Just did, messed with my sound real bad.
weird, you’d think those two things wouldn’t affect each other
Yeah, I don’t know why, but everything went silent, whole system.
the worst thing is they refuse to accept that it is a problem with their game
Going off-topic a little. Don’t tell me you play GRB and blast music? (lol)
Depends on my mood, but I always have them pretty equally loud when I play air, ground it’s more like background music that’s very quiet.
I don’t have a fix directly on the PC itself but if you use spotify (or some other streaming apps) you can use your phone to switch it around. Not a fix all, as you probably dont just tab for music, but could be useful to at least get rid of one of the times it would tweak out
Is your graphics driver updated/did you update it recently? Alt tab crash issues are usually related to that
Yeah, because I use the Nvida system, but have all of it mostly turned off.
See if reverting to a previous version helps with the crashes
I was having the issue before I updated it, last update I did was over a year ago, so I don’t think it will, but I’ll try it.
well i ended up trying a fresh windows install and the crashes still happen on live, dev and enlisted but no other games meaning that it is a issue with their game engine.
@Zyranovos can i ask what gpu are you running
This alt-tabing freeze problem has already been reported 8 months ago.
And even though the freeze only occurs in this game, they stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the problem.
By the way, I just talked to the bug manager.
I told them, “There is a problem with your internet connection at your house, so you will have to solve it yourself.”
I thought it couldn’t be, but I consulted my ISP and investigated, and in fact there was nothing problematic with my Internet connection.
how can it be anything to do with your internet kinda wild that they just don’t want to fix their awful game engine
It’s about as funny a joke as WarThunder.
Really crazy.
GeForce 1660 Super
well when the game is in full screen it disapears from the screen when you tab out with 2 monitors which i don’t want which is why i have it in windowed full screen as i can still see what is going on while using my other monitor
I’d escalate that through the senior technical moderator ( Who is who and Reporting Procedure ), and ask as to how alt-tabbing in the game could be a problem with the networking to cause a crash like that.
The entire report needs oversight and actual effort.
in fact there was nothing problematic with my Internet connection.
That’s why I say this should be reviewed by a superior, as it’s just a lame way to make it not thier issue.
Whilst I commonly say that it is your connection when I’m being responsive to peoples issues, it’s based in knowledge. Some take it as arrogance, but the issue is that their issue directly relates to the connection, no matter how much they proclaim that it isn’t.
This is the alt-tab crash issue, which I also have some experience of, though not as serious as some of these reports.
Mine almost feels like when I come back from tab, that I’m at a black screen, but at a much lower resolution than usual. The image seems like it’s all low def and screwy, and whilst I’m not locked, I can alt-f4 to close and restart the game and it just runs fine.
It is when it’s alt-tabbed though too.