Is the requirement for economy / progression suggestions too high?

Are the above guidelines a proper barrier or are they an unnecessary burden for making progression related suggestions?

Pls increase SL & RP gain

I fail to see how this isn’t a valid argument, they’re low, so increase it so it’s not low.
They never justify the things they do, they have never posted anything that was well-written, never anything that was highly detailed nor elaborate, especially not all of those combined.

Expecting dedication without wanting to dedicate themselves.


Only extremely well-written, highly detailed and elaborate suggestions will be approved

Clearly no one agrees that suggestions without direct solutions such as “increase SL gain” should be allowed. The bar isn’t simply a detailed suggestion, it’s a “highly detailed, elaborate, extremely well-written” suggestion.

Yes, imagine it like you are pitching a project idea to a business. You need to make it as hard as possible for them to say no to it. That doesn’t mean saying “We need more of x”. You should pitch the problem, possible solutions, and reasons why each solution is viable or should be implemented. Format it like an essay or something similar so it reads well and sways your audience (Forum staff, then players, then Devs). Gaijin is a professional company and you should act in a professional way when interacting with their staff when it comes to game suggestions. Noone cares for trolly “I want” threads or emotionally charged rants when dealing with suggestions for change. That is why posts are approved by mods in Suggestions, and the Suggestion area doesn’t look like the shitstorm that Game Discussion does most of the time.

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It is to try to push people to write out all the ways that their suggested change would/could affect things. Most people only see how their change would affect the goal they want and fail to see/mention any side-effects.

This is one of the topics I created in the Suggestion section. They are expecting things similar to this. I have a couple more that have been approved, and you can check them out on my profile if I can find a way to unblock it.

Assuming this is done and the suggestion is “extremely well written” there is still further requirement to be met.

Fundamental Changes Only

submissions that propose fundamental changes and overhauls of currently in place systems

Yes, suggestion requirements need to be stringent because these are attempts to shift (usually) major mechanics in some way and should not be taken lightly like threads in Game Discussion.

I could spend 10 years researching this game, be the leading expert on free to play games and videogame economy, could write down a 50 page essay, peer reviewed that explains why an increase in RP is beneficial, supported with a plethora of arguments and scientific evidence and it would get 5 likes and then get flagged and deleted by staff.

Expecting people to spend their time and effort when their time and effort is not respected is funny.

Whatever you say, exaggerated negative nonsense about Gaijin and the forum staff as always.

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I have been on these forums long enough to see the patterns.

And not a single topic created in suggestions, but you want to talk about how the suggestion system works. You got your experience in the shithole called Game Discussion where the rules are made up and everyone thinks they are right.

Yeah clearly a plethora of suggestions being pushed into the game, seeing things accepted and forwarded in 2016 and still not implemented is really motivating people to spend time and effort on things.

Once my approved report on the Conqueror from 2018 gets implemented we’ll see.

Forwarded to devs doesn’t mean accepted for the game. Forwarded to devs doesn’t mean added to next update. Maybe the reason you get so angry/disappointed in this game is because your expectation for Gaijin to bow down to random players on the forums is wildy unrealistic.

Yeah you’re right, it means literally nothing.
And I’m expecting them to fix things that are broken, things that should not be broken in the first place, things I have found that are broken and taken the time out of my day to report to them, collecting evidence, screenshots, videos and even sketched out the whole problem in detail so they can fix their game.

But yeah, clearly I’m expecting them to bow down to my report and not me expecting Gaijin to fix their mistake within a decade.

Now you’re bitter and hate on everything constantly because Daddy Gaijin didn’t address what you sent them. Oh woe is you. You may need a break from Warthunder and these forums if it has you this bitter.

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Sure, and the only reason why spawncamping is still an issue, why CAS is still an issue, why map design is still an issue, why BR compression is still an issue, why the economy is still an issue is because no one ever made a suggestion about it.

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Not an issue. Happens with every single shooter regardless of protections that are afforded when teams crumble catastrophically.



Subjective, especially after they made sweeping economy reforms that were good improvements.

They have been working on decompression, it takes time and multiple iterations to be successful.

Alot of “issues” discussed on these forums originate from angry players that have had something go wrong in their eyes. Look at the 1000th VIDAR thread just added today saying it shouldn’t be in the game, or the 50000th thread about CAS where the same 20 people argue the same points over and over when Gaijin said they are staying a combined arms game. Bunch of bitter people complaining that their team ruins the game and that players should play according to what they think instead of how they want to enjoy the game. It’s a bunch of nonsense most of the time. If you honestly think that Gaijin takes any bit of these forums seriously other than the Suggestion area, where things are actually moderated from topic creation, then you must have unrealistic expectations about what a game company cares about.

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Not an issue. Happens with every single shooter regardless of protections that are afforded when teams crumble catastrophically.

It’s 100% an issue.

This is a spawnpoint in 2024, this is an issue.

This is a spawnpoint in 2024, this is an issue.


It’s not.


It’s not.

Subjective, especially after they made sweeping economy reforms that were good improvements.

Sweeping economy reforms… the SL economy was improved by finally changing up repair cost a bit, that’s it, RP is still the same it was in 2014 despite a 150-200 million of RP being added.

They have been working on decompression, it takes time and multiple iterations to be successful.

They’ve done ass. they keep moving things and up done without solving anything, what they’ve done is complete bogus, we need a significant expanding of the BRs, but instead we’re going to get a .3 increase to BR 13 next, which is where we should have been at 5 years ago.

Look at the 1000th VIDAR thread just added

Probably a reason that these complaints keep coming around, and reasonable person will acknowledge it’s undertiered.


50000th thread about CAS

Yeah, because the issue is not that subjective.

If you honestly think that Gaijin takes any bit of these forums seriously

Of course not, they’re not even on this forum, so expecting people to type out elaborate posts so the glorified janitors can throw it in the bin is hilarious.


You got your idea smacked around by a suggestion moderator in a different thread and your solution is to come here and complain about the requirements about making a suggestion because you don’t feel you need to follow them. LMAO.