Fiat 6616 (H90 HS)

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General info
The history of the Fiat 6616 began during the 1970’s, at the time the company would begin to start designing a family of vehicles for the scope of being multi-role, they would first come out with the Fiat 6614. Generally speaking, after the second world war Italy and many companies learned the need of having light armored vehicles which could be armed. So their was a gap to fill, especially because at the time most vehicles Italy would operate weren’t actually Italian, they’d be supplied by America or other nations such as Britain or France. Mainly due to those countries having a stockpile of unwanted vehicles they had no use for, so therefore a lot would serve inside the post-war Italian armed forces. The Fiat 6614 would primarily be used as an APC, as adding more armaments unto the vehicle didn’t prove to be very effective. Such examples were the Fiat 6614 with FIROS MLRS, and Fiat 6614 with a M40 Recoiless rifle. They wanted to allow the vehicle to mount actual turrets that were being used by IFV’s around the time, as stated previously fitting them unto a 6614 wasn’t going to work. So what Fiat did was heavily modify the 6614, which after several versions would eventually bring the Fiat 6616. The first prototype of the Fiat 6616 would be completed in the year of 1972, and would actually generate a lot of interest from Italy. The 6616 in terms of survivalbility was quite poor. It would only be able to withstand small caliber fire, and if lucky could protect against shell fragments. In terms of mobility however it was great, it would be able to reach speeds of 100km an hour, and gave it a range of 700km. It similarly to the 6614, would be amphibious, and would be propelled by its wheels, however it would only go at a speed of 5km an hour. Italy would buy a batch of 50 vehicles for the Carabinieri. The ones in full time service with Italy would go on to mount the OTO TC-20, an Italian made turret that used a 20mm auto-cannon, however that would not be even scratching the surface of all the different variants of the 6616 that would arise. After the Italian army would receive all of the orders, Fiat, alongside OTO Melara who dealt with the armament of the 6616, were confident enough to attempt to market this vehicle for export, in hopes that it would be picked up by a foreign army. Due to this, a new series of tests and modifications would start, which would begin to really prove how multi-role the 6616 could become. To try and win over some nations, OTO would go on to install many different weapon systems, the more popular ones being the vehicle armed with a OTO 60mm or Cockerill 90mm cannon. A variant which was offered by Fiat and OTO, would be one which mounted the French made H-90 turret system. This 90mm cannon could fire HEATFS and HE, and similarly to the Scorpion 90, also had its own smoke shell known as OFUM PH90-F2. During the 1970-1980’s literally anything that could’ve been fitted on the Fiat 6616 would be done if someone showed interest. Sadly no actual picture has been found of it mounted, however many reliable sources state it did, and for marketing OTO Melara created a photo-shop of what the vehicle would look like, so that buyers could better understand how it would look like. All the stabilization and ammunition from the original vehicle would be kept. Overall this version of the 6616 doesn’t seem to have been picked up by anyone, but Fiat and OTO Melara did see success with this vehicle in the export market as a whole, countries such as Peru and Somalia both bought several batches of this vehicle armed with a 20mm cannon, and still use them today.

H-90 90mm cannon (Can fire Heatfs, He and Smoke rounds)
x4 Smoke grenades
x1 machine-gun mounted in turret (both)
Night vision devices





Why it should be in game
I think it should be in game due to not only being easy to implement, but also due to both being potentially great vehicles to use especially the one with the fv101 cannon. I could give players more vehicle options instead of the regul ar AUBL we already have in game. If they come as event vehicles they’d be pretty cool too, i believe they could increase the Italian tech tree’s popularity and allow more players to choose to grind the tree to be able to play with these.


Armies and Weapons 16 March 1975
Autoveicoli da combattimento dell’Esercito Italiano Dal 1956 al 1975 volume 4 (book)
ALVIS Military Tank Vehicles 1981 Sales Brochure
ALVIS SCORPION 90 Military Tank Vehicle 1981 Sales Brochure
Satory VI 1977 Booklet
Century of Italian armored cars - Nicola Pignato
L’AUTOBLINDO FIAT-6616 di Filippo Cappellano
Fiat 6616 - Wikipedia
SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM: La FIAT Tipo 6616 è un'autoblindo leggera degli anni settanta
Army Guide
Janes Light Tanks And Armoured Cars : Foss Cristopher : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive






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+1 we need it
after the move of aubl and fiat to 6.7 we need more tank in that range


+1 yes, since it has been used by the italian army

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This vehicle would be nice to put it at BR 6.7 as a prize to be taken with the golden eagles.

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It’s an AUBL/74 with a different turret so +1