Frozen Pass map for air battles

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The map “Frozen Pass” is one of the most emblematic maps of the game on which all low Br tank players have at least played several games.

The map is very well detailed (many villages are modeled as well as roads and a railway) and has significant relief with high mountains spaced by wide valleys. According to the screenshot below, we can estimate its size as a square with sides of 65km.


Capture d'écran 2024-11-23 183003

So I propose adding this map as a map that can be played in air battles, it would offer a new game environment (there are only two maps featuring snowy mountains in the game and these focus on the plains rather than the mountainous part + they are only accessible in arcade mode).

Arcade Battles:
Each team’s spawns could be located above the valley in which tank battles usually take place, it is a restricted area in which the objectives of the game mode can be placed.

Realistic Battles:
For low Br realistic battles, the size of the map would be sufficient, the airfields placed on each side of it would allow planes to climb above the battlefield to fight in a superb setting.
For high Br battles, the map size should be changed to match players’ expectations and allow planes to use their full potential, enlarging the map to make it a 131km square would be ideal (similar to other recently added maps)

Simulator battles:
For simulator battles, a 131km side version of this map would be ideal as mentioned above, this map would be a real renewal for the mode because so far, the only truly mountainous maps are Afghanistan and Rocky Canyon. In addition, the incredible topography of this map would allow for many interesting gameplay phases.

Pro :

  • A new map for air battles
  • A new type of environment in realistic and simulator battles
  • A map already exists, no need to create a new one

Con :

  • Need to enlarge the map for realistic and simulator battles
  • Modification of the relief in certain places to allow the installation of an aerodrome

Tell me what you think about it


100% we need new maps for air with terrain, although I am a bit worried about how bad this could be in full day time with the sun


Great suggestion, for once it would be map with sharp mountains but still enough space in between them to maneuver in a pleasant way.

and also it’s cool having big bridges like that to fly through

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One major issue I can see:

This map has every objective and incentive for everyone to fly into a very narrow lane/bowl in the middle while there’s nothing that would encourage players to spread out.

Now, this is an issue with nearly all existing ARB maps already but if we’re introducing a new map to ARB, we should try and resolve that issue somehow.

Having everyone fight in a 2x2 square in the middle kind of wastes the rest of the map and creates a false illusion of size.

That 2x2 square, given 1 square is 6.5 km… would give us an effective battlefield of 13 x 13 kilometres - far too small for even a prop tier 16v16 outside of like BRs 1-3.

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This is one of the possible problems, however to integrate this map into simulation it would be necessary to change its size, which would allow to integrate different valleys to disperse the combat

Such a beautiful map, would be a shame if we did not make an air map for it