Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Thanks for your input!

I’ll give TWS another try, I’m just a little apprehensive about adding yet more keybinds when I’ve already pretty much hit my limit.

Yes I agree that Magic 2’s are amazing.

TWS or just normal PD HDN instead of PDV has always been far more consistent to me. There’s some scenarios it struggles with since within 5km the radar is near worthless because of the dead zone, but I just always make sure to have all of my radar functions and setting switches bound to change them on the fly for the situation. Or disable them entirely, such as TWS slaving Magic locks to the wrong target.

Never mind, I was able to get PD working over PDV and the experience was much better, thank you!

Strange, before I deploy to battle I select PD HDN as the radar mode but once in-match it puts me in PDV HDN. I have a binding to switch between radar modes but just PD HDN isn’t an option. I also checked my ACM modes and changed the box size and position just in case, but it’s not there.

I’ll give TWS a try regardless, I’ll probably need to bind a key for centering the radar as the most frustrating thing is having the radar slew to 30 degrees port or starboard and I can’t lock whatever is in front of me.

You can disable slaving magics to the radar? It’s also lost me kills on a couple of occasions where the radar is pointing at chaff or another target and I want to quick launch a magic at someone.

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Good luck, there ain’t one. Here is my futile attempt to add one (there are also a bunch of suggestions filed for this somewhere).

The problem is that the radar scan zone azimuth control is an axis, but is not configured the best way.

The axis is not the position of the scan zone in azimuth, but the speed of movement of that zone. So if you have relative control on and quickly tap and release to move it right, it will start moving right at a constant speed, even though you are no longer pressing the key, because the axis controls the speed of that movement, and not the position of the scan zone.

This means you have to turn off relative control. But now the “center axis” (or whatever it is called) does not do anything useful, because the axis it centers is the speed axis, which already is centered when you are not pressing anything (basically, it does nothing).

On top of lack of centering, you now also can’t control the speed at which you move the scan zone. Moreover, these issue also apply to scan zone (manual) elevation controls.

There are workarounds on some planes for centering. If you have an IRST, you can quickly switch to IRST and back to Radar, this will center the scan zone (might not work on all IRST equipped planes, I have tried most, but not all).
You might be able to reset the scan zone by switching to different modes (PD, PDV), or by switching in and out of TWS. I don’t remember if this works, as I have all the radar axis controls on manual.

But as you can see, these are all crutches and we really need just a fix. Ideally, NOT a keybind to center the scan zone, but just making the axis control the position, instead of velocity.
I know you are a forum mod and not a tech mod, but if the power to forward this bug/suggestion, I would love for you to wield it, among many others (or maybe message some tech modes if possible). I can update the bug report if need be.

No, we don’t have the ability to turn off seeker slaving. Therefore, if you are about to launch an IR missile, like Magic, you need to not be locking anyone or not be in TWS, then the radar has no target “track” selected so it won’t slave your missile.

Ideally, turn off your radar completely whenever you are not using it. This will both help you avoid Magics being accidentally slaved to something random and not reveal your presence to the enemy on their RWR.

Although, If the enemy is flaring and knows about you already, you could lock them up. That way, your Magic will be slaved onto them, but will not follow after each flare, so you can launch at the actual target without the hassle of having to relock your Magic onto them (this will not help it ignore flares after launch, only before launch).

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Thanks for your input. As you correctly pointed out, I’m a forum moderator so my reach/influence is very limited with regards to changes to game mechanics etc.

I cannot make promises, but I’ll try to speak to a tech mod to understand where things are and what (if anything) needs to be done to make the quality of life changes you’ve suggested. In my personal opinion, your points are all reasonable and make sense, so I don’t see any harm in pursuing this.

I should be really clear that this would be my own pursuit of having these changes implemented and I in no way am acting on behalf of anyone else or Gaijin.


Right, so further to my last I reached out internally and was able to get a hold of a suggestion moderator. Your post was rejected as the behaviour you were reporting is not a bug. Since you want behaviour to be different, what needs to be posted is a suggestion.

There are guidelines for how a suggestion should be forwarded here.

Once you submit the suggestion, please highlight it here and I’m sure myself and others here will endorse it, as suggestions get forwarded based on community interest/support.

If you still have questions on the process, please drop me or a suggestion moderator a PM and we can try and figure it out.

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Hi, I made a bug report about the absence of Mk-82 EP on the 2000D RMV some time ago and it has just been updated as “implemented”, however I don’t see it in game, is it a bug that comes from my game ?

Mirage 2000D RMV, missing Mk82-EP bombs // Gaijin.net // Issues

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They often say fixed or implemented if it is something coming down the pipeline.

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Mirage 2000-5F HMD activation boundary/gap too wide


@Gunjob @WaretaGarasu Would appreciate if you could take a look.

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Scorpion HMD shouldn’t be negatively affected by NVG


Incorrect depiction of RDM radar (RDM is an LPRF radar, not an HPRF radar)

Thomson-CSF RDI radar underperforming (Incorrect HPRF minimum range)

Mirage F1 (Cyrano IV) missing EEGS gun sight


Mirage F1 (Cyrano IV) missing EEGS gun sight (Update)

Finally found an unrestricted open-source document.


If they also add the 300 chaff to the mirage 4K… it would be one of the better 13.0s

Might be but I feel the missiles (radar ones) sucks the most.

Sorry that is not my field

I haven’t forgotten about the Mirage 2000’s. What’s currently being worked on for this aircraft:

  • Low speed stabilized flight at 100 knots
  • Increased weight and reduced fuel for two-seat versions
  • Radar range scale
  • Selectable fire rate of of 3600 or 2200
  • Landing run
  • Super 530F range performance
  • Military power above 600 knots even with heavy load at low altitude
  • 8 TWS track
  • Climb rate
  • Super 530s under fuselage

First time hearing of this one. Any pictures or just docs?

Mirage F1 (Cyrano IV) missing EEGS gun sight (Update#2)

Found another unrestricted open-source document.


Why does the RMV in sim have BR 12.7? It has no radar and only two Magic2s.

It has perfect 24/7 IFF without any EM emissions, an HMD at a BR where almost nobody has an HMD, top tier missiles, a competitive FM, and great ground ordinance. It is wholly deserving of its BR.

For the record, A-10C should be raised to 12.3 at least for much the same reasons (minus the FM).

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