My suggestion has been wiped from pending without so much as a reason why

you’d think whoever is in charge of the pending posts would show a bit of decency and explain why it’s not approved instead of just swiping left

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You have to message a mod and ask them why your suggestion wasn’t approved. I also think them gatekeeping the suggestions forum is annoying and not worth submitting. Make sure its not a duplicate and let it go through. One time they told me i didnt put enough detail in my suggestion. I spent 30 to 40 min writing it out and adding as much as i could find. The only things i didn’t include was how to program and model the addition to the game. Its suppose to be a suggestion not an instruction manual.

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I put a crap ton of videos to support my suggestion, not my fault their forum stuffed up the links and turned them into images

yea ive submitted 5 different things, nothing was approved to be on the forum. At this point its just not worth it to put the effort in. Go the the Machinery of war discussion and just post it there. Its a wast of time to do anything with the suggestion part of the forum

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Thanks, I’ll give that a shot :)

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In the suggestions Rules/Guidelines (1st line) it’s up to the OP of the suggestion to reach out to a suggestion moderator in DM’s to inquiry about the status on their suggestion or why it has been denied.

To me it seems to just distance the poster from the forums, it’s cold and unfriendly

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no its just so that the suggestion mods dont have to put more effort into the explanation than the effort the person put into the suggestion they just declined

That is normal. It just means that there wasn’t enough information, or they deemed it unfit to be a suggestion.

Kinda funny that #1 says that no suggestion will get ignored or removed…

We have an archive of every suggestion made, again if you are unsure as to why a suggestion was removed reach out to a suggestion moderator and if you do not agree with what they say you can reach out to a Senior suggestion moderator.

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I have contacted leroy, just waiting to hear back

Talking about not agreeing, why do suggestion rules not allow trialed vehicles like the Mi-28A we have in game? That’s so lame

It wasn’t removed because it wasn’t accepted as a suggestion in the first place, what you looking at means that passed suggestions won’t be removed from the suggestions list

That’s not how it reads but I digress

I’m unsure as to what you mean, we do allow trail vehicles as long as there is enough information and proof that X nation tested it. Unless I am miss understanding what you mean.

(most likely it just needs more information to be included )

Not too sure what more I could have added, I linked like ten videos that show the M242 firing in a three round burst.

You might look at that and think, that’s unnecessary, but I play games to escape from life and this game is just as stressful and depressing most of the time, so something as little as an option to make the M242 fire a three round burst with one click would be a cool little addition.

And it sucks because no other game compares to this.

Besides, I’m AU so just pressing the button three times doesn’t work xD

A suggestion mod told me that trailed vehicles were not allowed… Huh
“we do not accept suggestions for vehicles that were only trialed and never even close to purchased”