A reference archive of previously suggested threads related to Sweden Ground Forces. This thread is a document for everyone to see and check before they create a double post on an already discussed idea.
IMPORTANT: If you find something previously suggested/discussed that is not on this list and should be, please PM the Suggestion Moderators and let them know!
To make is easier to find a suggested item, use the Ctrl+F function to quickly locate something!

- Archer【Suggestion】
- CV90 Chameleon 【Suggestion】
- Infanterikanonvagn 102 (1956)【Suggestion】
- KP-Bil (20 mm Akan m/40B)【Suggestion】
- Landsverk 210 (Improved)【Suggestion】
- Luftvärnskanonvagn 90 TD 2【Suggestion】
- Pansarbandvagn 301 (ksp m/39)【Suggestion】
- Pansarbil fm/26【Suggestion】
- Pansarbil fm/29【Suggestion】
- Pansarbil fm/31 (37 mm m/98B)【Suggestion】
- Pansarbil m/Gotland (försöks-kp m/37)【Suggestion】
- PansarvärnsBandvagn 2062【Suggestion】
- Pansarvärnskanonvagn m/43 (1954)【Suggestion】
- Pansarvärnsrobotterrängbil B RBS 56【Suggestion】
- RBS 70 VLM【Suggestion】
- Saab MSHORAD MFU【Suggestion】
- Stridsfordon 9040 Skjutrigg【Suggestion】
- Stridsvagn fm/31【Suggestion】
- Terrängbil m/42【Suggestion】
- Terrängbil 16 LEMUR【Suggestion】
- Terrängbil 16 “Galten” Delserie 3【Suggestion】
- Tridon Mk. 2 (Scania G460)【Suggestion】

- Bofors BONUS round for K9 Vidar【Suggestion】
- Clip-on Thermal Imaging device for the Pbv 302 (BILL)【Suggestion】
- Removable Camo Net for the Bkan 1C【Suggestion】