Air Battles | New Types Of Bases

So at the moment the only way to get rewards for bombing is to destroy convoys, SPAA, Artillery, Pill boxes and what’s mostly targeted, bases. But what if there were more then just one type of large bases to bomb.

Traditional Base Target

  • Bridge Targets

So what if one of the goals in ARB was instead of destroying a base was to instead stop a enemy convoy from being able to advance onto a target.

This would have the same rewards as bombing a base.


  • Yes I would want this in the game.
  • No I would not want this in the game
  • Maybe
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  • Train Targets

So from what I know they used to have train targets you were able to destroy to get some points like killing ground targets but what if it was a bombing target with the same reward?
The train could be put onto a route that would take awhile to reach so it would be a main target for bombers.

This would have the same rewards as bombing a base.


What could also happen is the trains could be changed depending the BR which would make it harder to kill so not any train could be taken out by just a fighters guns.

World War Two German Battle Train

  • Yes I would want this in the game.
  • No I would not want this in the game.
  • Maybe.
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  • Guided Bomb Specific Targets

What if there were targets that defended so you couldn’t get close and were small enough that you could use conventional bombs.
What I’m proposing is to have tactical targets to bomb with Guided bombs and could also open up the possibility of maybe adding bunker busting bombs like the GBU-28 for heavy bunker bombing targets.

This would have the same rewards as bombing a base.

  • Yes I would want this in the game.
  • No I would not want this in the game.
  • Mabye.
0 voters

  • Ship Bombing Targets

So what if they had battleships on the map where you had to take out like bombing targets while getting the same reward as you would bombing a base. This would also open up a new use for torpedo’s on planes and also anti ship missiles in higher BRs. The AA gun effectiveness could also be increased for the target because of the reward increase so it would be harder to bomb the target.

This would have the same rewards as bombing a base.


  • Yes I would want this in the game.
  • No I would not want this in the game
  • Maybe.
0 voters

Great suggestion. Would love all of these.

Another suggestion i’ve seen in the past is a building in a city, surrounded by “friendly” buildings. the idea is you have to be accurate with a GBU to not cause collateral damage


Yeah I feel it would give a real reason to take in GBUs into a battle cause there’s not really a point to use them to take out a base.


Yeah, would add real value to aircraft like the Gr7 in ASB. Or using GBUs on the Tornados


GR7 is the British Phantom no?

Harrier actually.

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Good idea. there are trains and bombable bridges in test drive, would like this in air battles

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We used to have maps with most of these as targets, not as primary bases but we have the baseline for it already in the code somewhere.

As an extension to this having the existing bases be more realistic as well. Instead of the whole thing being a single unit have the different structures be their own entities and in order to destroy a base you need to destroy enough of the key buildings of a base rather than just deplete it’s hit points. This would also help reduce the current rocket spam meta as the scoring would be more emphazised on the amount of explosive delivered to target rather than how many impacts there is as it is currently

Britain’s Harrier 2.

11.7, subsonic with good mix of guided weapons (but no Radar, so tricky to use in SB)


Yes please +1 i want air rb to be more then just a ring arena


SAM sites could be a good way to introduce Wild Wiesel planes such F-4G or F-105G and AIM-45 Shrike
and later AGM-88 HARM …


And for the Tornados as well

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Yes, it was just an example.
Lot of planes ingame can carry anti-radiation missile starting with A-4 Skyhawk …

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First of all, I feel this would immediately spice up air simulator battles. I’ve been wanting something like this for a while. While I think this isn’t a good idea to fully implement in the fast gameplay loop of air RB, having this in the game at all would be a great benefit to CAS enjoyers such as myself, as it means I don’t have to ruin someone else’s game to have fun killing tanks and bases.

(Edit) and as the game already has these targets generally in the maps, (aka bridges, railways) it wouldn’t be too hard to code the AA or add new AI AAA or SAMs to shoot us.


Well it does kind of show with the bridge, it shows you have to take out the supports of the bridge to be able to destroy it. Same with the train, it shows that you need to take out the engine itself to stop the train.

This suggestion is very appealing!
It would add even more immersion to the game mode if it were added to the strategic objectives of not only the current AIR RB and AIR SB, but also any PvE mode that may be implemented in the future!


Well yes, but I was thinking a similar system on the current bases on maps where none of these suggestions would make much sense

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Ah I see.

cities in ww2 go boom so that would be cool

Sound very good, I really hope that comes in the really close future.
+1 air raids? Huge target zone, one side bombers and fighters, other side only fighters? For WW2 era only. Make sense for the bombers.

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