B2 Centauro (105/52)

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Description: The B2 Centauro (105/52) is an Italian wheeled tank destroyer made by the Italian company Leonardo. The development of the B2 Centauro started back in 2011, when the Italian company OTO Melara started the development of a new wheeled vehicle for the Italian army with an improved hull, a new turret, better armor, mine protection, and a 120 mm cannon. After four years of development, the prototype was ready in 2015. Both the hull and turret were extensively tested against mine explosions and medium- or low-caliber cannons, showing excellent results. The prototype was presented fitted with all its components at Eurosatory 2018, when the Italian army signed a contract for a total of 150 units. The hull of the B2 is divided into three different parts: one for the engine, one for the gearbox, and one for the fuel tank. The crew sits in the middle of the three compartments, and each of them is separated from the others with a bulkhead and a door, ensuring better survivability for the crew inside. The turret is the Hitfact MK2, an advanced turret equipped with a 120/45 mm cannon, able to fire all NATO-standard 120 mm rounds with a total of 31 rounds available. It is also equipped with the Lothar-D and Attila-D optics, as well as a Hitrole 12.7 mm turret that can be fitted with a Beretta MG42 7.62 mm machinegun or a 40 mm Grande launcher. For better protection for the crew, the vehicle is also equipped with a Guardian H3 system, a jammer used to disturb wireless communications and deny the activation of a radio-controlled, improvised explosive device. It is also equipped with another antenna used to disturb enemy communications and a total of 8 Galix 13 80 mm smoke granade launchers. In the armor department, the vehicle can withstand from 12.7 mm to 30 mm adpfds (with additional armor, it is also immune to 40 mm adpfds). In the future, it may be equipped with Ironfist APs, even if it wasn’t actually confirmed for now. It is equipped with an 8V IVECO-FPT VECTOR 720 hp diesel/kerosene engine, making the B2 capable of reaching a maximum speed of 110 km/h on the road with a total range of 800 km of range.The crew is composed of four members: the commander, gunner, driver, and loader. In theory, the vehicle could operate without the loader, but since the B2 Centauro has a semi-autoloader, the loader can be used too if manual loading is required. Regarding this version in particular, the B2 Centauro (105/52) is basically identical to the standard 120 mm one, with the only difference being the cannon. Indeed, this version is equipped with the Oto Melara 105/52 mm cannon, able to fire all NATO-standard 105 mm ammunition. This version has been advertised since the start of the project, but the first prototype was tested only in 2024 and was presented in a video at Eurosatory 2024.

Why it should be in game: It could be an interesting addition as it could be a good event veichle or another solid option for the Light tank line within the Italian tt.






B2 Centauro - Tank Encyclopedia
Centauro e Varianti - Militarypedia
RID - Rivista Italiana Difesa - shownews - Un "105" per la CENTAURO II




For such a advanced vehicle you suggested the 105 version?

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The standard B2 has already been suggested and passed. Twice.


Interesting +1.


Shuck! I missed realease of 105 version! I was hunting for long time for them, and you tell me that showed up during my holydays?

For any unsure why 105 would have sense, Type 16 is older only few years and have one. Performance is better than any other wheeled tank in game but because of weaker gun this version would not end on 12.0 but around 10.0-11.0(manual and autoloader options)

I have some pics of turret:


+1, this variant would be interesting to see as event or squadron vehicle imo.


A longer 105mm versus a shorter 120mm. Interesting! +1


+1 more Centauro!


A big +1, the photos finally came out, I always thought it was a unicorn, more and more Centauro.


It’s beautiful too bad that for Italy the developers are too busy just giving us copy-and-paste vehicles


It would make a good premium or event vehicle. Due to the advanced hull, it would need a top 105mm round and should be placed at like 10.3-10.7.


Sexy! +1

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This looks really nice, maybe it could get a more modern APFSDS round, like the Israeli M428 Sword or something? +1!