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Hello everyone I randomly thought of fun idea of new gamemode that would be nice to add to war thunder. Open to any feedback :).
I over explain a lot but to summarize this post just read the Ground Operations paragraph. Scroll down further for an in depth explanation. I got a ton of more Ideas for other major game gamemodes. If this goes well maybe Ill write up more suggestions. This took me a couple hours to make.
I present you…
Ground Operations (EC like spawn)
The overall design of this gamemode is to make ground battles dynamic, engaging and larger scale. The goal of this gamemode is to provide a mode where you can play anything with light restrictions and fully utilize almost everything in war thunder for maximum fun. Also nukes are disabled cause I believe this should be a slug fest and teamwork focused.
I believe these matches should last at least 30min. This can be something fresh instead of short matches we are used to every day. I even considered community issues people complain about in this gamemode. One death leavers will be a thing of the past cause they can spawn whatever they want at the cost of their SL. No more booster curses cause you can have multiple chances instead of bad luck hitting you at Mach 1. CAS is not too close so it takes time to get to the battlefield and a risk to use. Air battles somewhere in the sky with no markers will be really awesome. I see this as everything in one kind of gamemode think of it as a “premier” gamemode . Something that can be showcased and a reason to play WT even more.
Lets start with a playable ground area maybe 6km x 6km or 1.5x to 2x the size of large maps that are already in matchmaking. This gamemode will have 2 possible winning conditions. Either bleed them dry by tickets or completely take out the firebase. The firebase will contain critical structures that can drastically change the fight and when all critical structures are destroyed the HQ is open to be damaged.
Refer to image below for explanation how this works (not to scale)
Let’s break down my terrible piece of art.
Let’s start with the firebase (giant blue square). This will be a giant area where your ground vehicles will spawn. Additionally it will contain critical structures to keep the base safe and running at 100%.
Critical Structures of the Firebase:
All structures can be repaired by the player. Maybe a similar system when repairing other players. More players repairing = faster repair time.
Solid orange circles = AI defense generators:
This will power the long range SAMs and CIWSs that protect the base. Only 1 generator is required to run the system.
Blue square with gray border = SAM and CIWS system (can be spread out evenly though out area):
This is one of the main ways to balance against CAS spam. SAMs to go for planes or ballistic / cruise missiles at long range (kill zone range of 25km and below) and CIWS to intercept any missile, glide bombs, low flying aircraft or HE/HEAT shells from a tank/spg. TIP: This can be oversaturated with a ton of risky team work ;)
Black circle with gray border = Fuel Depot:
This is the critical structure for helicopters and planes. When destroyed it will give a penalty spawn timer for aircraft. (30-60sec spawn maybe?)
Blue circle with gray border = Motor Pool
This is a critical structure for all ground vehicles. When destroyed it will give a penalty spawn timer for ground vehicles. (30-60sec spawn maybe?)
Within the square, spread out randomly or on the perimeter it will contain a backup defensive vehicles. AI ATGM carriers and AI SPAA (non SAM). The purpose of this is to both deter instant base rushers or spawn campers. Also is a back up defense system incase the generators are destroyed.
Now let’s break down the purple with gray borders and solid gray squares.
These 2 squares support capture points with a special twist!
Solid gray square = MLRS/Artillery (HE and Smoke) support.
Purple square with gray border = Ballistic / Cruise missile site that can fire either HE or cluster.
So how does this work?
So when captured, a player can call in the support strike to any part of the map, however this can be intercepted by CIWS if aimed directly at the firebase. To balance capturing the support point. Instead of first person in the circle getting it. How about a random generated mini game? Something like helldivers 2. Gives everyone a chance to capture even if they are seconds late.
Next is the tiered capture points (T-1, T-2, T-3)
So this is a way to balance CAS weapons. Also these can be taken over by the enemy team. (tickets will not bleed if they get captured or uncaptured ) Additionally these capture points can be temporarily disabled if damaged enough (tank HE, arty, bombs…etc).
Here is how it works.
If none are captured, only ground vehicles are available.
T-1 = Heli and Plane spawn:
This will make helis available but they can only carry bombs or unguided rockets. This can also spawn any plane BUT they can only have guns, IR missiles (IRCCM included) and SARH missiles.
T-2 = Dumb munitions
This will unlock all dumb munitions for planes. From rocket pods to snake eyes.
T-3 = Smart munitions
The rest of the munitions for planes will be unlocked. FOX-3s, AGMs, Glide bombs and more… pretty much the entire sink
Capture point (A,B,C)
Last one is the basic 3 capture that people can fight over to trigger ticket bleed.
Now here are more details on balancing everything from structures to CAS.
- CAS should spawn 40 km away from the battlefield either take off from airfield or spawned far away.
My reason for this is to have the pilot a chance to plan where to go, not get sniped by a pantsir and give ground forces a break from revenge bombing.
- Survivability onion.
The base defense should work in layers.
SAM sites = <25km range :
Extra note: To balance this a bit more the SAM can only lock on a plane that is higher than 1.5km
So my reason for this is to give both the pilot and ground force a chance. Since smart weapons can lock onto a vehicle around 20km. The pilot can play chicken with a SAM in order to launch a munition at something. Also gives a purpose of people that can fly low and fast to take out something.
CIWS sites = <2-3km range:
My reason for this choice is to give a protective bubble for both the players and the base. No more long range AGMs from orbit to spawn camp.
AI ATGM/ AT Guns and SPAAGs = 1.5km:
This is the final defensive line against everything else and can provide some kind of protection so the losing team has a fighting chance to rebuild.
- Structure / AI repair:
I think this should take a maximum of 3-5mins but if people work as a team it can be heavily reduced. The award for this should be 1.5-2x amount of SL and RP the normal amount for capturing a point since it takes time. And is a good incentive to work together and play the actual objective.
- CIWS protection:
The CIWS should function realistically and intercept incoming ordinance or low flying aircraft. This will provide early to mid game CAS spam protection.
- Slight CAS restrictions:
Too many people complain about CAS in a game about combined arms so here is a solution for this issue. The player can pick any aircraft to launch(if they have enough tiered capture points). They can land, repair, rearm and switch ordinance with no consequence however, If the plane gets shot down all planes of the player will be locked for 3-5 mins. Planes with air to air loadouts will be separate 1min cooldown. This is designed to curb CAS spam a slight bit and let people grind planes with no markers ;) . This gives a risk / reward scenario. Helis will have the same mechanic but separate from the plane spawn lock.
- Support Capture Point restrictions and cool down:
This can be very powerful and I am sure a bunch of players will want to use it or camp it. The best way to balance this after it gets captured it is to lock them out of the support structure for 6 mins but the cool down for the support structure itself is 4 mins.
Additional Ideas:
A gamemode like this gives an opening for support vehicles. Think of this… driving a Humvee around and able to quickly repair structures, build additional structures faster, paint targets with a laser or providing coordinates for CAS, provide additional support for other tanks and increased base capture speed.
A fun addition if you want more chaos are buildable structures. Ability to build recoilless nests, AT Guns, land mines, tank traps, AI SHORAD(MANPADS and CIWS included), shared ammo cache and much more! We probably have a majority of the assets of these made already. Have an SP system just for building. Start off with a base amount. To increase it maybe add a (small flat rate x Capture Points) + objectives/kills.
Chaos mode: DEFCON… same layout but only one capture point. Hold it for a total of 15min (3min to capture it then timer starts adding up) The team that hits the 15min mark gets to call in a plane with a nuke. Here is the catch. The capture point is permanently locked. Now it becomes a game of attack and defend. It will be complete free for all to spawn the plane with a nuke (Similar to ground arcade CAS) only 1 at a time with 30sec cool down. 5min expiration timer to kick someone if they try to be passive. If 1 nuke detonates on top of the enemy firebase the team wins instantly (nuke is programmed to detonate in a certain area only. If it misses it becomes a dud). The other team has to prevent the nuke going off and defend their zone for 10mins if successful they win.
If the map is too big or players have left, maybe AI tanks (just use the ones from ground assault arcade) spawn for each team to attempt to capture points A,B or C. Or have a player hire AI companions (uses the same point system for buildable structures).
That is everything! In my opinion a gamemode like this would benefit WT a ton cause it adds a more dynamic engaging multiplayer experience and HOPEFULLY it incentivizes more ways for teams to work together.