Strange Bot game

Hello all,

Long time lurker, first time poster here.
While finishing my grind for the Alcione event, I just encountered one of the weirdest matchup since I’ve started playing.

I know that naval botting was more common some times ago, but it seemed that Gaijin tackled the major part of the problem.

However just now… This game :

Does anyone else just got a bot-full game ?

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Seems I have trouble inserting image… sorry for the double post

Yeah thats sus to say the least


They were just forming lines and engaging each others. I There was only 1 guy with an HMS Vega, me in my Coastal and it seems the rest were Kerch…

Sometimes i feel, (and i know it would not be right) that every account that ownes the USS Moffett with 20+ games or whatever and a vast majority of deaths over kills should just get out right banned lol. Not too long ago, in a ground game, I came across a random acount with hundreds of games in of these premium ships and almost no kills. Its a strange feeling when you are certain someone is cheating but dont have any real evidence.

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I’d definitely submit this to the GMs…

Give them the replay as a link as well when you do.

Best to report suspects from the replay of the match on the main page

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