A reference archive of previously suggested threads related to Maps, Missions & Events. This thread is a document for everyone to see and check before they create a double post on an already discussed idea.
IMPORTANT: If you find something previously suggested/discussed that is not on this list and should be, please PM the Suggestion Moderators and let them know!
To make is easier to find a suggested item, use the Ctrl+F function to quickly locate something!

- “Racing” Gamemode【Suggestion】
- 1000 ton Super Heavy Tank April Fools Event【Suggestion】
- 2v2 Air RB Gamemode【Suggestion】
- Adjusting Score-Based Event Requirements【Suggestion】
- Air Superiority Gamemode【Suggestion】
- Aircraft Carrier Deck Hangar for Naval Aircraft【Suggestion】
- Berlin, 1936【Suggestion】
- Battle at Flå【Suggestion】
- Battle at Gulsvik【Suggestion】
- Bigger Air SB Maps【Suggestion】
- Combined Air Arena Gamemode【Suggestion】
- Cuba, Cold War【Suggestion】
- CV33 vs. Gun Truck Event【Suggestion】
- Enlargement of the Dover Strait Map【Suggestion】
- Escort Mission: “Rescue the Basement Guy™”【Suggestion】
- Extend Vehicle Render Distance Limit in Air Simulator【Suggestion】
- Frozen Pass map for air battles【Suggestion】
- Ground Base Battle “Ground Operations” Gamemode【Suggestion】
- Gulf War【Suggestion】
- Halo Crossover Event【Suggestion】
- Helicopter PvP Gamemode【Suggestion】
- Improving Ways of Obtaining Marks of Distinction During Events【Suggestion】
- Implement User-Made Missions into the Game for a Limited Time【Suggestion】
- Invasion of Bergen【Suggestion】
- Move North Holland [Domination 1]’s A and C Capture Zones【Suggestion】
- New York City - Midtown Manhattan【Suggestion】
- Normandy - High Tide【Suggestion】
- Norway Constitution Day【Suggestion】
- Norwegian-Soviet Border, 1980s【Suggestion】
- Oman Air Force Anniversary Day【Suggestion】
- Pages of History: Edward “Teddy” Sheean【Suggestion】
- Pyrenees SB Enduring Confrontation Variant【Suggestion】
- Replacing the F-104s and Su-7s in the Map Afghanistan【Suggestion】
- Republic of China Air Force Day (814 Day)【Suggestion】
- Sector-based Air RB【Suggestion】
- Sergio Stefanutti Themed Event【Suggestion】
- Single Spawn Ground RB【Suggestion】
- Storfjord Municipality, Norway, 1980s【Suggestion】
- Tactical Air Realistic Gamemode【Suggestion】
- Target Settings in Test Drive/Flight/Sail【Suggestion】
- Top Tier “Gunfighters” Air Event【Suggestion】
- Ugandan-Tanzanian Border【Suggestion】
- Vesseny, Russia【Suggestion】
- Weekly Decal Event【Suggestion】
- WW1 - 1939 Gamemode【Suggestion】