Pending time for a suggestion?

I’ve made a suggestion, but it’s pending for a two weeks now. Is this normal and how long does it usually take?

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It is NOT an exact science…depends a lot on the suggestion, the support (or lack of it) it gets and the suggestions team availability at that specific time.
If you make a suggestion that was made before you may never get it approved…
If you make an original suggestion that has a lot of support (and is seen by the team) it can be approved rather fast…

And BTW…suggestion being approved only means it was deemed valid to be sent to the dev team…which then can consider or ignore it…but usually it will not be in the game anytime soon…

Disclaimer: The above comment is based on forum experience…
Rules: Rules, Guidelines & Tips For Creating Suggestions (Check Before Creating A New Suggestion!)
Suggestion Mods:
Who is who and Reporting Procedure
(You can find a list of Suggestion Mods…so you can ask them directly)


Alright, thank you

Added a couple links to the original post. Suggest you PM a suggestion mod…

BTW…is your suggestion visible? (Can’t find it)


Probably 1~2 weeks for a normal operation, but in some cases it may take about a month if there is a lot of waiting in the queue.

As the helper states, it is recommended to contact the Suggest member. At least they should be able to tell you if you are in the Pending queue or if your suggestion is incomplete and you have been removed from the queue.

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I mean, I made one two days ago, and it got approved within the hour that I made it. I made another later that day and it still hasn’t been approved or denied

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It’s gone now
It was a suggestion about the Flakpanzer T-34(r).

That means it was denied. Unless you got a notification it was approved

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No notifaction, so it’s denied. No one has made a suggestion about it. So should i make the suggestion again?

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You should first ask why it was denied

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Since it is not possible to pass a rejected Suggestion post by scattering it around like M61 (rather, it will have a negative impact), I recommend that you first learn the reason why it was rejected and revise it before resubmitting it.

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Ask one of the suggestion moderators?


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Yes. Look at the list @GhostSoph posted and PM one of those suggestion mods

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Yeah. You know how the US 75 has like a 5 second reload? So you can just spam it and nothing will change. That’s what this person was getting at


Can you say what the suggestion was (here)? Some suggestions ask for changes in historical performance (faster rate of fire, more pen, more damage, more speed, etc…) and are also denied unless based on valid documents.


Ah, i wanted to make a suggestion for that one too.

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He wrote further up it was about the Flakpanzer T-34 (r)

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Yep, i saw that…hence my remark above. I am not sure what he suggested about it…and why (if it needed documentation and/or if it was provided).

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The vehicle itself?
Pardon if you are confuzed by it, i am now too.

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