[Alternative history] Berlin. 1936 year

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So, this is my first (and not the last) topic from the “Maps into other historical periods” series, and today we’ll talk about creating a new tank map based on an existing one, namely “Reichstag” (also known as Berlin) in the summer of 1936.


In 1936, the Chancellor of the Third Reich and the Führer of the German people, Adolf Hitler, decided to remilitarize the Rhineland. Initially, he planned to do so in 1937.

Some circumstances, primarily the ratification of the 1935 Franco-Soviet Pact, allowed him to accelerate events. Hitler managed to present his provocation as a defensive initiative against the “encirclement” by hostile states. Among other circumstances influencing Hitler’s decision were the possibility of the French army obtaining better equipment in 1937, the recent fall of the French government and the appointment of a temporary government there, economic problems in Germany requiring foreign policy success to restore the regime’s popularity, and the Italo-Ethiopian War, which disrupted the “Stresa Front.”

On February 12, 1936, Hitler held a meeting attended by Foreign Minister Konstantin Neurat and Special Envoy Joachim von Ribbentrop. The possible reactions of the great powers to the remilitarization of the Rhineland were discussed. Neurat supported remilitarization but insisted on further negotiations, while Ribbentrop insisted on immediate unilateral remilitarization.

At dawn on March 7, 1936, 19 German infantry battalions and several military aircraft were deployed to the Rhineland. They reached the Rhine at 11 a.m., and three battalions crossed to the western bank. After German reconnaissance planes noted the concentration of thousands of French soldiers on the border, General Blomberg implored Hitler to immediately order the troops to withdraw. Hitler asked if the French had crossed the border. Upon receiving the answer that they had not, he assured Blomberg that they would not. Unlike Blomberg, who was very nervous throughout the crisis, Neurat remained very calm and strongly urged Hitler to maintain a tough stance.

General Guderian, during questioning by French officers after the end of World War II, said: “If you, the French, had intervened in the Rhineland in 1936, we would have lost everything, and Hitler’s downfall would have been inevitable.”

Hitler himself said: “48 hours after the march into the Rhineland were the most exhausting in my life. If the French had entered the Rhineland, we would have had to retreat with our tails between our legs. The military resources at our disposal were inadequate even to offer moderate resistance.”


In 1936, after German troops crossed the Rhine, the French cross the border and de facto declare war on the newly formed Reich. Germany quickly suffers defeat, capitulating is not an option for Hitler’s regime, and by June 1936, the battle for Berlin begins. A couple of SS divisions at most, without heavy artillery, defend the city.

Or perhaps the Germans received a beating from the Soviets/Poland/Czechoslovakia. In any case, this occurs before 1941, as heavy strategic bombers, especially large-caliber artillery, and minor incidents such as war crimes and bombings of civilian targets emerge around this time.


How I envision this map. Essentially, the layout should not differ significantly from the original map, but still has significant differences.
Firstly, in this scenario, it is assumed that due to various reasons (rapid advancement of the front, small artillery calibers, limited number of bombers, and moral principles) Berlin was not bombed or shelled, at least not with such intensity.
Trees, buildings, and the Reichstag are relatively intact, and the beautiful architecture and park along with the Victory Column please the eye.


I propose two different variations, as many original positions and shelters no longer exist.

Many photos


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Argumentation, Questions

Well, first of all, why do we need this?

Just because. New high-quality content, maps will always be warmly received by the community. Or do you prefer Pradesh? Red Sands? Absolutely fictional maps without imagination and soul, but not this one.

It didn’t happen, where’s the historical accuracy? Where’s the authenticity?

Our game hasn’t been about historical accuracy for a long time (Panther dying to Leopard on Arctic Base amid the roar of Skyraiders), but even if positioning ourselves as a historical experience, it’s alternative history, which, by the way, is not bad and opens up a lot of new possibilities. Alternative history is a very interesting genre, both within the game’s framework and beyond.

Why is Berlin intact?

There was no storming of the Reichstag and +6 years of intercontinental carnage.

Suggestion: Create and introduce a new map of the Reichstag into the game in year 1936. The map should be available up to BR 3.7. That’s all.

In general, a simple, not multi-tiered and symmetrical layout is just right for the low ranks…

Vote if you’re interested, and you can compare pre-war Berlin with the modern one while I’m writing about Berlin in 1961, with the Berlin Wall, occupation zones, and the incident at Checkpoint Charlie.


I’d actually like to see a 1989 version as well, probably in a different part of Berlin with parts of the wall already torn down to create more openings. Maybe down by checkpoint charlie with the checkpoint itself being the central capture?


Another suggestion would be a Berlin map themed around the Berlin Chisis of 1961. The time when American M48s was facing down USSR T-54s.

This one should probably have focus around the area of Checkpoint Charlie.

There is already a suggestion on the old forum:


Yeah I know. The reason I was suggesting 1989 is because it’d allow for more holes in the wall to pass through rather than being confined to the checkpoints

105mm guns can’t penetrate a concrete fence? I am against the idea of pre-placed “holes in the wall”. Let there be procedure in every fight…

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would be nice to see a version of the berlin map which is not damaged. i still like the old one but would be really nice

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eeeh, why does 1937 look so much better than today?

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Actually, thats a 1928 year

Either way, it looks far more beatiful than todays shithole.

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Restored square and buildings = rehabilitation of Nazism. :/

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I dont know what you mean, but overall what i see on the Top down photos is lots of green and trees.


Approved +1.

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I can definitely say yes without question, same to moving the spawns on the current map to similar locations.

The current Berlin map’s high-resolution area extends out well beyond that tall statue in the distance, yet we aren’t using any of it. Constant complaints about spawn camping, yet moving one spawn behind that distant statue and one spawn behind the Reichstag would fix all of that, would it not?

Of course, it then becomes a question of how dense is the foliage cover to the south? Currently that area is a bunch of burnt-out husks, and parts of map with such dense forest cover are often obnoxious to where you are double-blind - enemy can’t see you and you can’t see anything in front of your face - since snail loves to pack forested sections with exceptional amounts of small bushes and small trees.

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Yes please, more ww2 maps <3

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This is a park, it should not have such thickets as in the jungle.


And yet in Advance to the Rhine with a much smaller park it is still infested with obnoxious amounts of small bushes beneath the trees.

The entire western park area is out of bounds in normal matches there, what I proposed was to have one spawn behind that statue at the west end and one spawn behind the Reichstag. Where the map is mostly open forested ground and the “city” portion is merely an option to travel in, but not the only option.

On such a map, the blue team will always dominate the red team, thanks to the shelters in the city, and the park will be shot at from all positions because there are no shelters.