Replacing the F-104s and Su-7s in the map Afghanistan

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First context:
The Issue: F-104s and Su-7 being used in the enduring confrontation map Afghanistan
Why it’s an issue: The reasons are as follows:

  1. Although the Su-7 had seen use by the Afghanistan Air force, The F-104 at no point had been deployed in the region during its service history.
  2. There is already a MASSIVE disparity in speed between the Su-7 and the F-104 making the objective of shooting them down SIGNIFICANTLY easier for one side than the other.
  3. There are two alternative aircraft recently added that both have historical precedent for being used over Afghanistan that are actual attackers, unlike the F-104.
  4. due to the difficulty vs payoff, the F-104s often end up ignored entirely during the match due to better paying targets for less effort.
    My proposed solution:
    Replace the F-104 and Su-7 with the A-10 and Su-25 respectively.
    Both the A-10 and Su-25 were used over afghanistan, increasing historical accuracy of the map, if even just slightly.
    While both are significantly easier to catch, The disparity in speed is much smaller
    Both, if the AI is properly programmed, are better suited to the ground attack role and can failing to intercept them, can allow them to do significantly more damage in other objectives, such as attacking ground targets on the map that are trying to capture a point, leading to more incentive to play the objective against them all around.
    Even without they can still do damage and are a more realistic plane to have all around.
    (Please note I will happily edit my suggestion if permitted in response to polite constructive criticism.)
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They… fly in straight lines the only time speed matters is if they’re off in neverland, you wouldn’t catch them anyways.

Overall pretty alright proposal but that doesn’t really make sense to me.