Air Realistic, Enduring Confrontation

The current version of Air Realistic is overplayed, dull, and quite frankly boring. The gameplay loop is exactly the same across almost every battle rating, rank, and aircraft, with little to no variation. However, in my opinion, there is a simple solution: Air RB EC.

While Enduring Confrontation exists in the standard matchmaker it is quite poorly executed and doesn’t allow for almost anything that makes EC so unique. Matches are limited to 25 minutes and basically just serve as larger maps for normal realistic. While this is quite beneficial, it suffers due to many seeing the mode as inefficient since it takes a greater amount of time to reach the fight. Yet this is the core problem with Air Realistic, it is the most efficient way to get research points and silver lions, and it also has only 1 core fight.

The basic ARB match boils down to taking off, flying left in jet or climbing in props, meeting the enemy team in the middle, and having a 5 minute scuffle for who will, 90% of the time, win the match. If you’re lucky and survive, you get to either return to base or hunt down the last few stragglers, but if you’re not, you get sent back to the hangar to requeue and repeat the process all over again.

There’s no variety here, you rarely get the chance to actually go against someone one on one, its just a massive furball with no requirements for skill or positioning, and if you’re stock or playing anything other than a dedicated fighter you’re screwed. The excitement of the mode burns out so quickly that it’s never really satisfying to get kills.

Now enter Enduring Confrontation.

This mode holds a lot of unused potential that could really benefit the game. The largest is a complete reimagining of the basic gameplay loop. Instead of just flying left or gaining altitude and waiting to meet people in the middle of the map, you are able to do so much more. You can run attack missions, hunt down interceptors, fly high stakes bombing runs, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. People will naturally spread out and that means you actually have to hunt down your enemies instead of just expecting to meet them in the same exact place. I doubt I am alone in thinking that this game is at it’s best when it’s just you and one other person in a fight for each others life and EC makes almost every dogfight into that, but this also pushes teamwork since flying with a wingman would massively improve your chances of surviving.

There’s also more PvE potential than what’s already in the game: CAS as well as bombing could be greatly expanded to give future and already existing aircrafts more weapons such as Anti-Radiation, Anti-Ship, and even cruise missiles. Bombers could make a comeback in some form by making escort missions. Fighters and Interceptors AI could be improved to allow for more diverse combat. Staged objectives could be introduced where the objective changes as you move through it, such as a new system for bombing airfields that would require you to take out Anti-Aircraft and other stuff, before being able to attack the airfield first. Or similarly, having to take down a carrier strike group before being able to takedown the carrier.

I understand there are people who do enjoy the standard Air Realistic and would hate a mode like this, but there’s also a large group who would like something new, and I think a separate, proper EC mode would be the perfect way to do it.

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Exactly What I want, There can e random missions coming up. This will be awesome actually. players can come and join and leave. Also Players will “Suffer” less and Enjoy more IMO.
This will be like a real battle without the complexity of SIM mode.


Yeah RB EC is very much needed. War Thunder has a lot to gain from it, A LOT. You barely get time to fly your aircraft in top tier Air RB, 16v16 short deathmatch matches are not as enjoyable as an actual dynamic enduring battle.

RB EC is a far better and more enjoyable experience than the current Air RB, specially for fourth gen aircraft.


This is just gonna end up like back then but with more spawns. The majority of folks are gonna J out, and crash since they’re not gonna waste their time spending 35 minutes just to be shot down and respawn. Bombers may enjoy it but most folks wouldn’t.

When the UK/France map was still in the Queue this was precisely what people did. The only difference is you couldn’t respawn but the point still stands most wouldn’t. As an event i can see it being a bit more relaxing compared to Air RB.

RB EC has a lot of potential, much more than the current Air RB. I don’t know why you say people will J out, just look at Simulator mode, nobody J outs just because action is not immediate.


Yes yes yes, with one caveat though. The current RB must stay because it is the best game mode for pure grinding, this game mode can be used for actual fun and playing the game. So as long as both can exist and you can choose which one you want to play than I am all for it.


The whole reason we lost, and still haven’t gotten EC back is because it was too good for grinding.

We aren’t allowed to have fun


Well if it’s best for for grinding that idk… I wasn’t around when it existed lol

Pls gaijoobs gib fun :/

Personally as long as the markers are turned off (IE. Air RB without markers) or only worked on allies in close range, I think it would be good. That might just be the simmer in me talking though, RB kind of hand holds you when it comes to the whole “spotting an enemy” thing, and makes sneak attacks almost impossible because of it.


Like an ASB without SB, while more can be added in
Definitely needed


Cause that is what folks did back then when the UK/France map used to be part of the Queue, people immediately J’ed out every time Gaijin tried to incorporate the said map they would just shrink it and eventually it was just removed from the queue. Mind you this isn’t that far long ago. It’s why I voted no because I honestly think a majority of folks will repeat the same thing, getting annoyed with the long distance needed to travel.

I might consider changing my vote if there was a “Maybe” but this user didn’t add that for some reason. Since there are certainly pros to an Enduring Confrontation however that said, I just don’t see it being a feasible option with the current mind set of WT RB players

+1 RBEC is absolutely needed.


Oh my god YES +1!

This would make radars super important and actually make players pay more attention to them. Then this will make some vehicle more playable aswell.


please gaijim, give us a rbec way


The whole point of RB EC is that it is its own gamemode. Nobody will be forced to play it. That issue you are describing will not happen at all.

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It wouldn’t be in the mix for RB matchmaking. It would just be a separate game mode like how sim is but RB instead


This is honestly why I ditched air RB for air sim.

I’d love air RB getting EC for a more chill, relaxing experience when I lack the focus to do proper sim flying.


That’s why it should be a separate gamemode

So a tiny niche population. Same results->Most will avoid it, so it’s not gonna get any updates. It’s pretty much just a waste of resources that can be focused somewhere else.

I still fail to see what value it brings to Air RB at all.