OI tank should be added

You guys should start the “Church of O-I”. lol


…For the M1A1. There is no M1 KVT.

Tiger Sla. 16 isn’t a tiger with 105mm cannon, this one was already removed from tech tree.

Tiger Sla. 16 is a Premium Rank IV tank for germany, which is essentially a Tiger 2(H) with a different engine. Whether it existed or not i don’t know

It’s called Research for a specific vehicle. This has been done for every nation in the game or real life. Which is why people have actual suggestions approved.

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OOOHHHHHh ohhh my bad i tend to confuse both of them. Not a German main so they get a bit confusing sometimes especially when you just woke up a couple minutes ago.

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The point is that the O-I can be added on the same basis as the Ostwind II:

Relevant part:

What constitutes an (unfinished) prototype:

  • Vehicle was (partially) constructed
  • Vehicle-specific parts (i.e. guns, powerplants, etc.) were built

Does the vehicle you intend to suggest meet the criteria above? Fantastic! In that case, you have a more obscure vehicle which at least in some capacity existed in the real world and is therefore a valid vehicle to be suggested.


This isn’t research. Its belief grasping for proof.
All the “research” was done long ago, and also departed into myth and fiction long ago.
Leave these to Wargaming. They don’t belong in a game that pretends at historical realism.

The R2Y1 was partially built at the end of the war, and was to be jet powered. It is a recon version of the R2Y2 V1 (or rather, the other way around).

And since written documents proving the existence of things are apparently not enough anymore for some, here’s a picture of it kindly taken by the USN:


You tried to use a part of what is written but didn’t bother reading the rest of what was established which makes massive mentions that even if there were no pictures as long as you can provide enough proof to confirm it has been produced then it would still fall under the category of “Vehicle was (partially) constructed” however since you didn’t bother reading the whole thing just like everyone who doesn’t read the terms of service, this would include myself. Your opinion is very flawed.

Besides that, I’m not gonna bother.
P.S. Exo, I don’t normally read what you have to say since you have a reputation for getting on people’s nerves to put it nicely, and knowing you, your next response is deflection.

I know. I know…sigh…

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idk maybe add the O-I as a tech tree tank so other ppl can get it

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Kinda, one Tiger II had it’s engine bay modified to accept the X16 engine but it was never mounted. Some say that one engine did get mounted on a Jagdtiger tho

Falls under the same category as O-I, partially built.


From what I understand the tank would’ve been ~150t in the full configuration. However the tank as built never fitted the roofplate and main turret before the project was cancelled and the tank scrapped, leading to different weight.

The 100t and 120t configurations would’ve likely been misconceptions based off of the built example. 100t being the weight with only one layer of armor, while 120t would’ve been the full armor. However since the full armor likely wasn’t fitted before cancellation either, the “120t configuration” was only planned, leading to confusion of a different full tank design being planned.


The 120mm gun?? Lol

I recently had an argument in the subreddit with someone much similar to yourself, except focusing on the Ho-Ri, a tank also lacking widepspread documentation. I sent a link to the old forum suggestion for the Ho-Ri II, alongside 7 real wartime documents saved in online Japanese archives that were displayed and analyzed in said suggestion, proving that the Ho-Ri prototypes were around 50% complete by war’s end. Despite this, the person continued to claim that the vehicle was somehow paper because apparently the verified primary sources I posted weren’t good enough.

From what I see here, you appear to discredit the authenticity of the documents that コタリ posted simply because you require more documents to prove them? That is not always how things work, the O-I project was known to be a tight-knit secret held by those who worked on it. In addition, many of the documentation for this vehicle was destroyed to prevent the allies from obtaining it, so it shouldn’t come as a suprise that there aren’t much in the way of spare sources to cite. I find it ironic that you and so many others still fall for this shroud even though many of the previously hidden documents have now gone public and more still are held by model company FineMolds.

You may consider yourself like many to have the right to express your opinion, but in this case, the existence of the O-I prototype has long since lost any grounds for debate. Not only can the deniers never display actual evidence to support their claims, but as shown already there are multiple historical Japanese documents from the second world war detailing both the construction of this tank, but its automotive testing as well (not to mention the track link that is likely to be from this vehicle). You just refuse to believe it because there are no photos or extensive postwar American documentation.


Small note here, the Ho-Ri being built at war’s end was based on a Chi-Ri hull (and retained the hull gun), so very much unlike what we have now in-game.


Any documentation to confirm that, since most i know is that during its testing phase, it was bulging down into the ground due to sheer weight which was the major contributing factor for its collapse.


There is currently not sufficient evidence and documentation to introdeice the tank to the game. This may change it course in the future if more becomes available. But the developers have confirmed the tank can’t be implement as it currently stands.


There is no problem about adding event vehicles to certain TT. The problem os that there is no real benefit in adding more heavy tanks because that in war thunder heavy tanks act as slow medium tanks with slightly more armor

Maybe consider a different Game instead

There is no place for your intolerance of Vehicle Diversity here.

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