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I wanted to bring your attention to a new Swedish anti-air candidate that BAE Systems recently revealed.
This would be a prototype vehicle based around the 40mm naval Bofors gun specifically the MK4, and the chase of the Scania G460 6x4 tractor.

Tridon Mk2 is a continuation of the development of the original Tridon developed in the 1990s. Following the same philosophy of the original it is meant to offer an inexpensive platform to fill the gaps behind expensive missile systems. This design was proposed at DSEI 2023 in a model mockup using an 8x8 high mobility platform. Development started in September 2023 on a Scania G460 6×6 platform used for trials and the first firing was performed from the truck in mid-February 2024. Then testing continued in mid-spring mostly against UAV commercial and military to simulate targets in Ukraine. Furthermore, Swedish authorities asked for testing against ground targets to be able to test the self-defense capacity of the system during this test APFSD ammunition was used. The platform is meant to be agnostic, therefore any vehicle whose dimensions and payload are compatible with the gun system can be used to carry the new system, allowing for many variants.

The vehicle is meant to fill the gaps seen in the Ukraine war such as dealing with drones and other loitering ammunition. Armed with 40mm Bofors with a stated range of 12km, it has a rate of fire 300 rounds per minute, the ready rack includes 100 rounds ready to fire rounds, and the gun has an evaluation range of −20° to +80°. Furthermore, it is equipped with day and night optics and the ability to track aircraft but does not have a dedicated radar it uses an external Giraffe GX1 air defense radar that it links to. Also, all indications state that the MK4 is a stabilized platform so it would allow for fire-on-the-move capabilities. The crew is comprised of a commander, driver, and operator who all operate within the truck’s cab.


I think this would operate similarly to the LVKV9040c in roles but be more air-oriented compared to it. The vehicle would have a different play style but I could see it fitting in around 9.7-10.3, with its new/ different ammunition and the ability to reach 12km effectively for air targets. Allowing the Tridon MK2 to be a deadly SPAA that can easily deal with drones, helicopters, and planes.

Armament :
Primary: Bofors 40mm Mk4 (40mm/L70)
Cartridge: 40mm
Elevation/Depression: −20° to +80°
Ready rack ammo 100 rounds

  • Bofors 3P (Pre-fragmented, Programmable, Proximity fused): a 975g shell filled with PBX explosives with an initial velocity of 1,012 m/s
  • APFDS as found in-game

Engine: DC13 144 460 hp
Transmission: GRSO905R, 12-speed range – splitter synchromesh
gearbox with two non-synchronised crawler gear,
overdrive gear and Scania Retarder
Chassis: hydraulic all (6) wheel drive
Max Speed: 80km/h

Length: 7.365m
Width: 4.023m
Height: 3.392m

Crew (3x):

Stabilized platform
electric turret drive
Gunner: Thermal Imager

G460 A6x4 HZ Tractor | Scania Tanzania
BAE Systems shows Bofors 40mm naval gun as Tridon Mk2 land air defence system | Shephard
Bofors 40 Mk4 - Wikipedia
Eurosatory 2024 - BAE Systems unveils its Tridon Mk2 C-UAS system - EDR Magazine

Ammo source





15 Sem Título_20240725012429


Tbh 9.7 might even be a bit too high for it having no search radar and we definitely won’t be getting a 12km range out of a bofors in game


Sight is supposed to be based on the Chess Hawkeye but it looks a lot like the SeaEagle FCEO-D. Not sure but shouldn’t matter much in-game
Ready rack (primary magazine) is technically only 30 rounds, with the remaining 70 rounds being situated in an intermediate megazine. Not sure at what rate the primary magazine is refilled


-20 degree depression is insane. Especially if you reverse it onto cover you could be a very hard target to one-shot.


…Doesnt the LVKV perform the exact same role ingame?

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Armament-wise, kind of? But different vehicles altogether.


Gotta have this some day, love it.


I think I found the same article but I could be wrong the states that 70 rounds are automatically fed so they are pretty much ready to fire

They also advertise that 100 rounds are ready to fire with the ability to switch between said rounds


+1 Swedens deadly truck trend continues. High tier mad max truck hell yea.



I kinda find it hard to believe the actual top speed of the truck is 80kph. Isnt that just the legal limit here in sweden?


This is based on this document

It is what it is


Yea “Speed limiter” Wich means the truck is capable of running faster but its limited for safety reasons. I wonder if the military would remove such a limit during wartime emergencies.

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War Thunder abides by speed limiters. So it’s unlikely to come disabled even if it could be.

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+1, would be a good complement. Should also come with 3P or (LK 95) and not the currently inaccurate ABM LK 90 in the game.


I hate the 4km ish range of the 40mm proxi so much. Most heli can just stay outside that range. If this thing gets half of its supposed range it would at least perform better than the 2s38, anti air wise.

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I would be more interested seeing it receive a more realistic sensor, one of its very main features is to shot down incoming missiles but in the game it is absolutely bad at doing so. For the range i agree it should be slightly buffed.

I think one of the mayor issues is that its the older version not used today that is in the game. They could easily implement the 3P but without every function until the game is at a state in which it can support the others.

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I believe that the speed limiter is only an instrument gauge that the driver can engage if need be, it can hold up to 85 km/h, the truck itself can go faster if its disengaged. This is common on most trucks in scandinavia and specificly in the armed forces.

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Truck driver here, to be more precise i was doing jet fueling stuff for the finnish air force during my conscription.
those speed limiters come straight from the factory and afaik there is no way to disable them even on army trucks and risk/benefit for some extra 10-20kmh on top of already going 90kmh wouldnt be worth it for the stuff these trucks are meant to do.

I cant talk for combat vehicles like MRAPs and stuff but this being an anti air system on a truck it should be made with same standards as any other truck on the road in the EU.