What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

How much ammo like 400?

600 with pretty much 1000 rounds per minute…

Its exactly like the Lvkv 42, so thanks devs for nuthin.

If it would have been added as a light tank i wouldnt even be mad. But they slapped this crap to ”cover” 5.0? Gap!

I swear gaijin is doing anything to not add a good 40mm carrier. The lvkv 43 or tridon would be so good!

So same as the r3 t20? Itll be fine

He’ll keep crying.

Anyway i hope we get to play this in live server soon.

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Eh i can see the chasis being a big downside but it doesnt really matter. Its at 5.3 which is fine, wouodve rather had 5.0 because there is a bigger lineup but eh ill playbit at 5.7 as an spaa. My other TD’s will be on the lineup (lvkv42, l62 anti II, and so fourth)

To be honest, I am mildly amused that they chose to add an exceptionally obscure vehicle that never saw service when there are 9 suggestions that have been passed to the devs of, presumably, more readily accessible/researchable and arguably more interesting and desirable vehicles.

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There lies my frustration

Sure im looking forward to recieving our own rat 🐀 tank but, it should be a light tank.

gets cool and unique Swedish vehicle
cries about it

Sounds just like some of the germany stans on here. Be happy we’re actually getting an interesting vehicle rather than more copy paste. Everything doesn’t have to be super meta. Also, lvkv fm/43 would barely be any better than lvkv 42 and certainly wouldn’t fill any gap, unlike the 20 mm U-SH. The correct option for a 5.0 Swedish SPAA would be a truck mounted 23 Itk 61 or 30 Itk 62


That id be behind, more finnish stuff is always fun

Dont get me wrong it will be a fun vehicle, however i dont see it as being used as a SPAA

Gaijin probably didn’t see the playerbase using the bkan 1 as SPAA but it does that just fine in a pinch. U-SH 20 mm won’t be ideal but it will be a nice multi-purpose vehicle for the time being


Im just worried players will use it like the weasel or R3 T20. And ignore planes completely

Whats the pen on the cannon? Feels like at 5.0 its just gonna be like the Ystervark where you can use it against ground but it really works better as an spaa.

57mm at 10m?

Thats what i think anyway.

And its 5.7 yeaaa

Ah, then i doubt that people will be using it on anything but aircraft. Its a poor aa but it cant really be used effectively for anything else, like a Pbv 301 but in a tougher spot. 5.7 though, really? Feels like its to compliment the 5.7 tanks but still, i can see the br getting reduced later on.

Finnish bois would be great for the 5.0 with their 23mm trucks

Depends on the chasis, the r3 t20 is exceptionally fun to drive, when the m18 and the r3 were 5.7 i used to get nukes in full uptiers on wide open maps cause mobility is king. I dont think the USH will replace the yestervark in mobility but it will be better in viewing angles for the gun

Yeah the angles is what makes me hate the Ystervark, the tall cabin infuriates me. Do ye know if the turret rotation speed on the USH good though?

I think its like r3 iirc

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