Northrop F-5TH Super Tigris - Royal Thai Air Force's Tiger Sharks Part: 2

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Northrop F-5TH Super Tigris - Royal Thai Air Force’s Tiger Sharks Part: 2

Hi and welcome to my 48th, which is about the Thai F-5TH, hope you like it. :popcorn:

First of all:

  • Feel free to share more Information and / or correct me if something is wrong
  • Discuss respectfully, any aggressive kind or verbal abuse will be reported, the Forum rules also apply here
  • Actually there were supposed to be three parts, but since Gaijin surprised us with the F-5E FCU, there will only be two. Nevertheless, I will partially include the FCU in this part, but also exlude the “Overall” part in these, as all are very similar and there is not much to say about them.

Background History

Development of the F-5 began in the 1950s when a Northrop team visited Europe and Asia to explore the needs of NATO and SEATO. Based on these requirements, a design study for a low-cost and easy-to-maintain lightweight supersonic fighter started in 1955. The first flight of the F-5 took place in July 1959.
Although the US Air Force showed no interest in such a fighter, the T-38 Talon trainer version was approved in June 1956 to replace the T-33. In April 1962, the F-5 was selected for the Military Assistance Program (MAP) to enable allied countries to purchase an inexpensive fighter aircraft.
In August 1962, the aircraft received the official designation F-5A “Freedom Fighter”, and Iran was the first country to order it. The low price, which was only about a third of what an F-4 cost, also motivated other Western countries to buy the new small sized fighter.
The development of an improved F-5 started in the late 1960s. The aim of the development was to create an aircraft for Western allies who were facing a growing threat from modern variants of the MiG-21 from the Warsaw Pact countries. This development lead to the F-5E / F.
The Royal Thai Air Force acquired the F-5E and F-5F Tiger Shark in the 1980s and continues to operate them today. In 1988 the Royal Thai Air Force’s F-5 fleet began to be modernized. The gyro gun sight was replaced by a new HUD with weapon aiming computer from GEC Macroni, as well as the ability to use the Israeli Python-3 missile. This version is known as First Capability Upgrade (FCU).
In 2002, the Israeli company Elbit was commissioned to modernize the F-5 fleet again. The F-5E SCU (Second Capability Upgrade), a further development and the second combat capability upgrade Phase that Thailand carried out on the F-5 Tiger II starting in 2002. Part of the changes was that most of the analog displays in the cockpit were replaced by MFDs and a DASH for the pilot’s helmet and HOTAS were installed; The weapons arsenal was supplemented with the Python-4.
In 2015, the Royal Thai Air Force again commissioned Elbit Systems to carry out the third, and likely final, upgrade to the F-5 fleet. This time the radar was completely replaced with an EL/M-2032 pulse-Doppler radar, as well as the possibility of carrying Python-5 and Derby missile, as well as laser-guided bombs, Rafael LITENING III targeting pod, SkyShield EW pod and later the German one Added IRIS-T. In order to be able to take the new Radar, the “nose” of the F-5 had to me remade from scratch; it became slightly short (which may also affect its flight performance), one gun removed entirely, RWR moved further back (due to said shorter lenth) and a higher volume / less flat “nose tip” (gray part).
This version is also known as Third Capability Upgrade (TCU), but was reffered as F-5ST (F-5 Super Tigris) before adoption.

Cockpit and DASH



Armament of the F-5TH Super Tigris

The armament of the F-5TH Super Tigris would be significantly expanded to adapt to the times and to give the F-5E a slightly longer service life. The IRIS-T air-to-air missile and the laser-guided bombs are guaranteed to be new. It is officially stated that the F-5TH is capable of carrying Derby, Python-5 and LITENING III, but these have never been seen on one so far. Since the upgrades were carried out by Elbit, one can still assume that the possibility exists. It is also unknown whether the possibility of four missiles still exists; there is currently nothing available to suggest that this capability has been removed.
Cause of the new radar, one of the two M39A2 cannons had to be removed, which is why the F-5TH only has one main cannon.

Air-to-Air Missiles

  • 2x AIM-9L / M
  • 2x IRIS-T
  • 2-?x Python-4
  • 2-?x Python-5 *
  • 2-?x I-Derby *

Guided- / Dumb- Bombs, Missiles & Rockets

  • 5x BLU-1
  • 5x Mk.82
  • 3x Mk.83
  • 1x Mk.84

  • 4x AGM-65B

  • 4x GBU-12 (/ LIZARD)

  • 4x FFAR
  • 2x Zuni Mk.32


Specifications, Electronics and Internal

  • Crew: 1
  • Length: 14,45 m
  • Wingspan: 8,13 m
  • Height: 4,08 m
  • Max. takeoff weight: 11.187 kg
  • Powerplant: 2x General Electric J85-GE-21B/C
    • Dry thrust: 2 × 14,8 kN
    • Afterburner thrust: 2 × 22,2 kN
  • Maximum speed: 1743 km/h
  • Service ceiling: 15.790 m
  • Rate of climb: 31,3 m/s
  • Maximum g-load: +9g / -3g


Previous Suggetion

Thanks for your time, hope you liked it :salute:
[Will add more if there are some (more) important / declassified things]
[PM or comment if a Link or Picture isn´t working]



กองทัพอากาศไทย มีเครื่องบินรบกี่ลำ (ในปี 64-68) – thaiarmedforce
จำลองการรบ F-5TH ทอ.ไทย vs จรวด SAM – thaiarmedforce
Royal Thai Air Force | ยุทโธปกรณ์ในกองทัพอากาศไทย – thaiarmedforce
Thailand completes upgrade of F-5 fighters
The Progress of RTAF’s F-5 Tiger II Capability Upgrade | Thai Military and Asian Region
F-5E Tiger II & F-5T-Tigris/Super Tigris of the Royal Thai Air Force | Thai Military and Asian Region
THAIDEFENSE-NEWS: พิธี "เกียรติยศ 40 ปี เครื่องบินขับไล่ F-5 E/F” และ "ส่งมอบ F-5ST Super Tigris ต้นแบบ.."
AAG_th บันทึกประจำวัน: กองทัพอากาศไทยจะทำการปรับปรุงเครื่องบินขับไล่ F-5 Super Tigris
อัพเกรดแล้ว “F-5TH” เสือโคตรดุ ทอ.ไทย เทียบชั้นเครื่องขับไล่ยุค 4.5
DEFENSE STUDIES: The Progress of RTAF’s F-5 Tiger II Capability Upgrade

Books / Other:
Kites, Birds & Stuff - Northrop Aircraft - P. D. Stemp (2019)

List of Suggestions of ASEAN region


Would easily be the most interesting and powerful F-5 variant in game, and present an interesting opponent at top tier. Would definitely love to see it when the game has progressed a little further


Well because it is the most powerful F-5 variant in the world.


The powerplant should be 2x General Electric J85-GE-21B/C.
not sure the different, just correcting info.

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I think the A model is the pre-production variant, then the B/C models were the production ones but I could be wrong though. More or less the same from what I could find. Theres a manual out there about the J85-GE-21 engine that could explain the finer differences but its a paid one so I couldnt get it.


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Probably not, seeing as Japan is likely to get a full-on Thai sub tree at this point


Elbit mightve developed it but Israel did not actually get it. Its a similar argument to the Stingray Light Tank.


i am waiting for that to get in the tech tree. waiting it for so long.


There’s a possibility that would be 13.7 BR, but RTAF never integrated Python 5

How does it compare to f20?

They did integrate it along with Derby, even though never acquired any of these.

So RTAF never ordered Python 5

As far as I know yes, but they do have Python-4s as well as Python-4/5 training rounds, like on this F-5THF;

So this is a practice missile from a Python 5? I think the one in python 4 looks different

This would 100% get me to grind out the Japanese air tech tree.



The best of Northrop F-5 series

It’s just Python 4/5 training Air-to-Air rounds only. Gajin won’t added Python 5

I guess 2x AIM-9M stock

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Sounds like a 13.0 premium bundle for Japan to me. It would be a direct competitor to the US F-20, being the only 2 premiums that high. And while the F-20 has a much superior engine, this thai F-5 would get superior armament.


-1, I’d rather see a Thailand JAS-39 Gripen 😍😍😍

JAS-39 Gripen of Royal Thai Air Force - AERONEF.NET