The problem with SA servers

The Chinese “PvE” community dominate these servers and they make the game almost unplayable for anyone who decides to play against their “rules”.

I’ve been mass reported, targeted across different rooms (They join my team and either give away my position by spectating or team kill me), abused in the chat.

I have attached a video clip of my recent sim match where my “teammates” banded together and were constantly revealing my position to the enemy team. This is just a single scenario.

This is the replay link: Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On

I’ve been playing more simulator battles recently since I’ve started to dislike the current air RB design. I try to play on European servers but my ping isn’t the best on most of the days. SA servers are often my only option.

I’d understand and maybe stop playing if this was the norm in the entire game but the fact that a single “community” can band together and do these things against the game rules without any threat just frustrates me and make me lose trust in the game’s security. Not only am I playing against the enemy team, I am being forced to be defensive from my teammates as well.

Please note that I have reported some of these players months back (even across several matches) and I still see them playing without restrictions. I think that the “PvE” community will see this post and maybe target me more but I just don’t care.

I hope Gaijin does something about these “players”.


What rules?

They outright demand PvE when the match starts. If you kill one of them, most of the lobby including teammates will target you, even across different rooms. I remember one day when a teammate got his buddies and targeted me an entire evening because I “stole his bases” in my tornado which is a very weird reason to hold a grudge.


Single abbreviation ‘PVE’ in a simulator PVP mode does mean anything?. Do not interfere with ‘base bombers’ (not shooting them down) - it is the main thing.


I agree with the PvE thing but there is no stealing of bases. Leave the lobby and open your own. Simpel.

How am I supposed to know whose base it is? They don’t have player’s names assigned to them. I watched the replay on that match, the guy was going toward a base but I was ahead and killed it, same happened for the 2nd base as well. There was no communication whatsoever. Then the teammates grouped up on me (They were in external comms like discord I think). Please read the entire post/comment. They followed me around across different rooms.


Nah, they need to report this to the GMs…

It’s colluding, and it’s actually been discussed before.

@hinjanattori Hit up the GMs and push it through them.


Hide your nick if that happens. Just go to options and tick “Display real nick in battle and menu”. This will randomize your nick every time you join a new EC match so it will be much harder for those botters to find you in lobbies.


Please report rule breaking behaviour via in game complain system. Without it, your complains will change nothing. We need to have logs of such behaviour.