German Aviation Perspective (List of aircraft)

Added some pics

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Thank you

Those were planned for the alpha jet ice, an upgrade that was never performed. The alpha jet doesn’t get any guided A2G irl.

We could receive the Portuguese variant (or any other German export) as a premium, just like Italy received its Portuguese Gina. Gina R/4 also needs a successor.

However, Dornier carried out some tests with different versions of guided weapons, developed in-house. So it would not be a compromise to improve the CAS capability of the Alpha Jet, taking into account that Germany needs a good CAS in the medium ranges.

could You share imagines or proofs that prove this?

Most likely it will be like the Su-25, first an early version and then a later version. But I hope they add Pampa to this list)

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ah yeah i know this one. It could work in arb, but in grb it won’t do much since it is gps guided.

some more pics


Apparently, the eloka systems (EloKa-Anlage), including the ECM mod, were installed in the rear cabin.

However, in the teaser we can see both pilots in their places (from their clothes, they look like Adolf Galland and Hans Rudel lol).

Perhaps, as Fleks says, later we will see a second version with C20 engines, ECM, double pylons and perhaps some type of air-to-ground guided weaponry. In this case, Abstandsdispenser would be cool, something unique, self-developed and could be used on the Tornado as well.

I’m going to be more emphatic here. Germany should have all possible versions of its main local developments, including some foreign versions. Mainly those that, during the 80s, were the main aircraft in service in the LW (Alpha Jet and Tornado).
I see AJ in the teaser and I still have a hard time believing how we didn’t get him sooner…


F-16 for Germany!


oh i thought they initaly only wanted to sign the thing end of april, seems like they did it earlier, good news certainly

@_Fleks sorry for the tag, but according to this new statements about suggestions what vehicles from this list can be added or suggested for the German TT under this new statements

That’s all right. If we’re talking about Germany, then everything has a tag: “Tested/Evaluated” and “Participated in development”.

Everything else, as I understand it, does not fit, but I will leave as an example what could be in Irl

As for other nations, as I understand it, the developers will proceed from the logic of where it is from, an example from leaks: The vehicle - “Leopard 2A4M CAN” will end up in Germany, because the nation is not represented in a separate country, and the equipment comes from Germany and so further

Thanks alot. your topic is amazing and will help alot in expanding the German air TT and thanks to the new statements we can still compete with others bc of the tested and evaluated vehicles listed here


Surely these will help German air power if they are added
but I think we should add Poland

a bit flimsy but yes

Was it built on a German MiG-29 or is it a Russian one that was offered?