Give ability to authorize on CIS forum using Gaijin account

Thank you for your help. We really appreciate it.

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I would not take the information from the VKontakte group seriously… It seems that the admins themselves once said that they do not always have complete information, although I read this about 4 months ago, when there was an event on 292, so everything could have changed during this time…

-I don’t want to say that it doesn’t need to be taken seriously at all, it just might be late or slightly different from other official resources, it’s just that there have already been incidents

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we need to wait for news on the official website

we will wait, but gajin cnows good, that outside of Russia, there are 25 million russian people and far more russian speaking people, to close for them the door to russian community, was a bad idea. They must think at first and than done something and not in other way like many times they did.


I have wrote yesterday 2 suggestions, but until now, i do not get the answer from the moderation and do not see my suggestions published.

Please read Suggestion Section rules first:

Everything is explained there :)

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I think this is the first step towards splitting the game into two parts - War Thunder and Grom Voiny.
Right now, the CIS client’s player has a number of limitations:

  • they can’t take advantage of YouTubers’ discounts
  • they can’t receive twitch drops
  • they can’t access global forums

I assume that the next step will be to refuse to accept feedback on Battle Raiting changes from CIS players. They probably won’t give CIS players access to the dev server either.


I doubt that there will be “nothing”, there will simply be baka analogues of the original servers, in principle, as was the case with wargaming and lesta

-Although there is a tiny chance that nothing will change… the main thing is that the game does not fall into the greedy clutches of some… Ubisoft?!) meh…

They’re working on that one at least.


For consideration…

…and is being solved.

After 3 years they will be accepted for consideration, after 5 years they will be transferred to the developer, when the game is closed then they will be added to another game


They should have thought about this back when they were criticized for the announcement of the separation.
The only function that Gaijin thought about was Donating. They just don’t care about anything else.

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I do not know from where you took your theories, but please put them back on shelf, next to flat earth, baba yaga and big foot.


World of tanks and Mir tankov, you know.


Last time I checked, I was War Thunder Community Manager.
And I am pretty sure we have nothing to do with WoT.

There will be no separation. You will play on same server as all other WT players. I will not repeat it 100 times. If you have issues, please re-read this post few times, it should help :)

Tell me, is a “copy” of the Gaijin account created when I want to start playing through dmm?

I don’t believe him, of course. But he just repeats the words of those I trust xdd


Baba Yaga is real.



You just have to understand that for CIS players there are many examples where the game got a local publisher and it ended very badly, almost always. People are nervous.
We read the terms of the migration, the rules and everything, but it left a bad taste in our mouths.
It’s just an unpleasant experience.


And you need to understand, that your account is safe on our servers. If we will not be happy with local publisher, you will not lose your account.

I already mentioned similiar agreement we had and ended without any harm for local players.