DCS inspired PvE mode for air battles

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A small team of players (4-6) have to choose the best loadout for the mission that’s generated, from SEAD/DEAD to taking out convoys to air interception. There will also be enemy aircraft that patrols the AO and will be alerted to the destruction of their friendly units.

Players start out in a briefing screen outlining the tasks/mission as well as what enemies will be encountered, it will detail where the enemy targets are on the map (in modes like SB and some RB variants only the grid zone will be marked). It will also detail the strength of enemy air patrols.

Once the player has a good understanding of the mission they can press “next”, this will take them to a loadout screen where they can customise what they will bring for this mission, all weapons will be available for their aircraft so it will be up to them to choose an arrangement best suited for the task.

Once they are happy with their selection they can then press the “I’m Ready” button, after all players have pressed this button, there will be a short timer and then the mission will begin.

All players spawn on the runway of a forward airfield and will have a short to medium length flight (depending on BR) to locate targets and come up with a plan of action, to go as a team, a duo or solo.


I am eagerly awaiting such a game mode!
I am sure that new generations of aircraft will emerge in the future, but it will be very boring to fight with the current AirRB forever.

Implementing a vast map like DCS and being able to run air operations comparable to DCS would create a large non-PvP market for WarThunder.


PvE game modes are a nice and necessary departure from PvP play. I think PvE modes that properly reward players would really help the mental health of the overall community. Players need a break from competition every once in a while.


I see many problems with the current AirRB.

  1. the game mode itself is old and boring.

Taking off from an airfield aligned with each other is boring because it is totally unrealistic and nothing interesting.

  1. there is no place for attack planes and bombers.

In the current AirRB, only fighters dominate the skies and there is little room for attack planes and bombers.
Even if they barely survive, they usually do not have enough time to earn points.

  1. immediately after the sale, the number of premium aircraft increases too much and players’ skill matching becomes unbalanced.

From BR 11.0 to 12.3, the battlefield becomes chaotic because even players just starting out in WarThunder can purchase the highest ranked aircraft.

I think these three in particular are the problems with Air RB.

If a fun PvE mode is implemented, attack planes and bombers will be able to play alongside fighters, and beginners who are not good at PvP, veteran players who are tired of PvP and do not want PvP, veteran players who have purchased premium aircraft, and new players who have purchased premium aircraft will I believe this will allow people to enjoy WarThunder more and increase sales of content and premium aircraft.

I would like to see this DCS mode added while keeping the existing game modes.


I play IL2 and Strike Fighters, I’ve played also air-RB here and I stopped because of all reasons explained by Maccya00. This kind of battles are needed in ground RB too. I use my high levels tanks on single battles offered by modders; it’s something immersive and far away from post stamp size maps battles offered in ground RB.


I like the current Helo PvE mode. Its a bit too large for the Afganistan map. But anyway a good start of PvE modes.
And the earning are not bad either. Its rewarding enough.
I would prefer the PvE to be Sim Mode.


I think a lot of players would enjoy it if there were both RB and SIM modes.


WarThunder has ground units and ships such as M113 APCs, transport trucks, and large tankers (these units can be found in AirRB AirSB Heli PvE).

These units would provide a more immersive game mode.


I love this suggestion it adds so much to the game but I’m saying this as a sweedish main so maybe I need a second tree for this one and my 4 mavericks ajs but this also allow bombers to run Mission like there meant to with support or fast and high not having to worry about the premium a5 that’s targeting them like a chimp


Any kind of PVE mode is welcome. I can’t always play competitively. Some dynamic singleplayer/squad campain would be nice too.


Now that the F-15 and Su-27 are almost certain to arrive
Will Gaijin stick with rotten PvP?
Improve PvP mode while implementing a strategic PvE mode to attract new users?
Gaijin have a choice to make.

And Gaijin should improve the AI brains in aircraft so that the AI can use countermeasures when anti-aircraft missiles approach from a range visible to the pilot.


Helicopter PvE mode has proven that there is a certain demand for PvE mode.
And here we have players clamoring for the implementation of an aircraft PvE mode!
It is Gaijin’s sin to continue to ignore this voice‼


It’s a money issue. PVP mode is far more lucrative than PVE; everything is done here to please console players coming from “quick games” like COD for example, by downsizing and simplifying maps (among other tricks).
I’m using IL2 and Strike Fighters, but I’m clearly not the target customer for Gaijin, and I guess I’m not the only one.
I’m tired of those PVP “circus” battles, it’s why I stopped to play aircrafts some three years ago, I keep playing tanks, and I use my high Br ones only in custom battles, these showing how WT could be, very far away from the current PVP battles.
WT is stuck to this mode and, is very unlikely to change because thats means good money!

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I agree, its a money issue. That why Activsion got rid of DMZ in the new CoD III as it was free to play and designed for PvE. What is left over are the single player campaign and PvP arenas. That why CoD is history for me. I hate PvP stuff generally. Thats why I don’t like WT AB and RB in general. To complete missions in AirSB is much better.

But like in DCS, the AI planes are not realistic. Every time to dogfight a Bf109 AI in DCS the guy can go vertical for a prologned time and your Spit or P51 will stall. WT is with its F86K which you cannot keep pace at Mach 1.15 in your Kfir is such unrealistic - one could cry.

GJ would have to do too much time investment into Sim mode to fix all of it. Thats devs time which they rather stick into new cashcows, premium stuff and others.


We know Gaijin is not a non-profit organization.
But I can no longer bear to continue this painful and joyless struggle…

What I have in mind is a combined PVE battle. Where players can choose from tanks, helis and jets to perform different kinds of missions, offensive amd defensive.

We already have functional AI convoys seen in air battles and heli PVE, and as far as I know AI jets can dog fight, shoots IR missiles at whatever it locks on and drop dumb bombs at ground targets. The horde of tanks marching to a destination and shoot everything they see along the way in ground assault mode can play an offensive role as well. The heli PVE maps we have now are perfect, where helis and ground vehicles can have forward spawn as grid squares are captured and jets have several airfields behind for spawn, repair and rearm.

These are things already exist in the current game and I don’t see too much difficulty in putting them together. I guess Gaijin just don’t see it printing money is all.


This game mode would be nice.
I hope the AI overhaul comes soon to make this mode plausible.


This is very much needed. Current Air RB 16v16 furball clusterfucks are not compatible with fourth gen aircraft


Also with this system of PVP totaly on line, is somebody have imagined the issue if WT desappear? Nothing will remain on our computers, whatever money spended, except some screenshots!
For example, Strike Fighters stopped in 2013, but you still have something left on your computer to play, and modders community always producing new stuff, keeping the product alive.

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I think we should give WWII attack planes and bombers a place to play their due role with PvE mode.

COIN aircraft such as the OV-10 in post-war aircraft.

Although unlikely, if large strategic bombers are implemented in WarThunder, it would be good to have such a PvE mode available for modification and research.

(B-52, B-1, B-2, Tu-95, etc.)

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