Do we have anything like this on the type 10
A picture under the wedge? Afaik no (good chance its not allowed to be public), but you might be want to ask tanuki or maus
I have an idea. Also thank you for that advice I’ll ask
What kind of Thai ground force vehicles can appear in War Thunder?
Do you have any lists or suggestions?
They really do just keep making amazing skins for my different lineups on Japan, just need a cool camo for my Type 89 and my life will be complete
No point adding Thai ground force equipment. The Japan can have 8 top tier vehicles if they modeled their tanks correctly
Except 1.0-10.7. That’s where that statement changes
having thai BTR-3E, T-84, Commando Stingray ( somewhat not copy paste) would benefit top tier.
I’d much rather then fix the Japanese domestic tanks first. We are also scheduled for more declassified documents on the Type 10 as well and that includes the diagrams for the additional armor array. Which currently no one, not even the crews of the type 10 know what they look like cause it’s never had to be fielded with it. Once we get the type 10 and TKX fixed we can move to the Thai top tier ground.
It’s actually the Prototype Type 3 Light Tank Ke-Ri. The Ke-Nu seems to be a modification of the Type 2 Ke-To. This is all a recent revelation, so there is still some confusion.
I don’t think we have the parameters on the Type IV APFSDS
We don’t, that’s why I want Gaijin to release what they consider “proper” Type IV so we can just use that and Gaijin can’t argue against it anymore
Japanese WWII turret traverse rates hardly appear in any documents. It makes me wonder if many of them are outdated estimates. Those few documented cases are a bit better than would fit into the pattern. Below is list of how they are in game.
vehicle - basic crew → aces
Chi-Ha 10.6 → 15.2 °/s *1
Chi-Ha Kai 10.5 → 15 °/s *2
Chi-Ha 12cm Short Gun 4.2 → 6 °/s
Chi-He 9.8 → 14 °/s
Ho-I 9.8 → 14 °/s *3
Chi-Nu 7.3 → 10.4 °/s *3
Chi-Nu II 11.5 → 16.5 °/s *6
Chi-To 8.9 → 12.7 °/s *4
Chi-To Late 8.9 → 12.7 °/s *5
Chi-Ri 8.4 → 12 °/s *4
Chi-Ha 57mm traverse I’ve found only from a lonely secondary source. It’s stated to have been staggering 30-35°/s.
Chi-Ha Kai was 400-500kg heavier than the basic Chi-Ha and most of that weight increase was in the turret. Electric traverse was already considered, but instead they added a second handwheel for commander to help traversing the turret. This feature was retained at least to Chi-Nu and likely to all the following vehicles.
Chi-Nu had an electric traverse system. American sources say the only difference to Ho-I was the gun, thus it implies Ho-I also had electric traverse. Both of them indeed have it in game. Unfortunately traverse rate isn’t listed.
Chi-To (prototype) and Chi-Ri also had electric traverse, which is documented to have been capable of traversing 360 degrees in 30 seconds = 12 °/s. One would expect Chi-Nu and Ho-I with their lighter turrets to have had similar traverse rate. Unfortunately this is not the case in game.
In game Chi-To Late (Chi-To’s planned production version) has electric traverse as well. It’s said the electric traverse was removed for simplification, though I haven’t seen the source for that. I guess WT developers chose to go this way, because manual traverse isn’t listed anywhere.
Chi-Nu II plans weren’t finished and traverse mechanism remains unknown. In game it has quite fast electric traverse.
In my view Chi-Nus are the oddest ones here. It is likely they used the same electric motor as Chi-To and Chi-Ri, but we can’t know how it would have been geared. I think 12-15 °/s would make sense for both of them.
Is there anything we could do to improve the situation? Perhaps there are still American documents or Japanese books we could try?
This is simply shortsighted. The M163 TVADS for instance can fill in an actual gap in rank 5 AA line for Japan before the Type 87. The M60 TIFCS is also pretty good addition to any 8.0 line up as well as the Commando Stingray (with the prototype Stingray in a Bulldog chassis as a premium or event). The V-150 armed with 90mm could also complement low tier Japan as a scouting light tank. Hell, the M90 ITV can give Japan a proper ATGM vehicle instead of the utterly useless Type 60 ATM.
Please actually look at the Thai vehicle subtree suggestion before saying stuff like this. Of course it doesnt add much to Japan top tier but I say its a positive that Japan’s top tier remains purely Japanese (aside from a potential Thai T-84 Oplot-T)
Wouldnt count on this. We only have a single image and a single source, unless we find more info on it, there would be no chance Gaijin would be adding this one
one image didnt mean that it will not be added