Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 'FLOGGER' - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Still is, and even with the F.3 late I can give the forth gens a good run for their money as well.


@Gunjob When you are already here. Can I ask you one question? A few months ago, I made a suggestion for the missing chaffs (launched from UB-16/32 and B-8M rocket blocks) for almost all Soviet aircraft from tier V to end of TT (also for MiG-23 series), and that suggestion still hasn’t been published. I don’t know if I did something wrong during creation or it was forgotten. I don’t want it to turn out the same as when I made a suggestion two years ago for additional SLAT armor for T-62 series tanks.

On the CBR or the forum? If its the CBR you can link me it in a DM and I’ll check it out.

On forum.

But I can do that again on CBR.

You need to shake a suggestion moderator.

Go here for the list of mods;

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Okey. I will try. Thanks for help :)

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Hi @Gunjob , could you check what is the full document the devs asked in this old bug report (I’m not the one who submitted it so no idea)
Community Bug Reporting System

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Done. I informed suggestion moderator. I hope S-5P/S-8P chaffs together with more modern variants will be added on Soviet/Russian jets. I think it will help a lot.

Why not add battle rating for Air AB & RB ?

Located before MiG-21SMT & MiG-21Bis group ?

In a folder with MiG-23M & MiG-23 MLD (23-18) ?

Would be MiG-23 MLD (23-19) or MiG-23MLD/L

I guess place to early rank 8 before MiG-29 (9-13)

Why not add battle rating for Air AB & RB ?

I dont have experience from AB/RB for that jets.

In a folder with MiG-23M & MiG-23 MLD (23-18) ?

One from the few possible options but I would put MLD rather to tier VIII after that changes.

Located before MiG-21SMT & MiG-21Bis group ?

Here are possible options:

According to the project:
1.MiG-23-98-1 - A multifunctional tactical fighter with radically increased combat effectiveness due to the ability to intercept all types of air targets, detect and destroy ships, small-sized ground and radio-emitting targets. It is installed on the aircraft:

on-board automated system “core” consisting of: a digital computing system MVK, ILS, two multifunctional color LCD displays, two multifunctional control panels, a video recording system;

multifunctional radar with a range of detection of air targets of the “fighter” type 90-100 km-2 options were considered (Mosquito-23/Topaz_N019MP)…

modern guided weapons (air-to-air missiles - RVV-AE, R-27R,T, R-27E(R,T); R-73; air-to-surface missiles - X-25ML,MP, X-29L,T, TD, X-31A,P and KAB-500L aerial bombs, KR);

new SUO (from the MiG-21-93 aircraft), NSC, INS/KNS, SHS, radio altimeter;

new means of radio communication.

The main options offered are:

reduced visibility;
installation of a stake (from a MiG-29 aircraft);
the use of a diverse range of containers that expand the tactical capabilities of the aircraft;
refueling in the air;
Increased combat survivability;
additional avionics systems.
In a moment-23-98-1 All types of fighters and interceptors based on the MiG-23 can be converted…

2.MiG-23-98-2 - a tactical fighter with increased combat effectiveness in the fight against aerial targets. They are installed on the plane:

upgraded Saphir-23 radar and SUO, which ensure the use, in addition to standard weapons, of RVV-AE and R-73E air-to-air missiles;
a new inertial system with correction from the KNS;
new means of radio communication.
The main options offered are:

reduced visibility;
installing the NSC;
containers with an active radio interference station or reconnaissance equipment;
refueling in the air;
new avionics systems.
In an instant option-23-98-2 All modifications of the MiG-23 aircraft equipped with the Sapphire-23 radar can be retrofitted.

3.MiG-23-98-3-- installation of the Mosquito-21K radar (target detection range in the front hemisphere is 45 km, in the rear - 20 km) in a suspended container in addition to the standard Saphir-23 station. As a result, without serious redesign, the aircraft is able to carry the same weapons as in the first version (but with a shorter range of missile combat)…

Mosquito-23… БОРТОВАЯ РЛС «МОСКИТ» - описание и технические характеристики (military-club.com)

Wow that is way more than I expected, time to get to translating.


Is there a practical difference between the MLA and MLD (in game)?

MLD have SPO-15 RWR and vortex generators to better low speed stability.

What was said earlier, BUT, the MiG-23MLD in WT loses speed a lot more than the MLA and ML, for some reason, when doing sustained turns.

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Technically it would lose speed faster at certain angles of attack but generally speaking at lower angles of attack and at sustained turn rate speeds it would be more likely to just handle better and the leading edge flaps as well as other refinements would prevent flow separation, thus prevent further drag.

The flow separation is more of an issue on delta designs, or lower aspect ratio wings though.

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Yes, so I don’t understand why it loses so much more speed than the ML or MLA.

Summed it up for you

Since the wings are high aspect ratio, when they are forward… the vortex causes turbulent airflow when airflow separation is not a real problem. This causes higher drag when wings are forward. When wings are full back you might see less airflow separation due to the vortices but again - it still adds drag.

The delta between them may be off, but the MLD is trading raw aerodynamic performance for stability at higher angles of attack.

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