I was muted in game

I was muted in game this night.
It said that the reason of that is I abuse some body in game. But I’m not remember what had I said could be marked as “abuse”
So If any one can tell me what and who I “abused” at so I won’t “abuse” them any more?


Maybe follow the “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it” rule?


Just chat like
“don’t bombing living zone before other part was destroyed”
“seems the other side has PVP players”


is that abuse?

That’s pretty hurtful, aside from being what you say you said… I’d hazard a guess there is more that you’ve said in the spur of the moment.

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In fact,no. cause I didn’t play that game so long,and never killed by that guy.

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You guys are just f-ing sucks if you get chat banned

I mean I use the chat to do this no ban

shot 2024.06.30 22.59.43

shot 2024.07.26 03.04.52

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Do you play “PvE” in Simulator Battles? Cuz that’s kinda against the terms of service

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While it’s ok to go after PVE objectives and try to evade PVP players, its explicitly forbidden to insist on / force a PVE gameplay, or coordinate and communicate with one’s team or the enemy to insist on, or force a PVE playstyle.

Also, Air Sim EC is officially a PVP game mode, and it’s not up to some players wanting to profit from or abuse that game mode, to decide it should be PVE exclusively and then hinder, coordinate against, or in other way harass players who play the game in PVP as intended.

We are taking actions against players trying to force PVE or harass PVP players, and this can range from chat mutes to more strict and painful measures.


I more took from that he was saying his team was a set of chickens, and that the enemy had more players actually trying. Or that he was implying the team he was on was full of bots/pveers.

don’t think “seems got PVP player other side” is kind of “insist on 、force a PVE game”
I didn’t say something like “PVP players are dogs” or “NO PVP” . just sharing an information that “they got someone hunting you guys” to our team mate.
And that’s the reason I want a cause of my mute

This makes no sense.
Saying “there are players trying to shoot you” in a game where the objective is to shoot enemies isn’t necessary unless you (or someone else) have tried to convince about PvE beforehand.

So you just assume I had said something like “only PVE this game”?
And it’s not unnecessary in game to tell your team mate when they are being hunted.
Believe or not. PVP hunting is so rare in asia server, makes it necessary to tell your team.


Not what you stated was said though.
saying “other side has PvP players” isn’t the same as warning teammate of close aircraft. It’s way more an indication of “the opponents aren’t going PvE and are killing players” (which is the norm) and doesn’t need to be said at all unless PvE has been previously discussed.

But hey, you can easily share the replay to prove me wrong.


İt’s a PvP game.

There is no reason to discuss PVE, because it’s not a PVE game.

I am well aware and completely agree, i was just pointing out the paradox of then also mentioning PvP as it’s otherwise implicit.

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Your logic is weird.
If the most players in that game got killing score in that game. It’s surely unnecessary to warn your team.
but if none of em got killing score except one. It’s necessary to do that.
And in any language in this earth " PVP players in other side" should not be understand as “I want do PVE,so NO PVP in this game”
If ohter ones said so. why mute me instead of him?

and after all. the reason of the mute said by gaijin is “Abuse”. Not “try to do PVE in the game YOU MUST DO PVP.even the airport is able to destroy”

It really isn’t.

You saying

means that you and someone else (or even more people) were expecting there not to be PvP. Now why would you expect there to not be PvP to begin with?

and again, you can easily provide proof with a replay.

Can we remove bombing points and PvE bots then? Please?

Possibly you misunderstood me (on purpose?). ;-)

What I was trying to say that it is not a “exclusively PVE” game mode like Heli PVE, where there is only one player team against the AI targets, but two teams fighting each other and trying to beat each other to complete mission objectives (which come in the form of AI vehicles and bases).