Southeast Asian (ASEAN) Machinery Of War Discussion Thread

Related Vehicle Suggestions List (ASEAN Founder Nations)







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If that ain’t suspicious, idk what is.


he might be a contributor thats why

I’d guess it might be a pleceholder for a list of pinned suggestions for ASEAN nations

Yeah, I said it more as a joke ;)

I am interested to see how Gaijin tackles the SAM issue with SEA. While there are capable sams, very few of them operate as single vehicle systems and thus would be radarless in game. As far as I am aware, the most powerful SAMs with radars in the region are Myanmar’s 2K22M Tunguska, followed by Laos’ Yitian ADS, Vietnam’s Modernized Shilka and in last place, Singapore’s UMI; none of which are really top tier worthy.

2K22M Tunguska - Myanmar - Likely ~10.3


2K22M / 2S6M Tunguska, equivalent to the 2S6 found in game without the 2S6M1 mod (no thermals or upgraded missiles).

Yitian ADS - Laos - Likely ~10.3


Yitian Air Defense System, armed with TY-90 & 12.7mm for self defense. Suggestion here.

ZSU-23-4M - Vietnam - Likely ~9.3


ZSU-23-4M, Shilka upgrade featuring Iglas & radar replaced with IR unit akin to Polish “Biala” upgrade. (Technically not a radar spaa anymore but I’m still putting it here, especially considering the lower BR).

M113A2 Ultra Mechanize Igla - Singapore - Likely ~9.0

M113A2 UMI, an M113 chassis featuring a search radar & Igla + FN Mag (7.62mm), as suggested by the name. Arguably one of the worst SAMs, inferior to shilka upgrades with igla due to gun. Suggestion here.

There are quite a few platforms without radar that are still potent such as the SPYDER SR system, URO VAMTAC RapidRanger & Singapore’s V-200 RBS-70, however, lacking a search mechanic vs advanced A2G systems such as the Su-25SM3 or F-16C can spell death by simple lack of awareness.

SPYDER SR - Singapore - Likely ~11.7"


SPYDER SR, an Israeli system similar to Type 81 (C) but with superior range; capable of firing Derby / Python 5 & operating independently from radar systems. Equipped with Toplite EOS, giving it superior optics to the Type 81 (C).

URO Vamtac RR - Indonesia - Likely ~10.3""


URO Vamtac RAPIDRanger, essentially a lightly armored car equipped with Starstreaks + a thermal FCS. Though both Malaysia also operates the system, Indonesia uniquely possesses LMM/Martlet which can be fired interchangeably with Starstreak from the system.

V-200 RBS-70 - Singapore- Likely ~10.0"


V-200 RBS-70, A Cadillac Gage Commando V-200 armed with RBS-70 + 2x FN Mag (7.62mm). Multiple sources indicate the acquisition of BOLIDE/RBS-70NG, thus putting the platform somewhere between the 9.7 Lvrbv 701apc & Radar equipped 10.3 ASRAD-R.

(There are aa few additional systems with Starstreak or Starburst hailing from Malaysia/Indonesia, I cannot be bothered.)

Hell, Thailand has this cursed thing.

(RBS-70 mounted on the roof of a TR Transformer II. I do not know which variant of RBS-70 Thailand has in inventory- though the launcher FCU appears to be a legacy unit.)

To address the special cases quickly:

  • Thai ADATS is static & lacks an individual radar. Even if it was implemented as carried on a transporter, it would still lack search capabilities & would be even more of a TD than current variants.

  • There currently isn’t sufficient evidence to support Thai Roland M3S or HVDS/ADAMs systems.

  • Myanmar has ordered Pantsir, but there are zero indications of their arrival and due to circumstances surrounding global events they may never arrive.

  • Myanmar does not & has never operated Tor systems of any kind- the source of the rumors is a series of articles which speculated they may have acquired Tor based on pictures of a transporter chassis. Said chassis was actually for the ‘Kvadrat-M’ (a Belarussian Kub upgrade), which itself is not eligible for the game.

Blogger SpeculatingLarger Blog / Article SpeculatingArticle Correctly Identifying

The Rumor has annoyingly persisted due to the older speculations being arguably easier to find than the later correct identification of the system as a boring Kub upgrade.

Regardless, if Japan is to receive ASEAN support, there isn’t much in terms of SAMs that would surpass their domestic options in terms of capabilities and of those with radars, most come from nations less likely to be integrated in a subtree with Japan (I certainly haven’t seen many Laos or Myanmar for Japan posts).

Will Gaijin add more complex SAM systems? Will Gaijin add something with little evidence such as the Roland M3s? Or will Japanese player be forced to scan the skies with their Mk.1 Eyeball.


M548 armed with a ZU-23-2 used by the PAVN during a exercise



Here are some Malaysian ground vehicles we could get:



Alvis Stormer w/ 20 mm Oerlikon

Cadillac Gage Commando w/ 20 mm autocannon

Cadillac Gage Commando w/Cockerill Mk3 90 mm cannon

Daimler Armored Car

Starstreak on URO VAMTAC 4x4

Astros II MLRS

It can also launcher the anti-tank FOG-MPM

DefTech AV8 w/ LCT 30 Turret AND ZT3 ATGMs

DefTech AV8 w/ Sharpshooter Turret, 25 mm. Also amphibious

ACV 300 ATGM variant


You forget the only 2 tanks they have ever operated!

PT-91M Pendikar


Polish T-72 modernization, sold to Malaysia (love the camo net!)

Scorpion 90mm

Though perhaps not as interesting as the Indonesian prototypes with upgraded optics & or LWS systems, Malaysia too operated the Scorpion 90 as their first true “tank”.

The PT-91M especially is important as one of the more advanced eastern style MBTs, it, along with the T-84 variant trialed by Malaysia (see below) make the perfect segue into the advanced Oplot-T of Thailand.


Man I hate those smoke launchers :D

Indonesia has smth similar;

Isuzu NPS75 with ZU-23-2


But also these trucks with triple Zastava M55



I can’t quite agree that Tuguska is 10.3, that thing has the same range as some top tier anti air(yes ADATS I’m talking about you)whilst having guns and a reasonably good radar.

The 2S6 in game is 10.7, but it’s the 2S6M1 mod which the better radar, thermals, and better missile. Myanmar only bought the base 2S6.

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Still, you really think 8km range should be 10.3? 2s6 should be 11.0 if not 11.3, and strela is currently 10.3, which is now fair.

Considering the current 2S6M1 of the USSR sits at 10.7, it would make no sense to have the 2S6M of Myanmar sit at the same BR when it is directly inferior, with 2 KM reduced range and no thermals.

A good comparison to Myanmar’s 2K22M/2S6M Tunguska is Sweden’s ASRAD-R; currently BR 10.3. while the Tunguska has access to guns, the ASRAD-R has access to a thermal channel for the gunner to improve target acquisition. The Tunguska’s missiles are slightly more maneuverable, but the BOLIDE of the ASRAD-R has slightly longer range. Overall, they are roughly comparable systems. Myanmar’s 2K22M/2S6M Tunguska fits well at 10.3, both in relation to the Soviet 2S6M1 and other 10.3 SAMs.

Alternatively, gaijin could add it ahistorically with the 2S6M1 module to be equivalent to the Soviet option. I think this is a cop out, but if you prefer that you might be able to push for it.

I think a 10.3 Tunguska better meshes with Myanmar’s other vehicles and what can be expected in the tree- especially given that if necessary, Gaijin could chose to add the Pantsir system they ordered to cover the higher tiers.

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I mean Strela is the most iconic 10.3 SAM, and with 3.5 km range IR missiles and no radar, I don’t think they are really equal, plus I want a BR extension so that they could be separate BR and top tier could be less compressed.

Those guns are actually what makes the Tunguska so strong compared with the Roland and bolide missile variants. Definitely 10.7 material, even with ‘only’ 8 km range

I think 2S6 should go 11.0 personally, I mean that is where type 81C sits with 8km range no radar and no gun.

Designer: How many smoke launchers you want?
Polish government: Yes.

Heres a collection of most but not all vehicles used in/from Indonesia


no surviving photographs but was mentioned to have been operated:

  • M4A1
  • M4A3 (105)