So the other day I scraped the issues forum so this a bit of compilation of all the stats I found.
There were 151,617 posts when I scraped the forum (19th Dec).
And year by year this looks like:
Interesting that 2022 has more posts than 2023 although the upward trend returns in 2024.
So how many of these have are still open?
45476 in total (30%)
Note y axis is as a percentage of all reports posted that year
On a similar note, how many reports have no response
No response are the reports that haven’t been labelled by a bug reporting manager
57816 in total (38%)
By year:
Very similar graph suggests that most open reports also have no response and obviously vice versa.
42980 reports are both open and have no response (94% of open reports and 74% of reports without response)
So what are people typically posting about?
By category, note these are percentages.
And the most popular words in titles (excluding common words)
(larger font indicates more popular)
Whilst vehicles may have been the most popular report category issues about purchases use similar wording. Despite the fact that the players should go to support to resolve this, not to the issues forum.
Manually going through only the vehicles you get:
Most popular was the f-16 then the f-4 followed by leo 2 and abrams. Yes I’m too lazy split into variants and vehicles (I know this is bad for the tiger, vickers and mirage etc).
Of all the modern tanks the Ariete was by far the least popular being mentioned in only 76 reports (Leo 2 is ~772)
Basically popular vehicles with premiums and many variants had the highest frequencies.
Labels of bug reports
The labels put on reports by bug reporting managers.
How well do gaijin respond to bug reports?
As we have seen the majority of reports are pretty useless so I will only consider reports that were accepted or fixed (this isn’t completely perfect still I admit).
Percentage of ‘good’ reports fixed
‘good’ =(fixed/(fixed+accepted))
Graph suggests that devs are doing a better job than they are sometimes given credit for. But this doesn’t consider the importance of issues to players as I reckon the majority are visual bugs rather than modelling issues that players complain most about.
Reports with the most interactions
138 comments and 1003 users affected(2nd)
Unsurprisingly Chinese players can be quite vocal, but also make the best memes.
I'm thinking of potentially updating these stats as time goes on, but in the mean time feel free to ask me any queries I should make on the scraped dataset.