and thank you for listening. Please can we raise awareness about this so we can work together to get rid of this and make the gameplay somewhat more fair and competitive…


What’s the problem with reading attached topics, like Who is who and Reporting Procedure and using the in-game complain system?


Thank you for the reply :)

I have been using these systems put in place and I monitor the accounts.

I can see in further battles months after reports the players are still using hacks freely ingame. I have done a fair bit of research regarding reporting these kinds of hackers to the relevant parties and it seems the only way players have seen results is by reporting them via the replay section on the warthunder site and reporting the individual player. Please note I have done reported these players using the ingame complain system, the online replay reporting system and created tickets with Gaijin themselves with screenshots and clips.

I have not seen any feedback nor action taken against these players and would like the help of Gaijin and the community to raise this issue and make it noted…

I have been apart of this community for many years and lately in the past year or 2 noticed a extreme rise of hackers and no actions taken against them and I am trying as 1 person to raise awareness and hoping the community is seeing the same thing and will help raise awareness

Sorry for the long reply…


Action against those players doesn’t tend to be really reported, shared for the public, the best you can do is just wait and see. If you really think they’re active, just search for theirs in-game names at Search Players, if you find a “banned” overlaying their info, it’s self explanatory.


That is the very problem I am trying to resolve unfortunately…

I have checked the players long after reporting and also note that most of the time I am playing with a squad and once we have reviewed footage together and came to agreement we all do the same reporting.

So it is not only 1 report on the player and I tend to post the replays in different communities to raise awareness and hopefully, if the user feels it is true, also report the players.

These players do not really get looked at and im trying to firstly get that noticed aswell as the fact the hacking community in this game is rising rapidly.

I am hoping people see this and on their own terms agree and assist with raising awareness and utilize the report system more often…


So basically, if I encounter a hacker in game, and report them, I have to spend all the time collecting evidence, submitting a complaint, and then Gaijin will basically ignore it?

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Just report them through the server replay. It doesn’t take very much time, you’ll just need to look through and mention timestamps where it happens.

Gaijin does take action.

The report system works. It only takes time before they ban players. They do it in waves.

Other problem is they ruin the games for others, and you cannot name and shame them.

Just have patience and hopefully let gamemasters do their thing

I got a screen pop up in game the other day thanking me for a report and that the player has been punished, since I have chat completely turned off I don’t report for chat spam or anything like that only suspected botting/hacking I’m going to assume its one of those reports.

I’m hopeful that more is been done to ban them but also solve the issue itself.