F-14 Tomcat: History, Performance & Discussion

Just look at how fast it goes in real footage, we’re missing out so bad


i created a report for 9M


Even though the F-14 was again ignored in this update, it actually did give me some hope about their future. Here’s what this update brings that will help the F-14D in the future:

The addition of the Aim-7P means that it can’t be the “new weapon” for the F-14D, which means besides IR missiles, the only 2 missiles they could add to give the D model something “new” is the Aim-120 AMRAAM or the Aim-54C+ ECCM. Given that they’ve waited this long to add it into this environment, this slimming down of weapons they could introduce as new means of adding the Aim-120 is even more likely.

The AoA limiter disabler will help all F-14s, but it will help the F-14D the most, as DFCS enhances the Tomcat’s high alpha capability, allows it to automatically turn better, and retain its stability during all of this. This coupled with the AoA limiter gives the F-14D a good chance of being an even better dogfighter.

With the lack of high off foresight missiles for the F/A-18, I could see they adding the Aim-95 Agile, which could be added to the Hornet and F-14D to bridge the gap between the R-73. (This one is a stretch.)


Support this please! My first bug report (and many more to come): Community Bug Reporting System


“Marked as duplicate” even though Gaijin hasn’t done anything with the 6 MONTH OLD bug report. FFS.

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I suggest you PM a tech mod or a senior tech mod and tell them that your evidence which is more clear and definitive wasn’t included in my reports; And ask them to add it to the internal report as additional evidence.


So, what the heck is wrong with the F-14’s radar? Every time I play a higher-tier aircraft, I’m shocked when I go back to the F-14—it seems to get worse and worse each time I test it.

It constantly hallucinates, doesn’t update enemy positions properly, and is almost utterly useless unless the enemy is flying toward me.

I was streaming to my friends, who are also WT players, while testing F-4 Phantoms, Viggens, and other aircraft to demonstrate how much better their radars are at tracking enemy aircraft.

Especially in side-on engagements or when the enemy is flying away, the F-14’s radar is utterly useless—even if you toggle through all modes, desperately trying to maintain or gain a lock. Meanwhile, the Viggens have a far more capable radar for side-locks or rear-locks, which, after researching, makes absolutely no sense.

Here is a screenshot showing that i’ve played the F-14’s a lot so I know them inside out.


Unfortunately, the F-14s radar is still classified because Iran still has them, So Gaijin can’t really model it well.

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Oh, adding to this, since I just got the Dev Server, we can also see that the F-14A and B were foldered. This is a very good sign, because it means the F-14D will be such a standout from the B that they aren’t going to folder them.

I think the F-14D might be foldered now. When the TT’s saw mass foldering Gaijin said that:

With the upcoming changes, all ranks will not exceed 3 vehicles vertically downwards.

Following the Roadmap: grouping vehicles, rank changes, and improvements to premium vehicles

So unless the F-14D will break that rule, be a premium/event/squadron vic, or go into another line then it will most likely be foldered either with the F-14’s or with the F/A-18C.

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Im pretty sure we’re going into Rank 9 soon, which is Gen 4.5, the F-14D would fit right in. That’s what I meant.

We already heavy gen4.5+

Most definetly not. Were still very much 4th gen

Typhoon is considered as 4.5 gen, Su-30SM too. Pretty sure that rafale too


Outdated loadouts, no ecw, underperfoming radars, lack of sensor integration We’re really not into 4.5 gen territory.

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The Typhoon/Rafale was added too early and the Su-30 I’m pretty sure it’s 4+ not 4.5.

4.5 would be stuff like F-16V, SU-35, F-14D, F-15EX, Aim-120C, ASRAAM, Etc…


Did they just forget that the F-14B has the TCS?

F-14 report is live


I’ll report it, also will produce a companion for the Kurnass 2000, simply for the possibly that a Later F-4E with the TISEO gets added. but it will be a lot more circuitous.

K-2000 report is up



I believe this has been an ignored topic for awhile. @MythicPi made a bug report on it almost 3 years ago. Hopefully, your report doesn’t get Gaijin’d. Ask Mythic for any info he might have to add to the report!


The F-14s radar is getting buffed this patch. They’re fixing the TWS swapping and making the PD harder to chaff (even rear aspect). Huge changes.

I think they slacked so long on the TCS bug report i had originally made that it disapeared along with the old forums.