B1 Centauro Draco

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Description: The B1 Centauro Draco is an Italian multirole platform developed by the Italian company OTO from the B1 Centauro. It’s development started back in the 2000s when the Italian company OTO Melara, after their experience with the OTOMATIC SPAAG, started to project a new turret for the B1 Centauro hull based on the 76/62 mm Super Rapido cannon. It was presented for the first time in 2011 at an Italian military parade. Compared to the OTOMATIC, the Draco featured new optics as well as new rounds, such as the 76 mm infrared-guided DART, an anty aircraft/anty missile high-velocity projectile with a range superior to 10 km, as well as the Vulcano 76 mm, a smaller version of the Vulcano-guided round for the 127 mm OTO cannon with 40 km of range. It also featured the Scudo APS, an Italian ap that, like the Draco, was never finished. Unfortunately, like OTOMATIC, the Draco suffered the same fate and was never chosen by any army. Even though the company has made many proposals for it with different systems and chassis, the Italian army has never made an order. The only prototype built was partially completed since the hull was completed, but the turret was partially mock up. Some parts were made, but the turret wasn’t operational. Regardless, the turret was tested on a test rig previously used for the Palmaria and other tanks made by OTO. The fate of the prototype is unknown.

Why it should be in game: It will be the new top tier Italian SPAAG since it will be faster and stronger OTOMATIC. If this will be introduced, the OTOMATIC could return at 10.7-10.3 and this one could take it’s place at 11.0-11.3.



Rounds avaible
76 mm APDFDS
Vulcano 76 mm



B1 Centauro tank destroyer
Centauro e Varianti - Militarypedia
B1 Centauro - Foto e Video - NET-MAQUETTES
B1 Centauro - Tank Encyclopedia
DRACO - oto-melara




The test rig used for test the Draco turret

The various part of the functional electronic of the DRACO

Scudo APS




What exactly would the Volcano and IR-dart look like? Are they missiles? Are they kinetic or chemical? I’m having a hard time understanding how hypervelocity guided munitions would work, especially ones of this small a calibre.

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like this i think


Dart in game will probably work as a round with the ability to turn (in the same way You control a missile from any top tier aa).
Vulcano will be harder to implement. It will be a gps guided round with very higth speed and great range. But only ships thanks to theyr sensor are able to make it turn against moving targets, while the Draco Is not able to do that. In game, You could set a point (like a cap zone or the enemy spawn) on the map and the round will hit that position.

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+1, this would be a great addition for the Italian SPAA line


It could probably work similarly to the LOSAT’s MGM166 darts


Massive +1! Draco was in the first tank game I ever played called Tank Force. Tank force has evolved now into me playing WT. So basically Draco was one of the vehicles that got me interested in tanks at the first place.


+1 Very much needed, here is some extra info about DART



Damn +1.

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+1 Such a badly needed addition to the tree, if they wont give Italy a good top tier AA at least give us something fun


This is the naval version, the system is the same as the DRACO.

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i don’t think the game supports guidance for that kind of round, so it’s extremely unlikely they’d add a new mechanic for a single AA (especially for an italian tank)
puma has been in the game for 2 years and its Ahead round is still literally useless

it was alredy tested during the april fool event of the sand worm two years ago

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A correction to your speech, because it is limiting how you described the B1 Centauro Draco: The B1 Centauro Draco is a polyvalent weapon system, anti-aircraft and anti-missile

The real OTOMATIC BR is 10.0. It is necessary to eliminate the SAPON ammunition from the game as OTOMATIC never had it in real life. It only has 12 APFSDS doesn’t deserve to go higher.

While for the B1 Centaur Draco its BR I would put it at 10.7 - 11.0.

There Is no reason that justify the removal of sapom. Both Otomatic and Draco were supposed for an anty ship role too, and they needed those shells


+1 need the Centauro SPAA added!

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I do hope to see this added with guided ammunition, it would also get Gaijin to add 3UO7 guided round to the 2S38 and finally with a Br raise.


best for an event vehicle (italy did not have an event vehicle last too much years so it will give a unique advantage)