New Air RB Gamemode: Air Superiority

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I’d like to propose a new gamemode: Air Superiority.

As a basic requirement, each team would be capped to a max size of 8 players. Each player will have 3 respawns, but cannot spawn in the same plane more than twice (similar to Ground RB). This gamemode would primarily be played in 12.7+ (most planes at this BR have guided munitions with decent stand-off capability), on Enduring Confrontation maps only (all of them be made available in this game mode, similar to Air Simulator Battles) and have a 30-40 minute time limit. .

The objective of the mode - like the name suggests - is to obtain air superiority over an airspace. In this gamemode, there will be 3 airspaces to control. Obviously, like Ground RB, players will automatically want to control the 2 airspaces closest to their side of the map and then the majority of matches will occur in the “middle”, so to speak.

But wait, it won’t be that easy.

In every uncaptured and eventually captured point, there will be air defense systems that will automatically fire upon any aircraft approaching and obviously, flying within the capture boundary in an attempt to down them. This is where the folks with a love for seeing their guided munitions make ground fireworks will shine. In order to capture a point and - ahem - gain air superiority players of a team will need to divide their attention to not just the threats in the air (in the opposite team) but also on the ground.

Back to my earlier mention of “eventually captured point” - when a team has captured a point, all the SPAA/SAM systems now identify their team as friendly and as such will not target them. Instead, any foreign/unidentified aircraft (ie enemy aircraft) will be targeted to defend against them.

As to the exact ground units that will faciliate air defence, it can be up to the developers themselves. But, if I may suggest? As it currently stands, I’m aware that there are stationary, multi-part SAM systems in the files and so I would suggest that adding these in (obviously, with slightly nerfed capabilities as it wouldn’t be ideal to face something that could quite literally lock you from spawn down to 50 m and up to 27 000 m) would add in more difficulty - which is sometimes a good thing and only bad if you’re easily frustrated, but don’t worry, players have 2 more lives to try again.

This gamemode is unique - simply killing everyone in the enemy team 3x won’t be enough. You need to complete the objectives (capture neutral/enemy point by occupying and destroying any air defence systems, hold said point against enemy attacks and eventually hold all capture points before the time is up) in addition to everyone else on the other team not being able to spawn anymore.

Please discuss, I think this would bring some variety to Air RB.


I’m sold. Gimme. I need this for top tier :)))


Would be a nice gamemode to actually enjoy the planes in and not just grind

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If this could be extended to low tiers as well, I think it’s +1 for me.

+1 in principle any air RB with respawns is something i support and especially any objective based mode. We really need more objective modes like take and hold style or where one numerically inferior team with a bunch of extra tools defends,etc.

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