Italy needs more Italian vehicles and less copy - paste, otherwise it cannot be called an Italian technological tree, but a technological tree made by all nations.
I speak on behalf of all Italian players we are tired of the copy and paste, just as we are tired of the usual lie that Italy has no vehicles to offer, here are some examples of vehicles that should be added:
- Il semovente 8x8 CIO Centauro 155/39 LW
- B2 Centauro (105/52)
- B1 Centauro IFV (RH202)
- B1 Centauro IFV (Oerilikon KBA)
- B1 Centauro Draco
- B1 Centauro Hitfist 30
- B1 Centauro (Semovete Pegaso)
- B1 Centauro Serie II
- B1 Centauro Serie III
- Centauro VBC T60/70A -Automatic Centauro
- CIO VBM Freccia (30mm OWS)
- C1 Ariete AMV PT2
- Ariete C2 (AMV PT3)
- Ferrari F333E “Lizard”
- Fiat AVH6636: Centauro’s Father
- Fiat 6614 (FIROS-6)
- Fiat 6616 (H90 HS)
- Fiat 6616 (Scorpion 90)
- Fiat-Iveco AVL 6634
- KF41 Lynx (Hitfact MK2)
- Lamborghini LM002 (KBA 25mm)
- Tornado di Mowag 2
- M113 (hs 820)
- M113 (Oerlikon 25/80)
- OTO Melara M113 (RH7): The ugly one
- M113 (rh202 aa)
- M113 (ss.11)
- Obice Semovente SP-70
- OTO Melara AV-90 (Armoured Vehicle 90)
- OTO Melara R3 Capraia (Breda-Folgore)
- OTO Melara/Rheinmetall Marder Medium Tank RI
- OTO Melara OF-40 SPAA (ATAK-35)
- OTO Palmaria P
- OTO Melara VCC-1 Camilino (20mm RH202)
- OTO Melara VCC-1 TUA (Prototype)
- OTOMATIC (Leopard 1)
- Iveco Polyphem Carrier
- SNIA-BPD FIROS 25 Lanciarazzi Multiplo
- SNIA-BPD FIROS 30 Lanciarazzi Multiplo
- Iveco SuperAV
- VBL PUMA 6x6 Hitrole
- VCC-80 Dardo OWS-30
And that’s just a short list, I didn’t want to go on too long otherwise I would have written an Odyssey.