How does one report a mod?

Pretty much in the title.

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By reporting a moderator I suppose?

Senior Forum Moderators:
(Contact them if those above cannot help you or you have Moderation Issues)

  • [_Catweazle_63]
  • [BlueBeta]
  • [DieJagdente]
  • [Pacifica]
  • [PantherAl ]
  • [Poussin_Pouipoui]
  • [Soric_]
  • [TheElite96]

Very official gaijin complaint portal
About as much use as trying in earnest.


From the link above:

Senior Forum Moderators:
(Contact them if those above cannot help you or you have Moderation Issues)

  • [_Catweazle_63]
  • [BlueBeta]
  • [DieJagdente]
  • [Pacifica]
  • [PantherAl ]
  • [Poussin_Pouipoui]
  • [Soric_]
  • [TheElite96]

Community Manager:
(Contact if those above cannot help you or you want to escalate problems with the Staff)


Plagiarism! Gonna have to report now!! /s


Same process for game masters? i wanna report a game master for not doing his job

Pretty sure you can’t.

And if it is a senior mod?

I do not think mods should discredit vehicle design and vehicle play style on the forums, especially on a complaint that vehicles in specific play styles are being hindered to be played in their design.

Issue I have - how heavily does mods play account to changes and implementations to the game? How much is being filtered out to fit a specific narrative?

Rushes A cap with Su-152 cause not a sniping game

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thats not a reason to report, but you do you
opinions and personal takes exist


Old saying goes “where there’s smoke, there’s fire”.

Right now, I am looking at the forum mods with massive skepti-goggles. Especially seeing that things on forum get denied, yet acknowledged on Bug Report.

And if that kind of response is the best response from a Snr. Mod then uh… well, to me it is cause for concern.

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The forum mods do not take part in suggestions or bugs, just sayin

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Complaints, suggestions, agitation etc. all goes through the mod team in one way or another.

Maybe a better answer would have been on how to submit a suggestion.


I am sorry but that is no reason to report a mod. Just because they disagree with you doesn’t give you justification to report them nor even complain about them. They are human after all and as humans we are very individualistic when it comes to our ideas.

For bug report and forum discrepancies maybe just ask them? Companies are big and not everyone is always on the same page. From what I understand forum mods aren’t paid so they can’t really be forced to agree with full time gaijin employees.


But only to a degree. These people - the mods - should be held to a higher standard because of their roles/responsibilities. They don’t get the free pass just because they’re humans like the rest of us. They’re protected as mods, in a separate (higher) class of people, if you will. Disagreements are what they are, but any forum user should have a useful mechanism for complaining about the moderation staff. There is hardly anything unreasonable about that.

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You have to see that most mods - also game masters - are just volunteers with a normal day job, doing their moderation job in their free time.

If a GM does not reply within a day or so, it’s possible he’s not available. Then best add another GM or Senior GM to the inquiry, and it will be taken care of.

And in general: if you don’t agree with a mod, contact his/her superiors (Senior Forum Mods, Senior Game Master, etc.) who will then handle the issue.

And if they don’t succeed, they will eventually forward you to head of the Team (Lead Forum Mod, Lead Game Master, etc.), who then has the final word.


Well yes. Being rude or refusing to listen to a person’s claims is very much grounds for a dismissal of a mod. However the example that op posted is a simple disagreement with none of the above grounds for dismissal fulfilled. In my eyes going that one further step for said example is, and I am sorry, incredibly petty and stupid.

This is opinions mate you can’t report someone for having a take on something that is different to yours


Sigh…people seem to forget this.


Reporting a mod simply for having a different opinion than you? They ain’t even acting rude or like an A-hole. C’mon…
And before you start babbling about brown-nosing or fanboyism, I really am NOT a fan of Gaijin or the forum staff…

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Knew it would be about Pacifica as soon as I saw the title.

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