OTO Melara VCC-1 TUA (Prototype)

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The story of the OTO Melara VCC-1 TUA (Tow under armour) originally started in the late 1970’s. This variant was created as a private venture mainly aimed for the export market. OTO Melara had already been experimenting with the base VCC-1 platform, earlier they had created the MK1, MK2 and MK3 VCC-1’s which were being tested by the Italian army. The MK1 which used a regular manned 12.7mm, the MK2 used a 12.7mm but was telecommanded and lastly the MK3 which used a 20mm. The Italian army was mainly interested in the MK1 and MK3 versions. OTO Melara did shortly pitch the TUA variant to the Italian army to replace their M113’s equipped with a manned TOW ATGM, but likely was shut down to save money. The VCC-1 platform by itself was a good improvement from the base M113, changes included improved armour protection, ability for infantry to fire their weapons within the vehicle, new seating arrangements and upgrades to the engine, power-pack and cooling systems. The armament the VCC-1 TUA used was known as the Emerson Improved TOW which was already installed on many platforms. This system allowed the platform to stay concealed behind natural cover while only the armament is exposed. It could use a wide range of TOW ATGM’s such as TOW-2A and TOW-2B. In terms of mobility the VCC-1 could reach speeds of up to 64km an hour, giving it an overall range of approximately 550km. It could traverse any type of terrain with ease, but with the TUA installation it likely couldnt work on bodies of water as well as the version without it. Armour wise it was able to withstand heavy machine gun fire and shell splinters, but as most APC’s of the era it likely couldn’t withstand anything more. OTO Melara did however later on work with Israels RAFAEL in equipping the EEAK add-on armour system on Italian army VCC-1’s. This kit if needed could also be installed on the TUA variant. Other equipment includes 2 sets of smoke grenades and NVD. The VCC-1 TUA initially would be made into 1 prototype but OTO Melara later on would find luck when Saudi Arabia placed an order worth 350000 Lire for the production of 200 VCC-1 TUA’s, the first production batches would be delivered in 1983 and final deliveries would be completed by late 1984. OTO Melara kept the prototype inside their factory in La Spezia, where it would still be used for marketing and testing for many years. Once the VCC-1’s stopped being marketed the prototype was placed in storage where over the years would deteriorate up until the Museo Della Melara decided to begin to restore several stored vehicle to display in their museum. Of the vehicles they decided to restore for the museum, the VCC-1 TUA prototype would be included. OTO Melara managed to completely restore it and is now exposed with various other OTO Melara vehicles in their museum.

Emerson TOW Under-Armour (TUA) turret (Able to fire TOW,I-TOW, TOW-2, TOW-2A,TOW 2B)
EAAK Special Spaced Armour (optional)
Smoke Grenade Launchers




Why it should be in game
The VCC-1 TUA could be added after the M113 TOW which we do already have in game. It would be a natural progression in tech, with the better platform and improved main armament. It would not be OP as for it to be effective not only does it have to be still, but it would need to be concealed. It is really easy to take out due to the crew and armament layout in the vehicle. Would ultimately be easy to model as the VCC-1 is well documented and the TUA turret is already modelled in game.



Museo Della Melara archives
OTO Melara VCC-1 AFV brochure
Jane’s A&A 1979-80
Chars,vehicules chenilles et semi-chenilles VCC-1
Ar 1988-01
Autoveicoli da combattimento dell’Esercito Italiano Dal 1956 al 1975 volume 4
Emerson TUA brochure
Cavendish Enc of post-WW2 conflicts - Vol.08 (1985) p.188
Centro di documentazione Archivio storico Oto Melara aperto ogni martedì - Città della Spezia
Army Guide
VCC 1 - L'evoluzione
VCC-1 Camilino
VCC-1 Camallino Armored Combat Vehicle
VCC-1 Camallino Armored Combat Vehicle
VCC Camillino Armored Cavalry Fighting Vehicle
https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=CGEJvqjn-1MC&pg=PA149&lpg=PA149&dq=Saudi+arabia+VCC-1&source=bl&ots=1BcsX8WF8q&sig=ACfU3U2Dhxer3q7j7iMGH5Ps_SC1j7V8Pg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiWpvL44-_lAhWNRBUIHWM8BOQ4ChDoATAEegQIBxAB#v=onepage&q=Saudi arabia VCC-1&f=false
VCC-1 Camillino - Wikipedia





+1, This is just another M901 so I don’t see why it would be hard to even put it into the game. It would go great under the M113A1 in the Italian tree.


Thanks for the support!

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+1, really like this tank hope too see it soon

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Cool vehicle, and somewhat better than the M901 since it has smoke launchers +1

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+1 yes italy needs it

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+1 TOWing enemies is such a fun, in this bad boy you can do it 2 times at once!
I want it

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Another great vehicle that could be added

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This vehicle is similar to the American M901 could be on the same BR.

However it needs to be added, I didn’t know italy also built this vehicle I would like to test it on the battlefield.

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    wall-e liked raviolis and became italian

+1 why not as a squadron vehicle

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