So at the moment the only way to get rewards for bombing is to destroy convoys, SPAA, Artillery, Pill boxes and what’s mostly targeted, bases. But what if there were more then just one type of large bases to bomb.
Traditional Base Target
- Bridge Targets
So what if one of the goals in ARB was instead of destroying a base was to instead stop a enemy convoy from being able to advance onto a target.
This would have the same rewards as bombing a base.
- Yes I would want this in the game.
- No I would not want this in the game
- Maybe
- Train Targets
So from what I know they used to have train targets you were able to destroy to get some points like killing ground targets but what if it was a bombing target with the same reward?
The train could be put onto a route that would take awhile to reach so it would be a main target for bombers.
This would have the same rewards as bombing a base.

What could also happen is the trains could be changed depending the BR which would make it harder to kill so not any train could be taken out by just a fighters guns.
World War Two German Battle Train
- Yes I would want this in the game.
- No I would not want this in the game.
- Maybe.
- Guided Bomb Specific Targets
What if there were targets that defended so you couldn’t get close and were small enough that you could use conventional bombs.
What I’m proposing is to have tactical targets to bomb with Guided bombs and could also open up the possibility of maybe adding bunker busting bombs like the GBU-28 for heavy bunker bombing targets.
This would have the same rewards as bombing a base.
- Yes I would want this in the game.
- No I would not want this in the game.
- Mabye.
- Ship Bombing Targets
So what if they had battleships on the map where you had to take out like bombing targets while getting the same reward as you would bombing a base. This would also open up a new use for torpedo’s on planes and also anti ship missiles in higher BRs. The AA gun effectiveness could also be increased for the target because of the reward increase so it would be harder to bomb the target.
This would have the same rewards as bombing a base.
- Yes I would want this in the game.
- No I would not want this in the game
- Maybe.