Good try to make a comparison, but you are missing key variables that make the comparison viable to argue correctly
irrelevant, the point is that RP requirements in the game have increased drastically, this is what the TT looked like when you were making the same amount of RP.

The RP is already in favor of the 2024 match because of the match duration, had the match been 13 minutes the RP would have been even less, yet despite the increased match duration and increase in assists it’s lower.
RP would need to triple, quadruple and it still would not come close to matching the experience from 2014.
The 6 percent helps everyone that wants to play Germany (since you used that as an example), and the top tier vehicles are new additions so of course they are going to add to it. It didn’t negate the 6% change for the rest of the tree, that still improved.
6% is a joke, it lasted a few months before the total amount of RP required was identical to the situation before August… the largest amount of negative reviews any company has ever received and since then only beaten by massive games like Overwatch and now recently Helldivers ll… and all we got was a temporary 6% decrease?
And this isn’t counting the RP added from helicopters which is now a burden for ground forces, that amounts to 1.7m RP, which meant an increase of 15% compared to before.
Stuff like this added 500k RP to my grind, the 6% is only in the case of Germany.

Not to mention the foldering of vehicles was done in such a way that the newer vehicles were placed in front of the older vehicles, increasing the likelyhood that you could not speed up progression and not benefit from the RP reduction at the same time.
All my TTs have this now, still have to grind out the tree and no RP reduction.

The F-16 clip is an outlyer and not at all the norm
It can easily be repeated, it shouldn’t be possible to delete half the enemy team in 5 seconds, also that F-16 is flying around 4 minutes after the start of the game, fully loaded, and went on to kill many more than those initial ones.
I don’t see CAS as a problem as there are counters for everything at every level.
There’s isn’t, SPAA is hardly a counter in most cases to begin with, and fighters are not a valid argument.
No matter what you do spawn killing will happen.
So? Which means nothing should be done?
Being spawncamped because the enemy was able to push into your spawn is not the same thing as being spawncamped because you spawn out in a field with zero cover and someone from across the map is able to kill you without having to be near your spawn.