A look at the bug forums

So the other day I scraped the issues forum so this a bit of compilation of all the stats I found.

There were 151,617 posts when I scraped the forum (19th Dec).

And year by year this looks like:

yby (1)
Interesting that 2022 has more posts than 2023 although the upward trend returns in 2024.

So how many of these have are still open?

45476 in total (30%)

Note y axis is as a percentage of all reports posted that year

On a similar note, how many reports have no response

No response are the reports that haven’t been labelled by a bug reporting manager
57816 in total (38%)

By year:


Very similar graph suggests that most open reports also have no response and obviously vice versa.
42980 reports are both open and have no response (94% of open reports and 74% of reports without response)

So what are people typically posting about?

By category, note these are percentages.


And the most popular words in titles (excluding common words)

(larger font indicates more popular)
Whilst vehicles may have been the most popular report category issues about purchases use similar wording. Despite the fact that the players should go to support to resolve this, not to the issues forum.

Manually going through only the vehicles you get:

Most popular was the f-16 then the f-4 followed by leo 2 and abrams. Yes I’m too lazy split into variants and vehicles (I know this is bad for the tiger, vickers and mirage etc).

Of all the modern tanks the Ariete was by far the least popular being mentioned in only 76 reports (Leo 2 is ~772)

Basically popular vehicles with premiums and many variants had the highest frequencies.

Labels of bug reports

The labels put on reports by bug reporting managers.

How well do gaijin respond to bug reports?

As we have seen the majority of reports are pretty useless so I will only consider reports that were accepted or fixed (this isn’t completely perfect still I admit).

Percentage of ‘good’ reports fixed

‘good’ =(fixed/(fixed+accepted))
Graph suggests that devs are doing a better job than they are sometimes given credit for. But this doesn’t consider the importance of issues to players as I reckon the majority are visual bugs rather than modelling issues that players complain most about.

Reports with the most interactions

I'm thinking of potentially updating these stats as time goes on, but in the mean time feel free to ask me any queries I should make on the scraped dataset.

Love to see that “cheaters” “teamkill” and “uptier” are so common lol

Is there data available for you to determine how many bug reporting managers there are? If so can you also determine how many bug reports they would have to go through individually every day to open all bug reports made that day.

Good work, thanks for the effort!

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They are now anonymised but they are listed here:
Continuing the discussion from Who is who and Reporting Procedure:

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Unless I did some weird math (likely) that means only 18 reports on average for each manager to sift through daily. Interesting.

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I got about 6.5 posts per manager 54,000~ posts made in the last year divided by 365 followed by dividing by 23

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But there were 42980 open reports with no response when this dataset was scraped so there is catchup on older reports still to be done as well

I took the 151,617 figure at the top as reports made this year. My bad.

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Does this mean that the bug team is consciously slowing down the processing of reports? This is very puzzling considering that there are countless eager players who want answers. I used to think they were all busy, but I didn’t expect the data to show that there weren’t as many reports that each person had to deal with every day.

i can already tell you, there is other tech mods as well
one realy bad one coming to my mind and i am not even speaking about the one that got all the flak on the issue site

We pretty much gave up on the Ariete. Earlier this year a more comprehensive report on the armour was made. They passed it to the devs, never to be heard of again.

I have also noticed that after May/June of this year the amount of ignored reports has increased. My guess is that they don’t have enough people to manage all the new reports.

Very interesting work, by the way, I enjoyed quite a bit.


I’m not so sure at the moment, but you have to bear in mind there is a significant back log of posts yet to be reviewed. Additionally the vast majority of reports are nonsensical e.g. claims of cheating, purchases, and paragraph arguments with no sources. I think it will be interesting to see how some stats change as time progresses especially the accepted and fixed issues and could paint a better picture of performance.

Main reason is simply popularity, Abrams get tons of reports of people who bought the premium and want to complain after getting pummeled at top tier. (ofc there are legitimate well written arguments with sources about it as well but they are far outnumbered)

True, I have seen several reports on all sort of problems which do not even provide a source (not even a random website).

I wonder if Gaijin is planning to tighten up the bug report site. 100 comments of just “agree” is pretty nuts.


Yes some kind of auto mod for posts and comments would go a long way in reducing their workload

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They are not slaves afterall, they get holidays and days off, I would count sth more or less like 300 days.

What letter does his name start with, T?

Any idea which of these have air sim EC experience?

I have a bug report that was “send it to suggestions” that is pretty clearly a bug (cl13 sabres at 7.0-8.7 brackets flying at supersonic speeds and violating energy retention by bobbing and weaving like dolphins on steroids).

Surprisingly, the dolphin movement only seems to manifest on select maps (Denmark, Dover Strait).

Also, I have an important question. As the game’s vehicles become newer, their information will become more confidential and difficult to find. Does this mean that most players will have to watch Gaijin do whatever they want in the future? Because the vast majority of vehicles are unlikely to be supported by data, such as the F-15EX, J-16 or Su-30SM2 and the like. None of this stuff is likely to have data, and we can only watch some of the criticized bug managers decide all this?

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In addition, I have heard that the management of each group within Gaijin is independent. I mean, the information that players give to the bug team doesn’t necessarily have to be passed on to the development team? A lot of issues from years ago have not been solved, maybe the bug team forgot about them?