Note: If a thread does not pass the approval process, it’s up to the poster to contact the Suggestion Moderation team for further details and if requested a copy. We are more then happy to assist where needed.
Updated the rules: 08-03-2025
General Rules:
When submitting a suggestion, there are some basic rules to comply with. By following them, you can easily get your point across and improve the overall structure of your suggestion:
1) Clearly title your suggestion
Having a title such as “Some suggestions” doesn’t tell us, or anyone else, clearly what your idea is. Please aim to be as specific as possible.
2) Write your suggestion in English
All suggestions and replies to suggestions must be written in English or include an english translation so everyone can understand you. If you’re not that good with English, write to the best of your abilities or use machine translations and include your native language.
3) Include as much information as possible
When making a suggestion, it’s best to explain your idea and show it to everyone. Stating that you would like “This” or “That” without justification or explanation doesn’t really help anyone. Think of it like pitching an idea, you want to win people over, not make a statement. Please don’t submit suggestions that don’t contain any information as that is not much use and isn’t really presentable to anyone.
4) Always include a picture
When relevant, always try to include images, especially for vehicles. Letting people see what you’re talking about helps immensely. It also adds to presentation value.
5) Stay opinion free
Suggestions are for constructive and beneficial ideas and additions, not for raging and ranting over existing or suggested content. Any instance of ranting/raging will not be tolerated.
6) Include a poll in your suggestion
Having a poll as part of your suggestion allows fellow users to quickly and easily show support for your idea. Besides the obvious convenience for other users, it also provides a good general overview of the support your idea garners over time.
7) Create polls that don’t include a “Negative” or “No” answer
While polls offer a good and simple way for individuals to quickly express their stance on a subject, without having to elaborate it in detail, there are ways to manipulate polls to always show a desired result. To avoid having an unfair voting system, make sure to always include a negative option to a question so that it’s fair and unbiased.
8) Submit a new thread on an existing topic
If someone before you has already submitted the same idea you have, please refrain from posting your version of the idea in a separate thread. Instead, use the existing thread to share your thoughts and opinions with others there. This way, we can avoid having several discussions on the same subject in multiple places. Please look at the correct list before starting a new suggestion.
9) Suggestions should contain only 1 proposal per thread
When submitting any type of suggestion, refrain from combining multiple different ideas into a single suggestion. Doing so can cause issues when only a single part of your suggestion is implemented. For example, a single suggestion is created for spawn point changes and map rotation changes. However only one of the two ideas ends up being implemented, this now has created the issue of either moving the suggestion to implemented and blocking off the second part of the suggestion from being resuggested or leaving it open while it still is already partially implemented. To prevent issues like this from happening please break up your ideas in individual suggestions. For vehicles, what can be combined as a Family suggestion or will be considered a Bundle please look here. (Link)
10) Include the nation you want your suggestion to go to in the title
When submitting a vehicle/sub-tree suggestion, be sure to refrain from adding your preferred implementation nation in the title. While we welcome all poll options, adding it to your title only makes it appear to be the sole option. To prevent any unnecessary off-topic arguements any title that contains such preferences will be edited to remove them.
11) Change your tags after your suggestion has been approved
While it’s possible for a user to change their tags after a suggestion has been approved, doing so breaks multiple sorting methods that are being used in the suggestion section. Any suggestion that after approval has the national tags changed to another nation will be removed. If you want a tag changed or name corrected please PM one of the Suggestion Moderators instead.
Please Do NOT :
Naturally, there are also a few things you should try to avoid at all times. Those things are the following:
Submit a suggestion more than once
Suggestions have to be reviewed and approved. This takes time, so please don’t double post a suggestion because you thought you didn’t post it or it was removed. You can see your pending suggestions under your profile > Activity > Pending.
Create suggestions regarding individual Battle Ratings, Ranking, Current Vehicle/Crew/Repair/Modification/Ammo Costs
All of these figures are carefully calculated by taking into account many different parameters. Should significant changes to these figures be made, developers usually ask for feedback in the respective official topic, share your ideas on these matters there. For overhauls please read the Economy rules (Link).
Create “bump” posts in existing suggestions
When replying to an existing suggestion, post only relevant content that is directly contributing to its discussion. Posting “bump”, “up” or similar useless posts, with the sole intention of giving the thread more exposure by getting it to the first page, is considered as spam and is not allowed.
Copy-Paste entire sections from 3rd party websites for use in your suggestion
While we welcome a copy-paste for things like vehicle specs, please do not simply copy-paste entire 3rd party pages (e.g. various wikis and encyclopedias) as this is not only seen as taking little interest in your own suggestion, but is also considered as plain plagiarism.
Submit a suggestion for theoretical / “paper” / fictional vehicles
War Thunder is a game about military vehicles, ranging from well-known to obscure experimental vehicles and unfinished prototypes. One thing all these vehicles have in common however, is that they existed “in flesh” in some form. As fictional and blueprint vehicles only existed on paper, thus contradicting the authenticity of real vehicles present in the game, submitting a suggestion on one such vehicle will not be approved. (Link)
Submit suggestions related to internationally recognized extremists organizations
While War Thunder is a game about military vehicles, suggestions for content that are related to these groups won’t be accepted under any circumstance.
IMPORTANT: Any new suggestion thread that does not follow the above rules will not be approved.