Canadian Ground Forces Tech Tree

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Canadian Ground Force Tech Tree

Canada’s military history is rich and diverse, encompassing significant contributions to various conflicts and peacekeeping operations around the world. Here, I’ll provide an overview of key moments and events in Canada’s military history:

Early Conflicts: Prior to becoming a nation in 1867, Canada was involved in several military conflicts as a British colony. Notable events include the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763) and the War of 1812, where Canadian forces fought alongside British troops against American invaders.

Confederation and the Red River Rebellion: In 1867, Canada achieved confederation, and soon after, faced internal challenges like the Red River Rebellion in 1869-1870, which saw the Canadian government suppressing a rebellion led by Louis Riel in the western region.

Northwest Rebellion: In 1885, another uprising occurred in the Northwest Territories, led by Louis Riel once again. The Canadian government swiftly crushed the rebellion, leading to Riel’s execution and further cementing the country’s authority over its territories.

World War I: Canada’s involvement in World War I (1914-1918) marked a significant milestone in its military history. Canadian soldiers participated in major battles like Ypres, Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele, and the Hundred Days Offensive. The courage and sacrifice of Canadian troops gained international recognition and helped foster a sense of national identity.

Interwar Period: Following World War I, Canada experienced a period of disarmament and military downsizing. However, it also established the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in 1924 and invested in developing its aviation capabilities.

World War II: During World War II (1939-1945), Canada played a crucial role in various theaters, including the Battle of the Atlantic, the Italian Campaign, and the D-Day landings in Normandy. Canadian forces made significant contributions to the Allied victory, but the war also resulted in heavy casualties and lasting impacts on the nation.

Cold War Era: After World War II, Canada remained an active participant in military alliances like NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). The country also joined peacekeeping operations, a role for which it became renowned, including the Suez Crisis (1956) and numerous United Nations missions.

Korean War: Canada sent troops to fight in the Korean War (1950-1953) as part of the United Nations forces. The conflict saw Canadian soldiers engaged in fierce battles and earned them a reputation for bravery and professionalism.

Post-Cold War Era: After the end of the Cold War, Canada continued its commitment to international peacekeeping and humanitarian missions. Notable operations include the Balkans in the 1990s and Afghanistan (2001-2014), where Canadian forces were heavily involved in combat and reconstruction efforts.

Current Operations: Canada remains involved in various peacekeeping and anti-terrorism efforts worldwide, alongside contributing to NATO missions and supporting UN peacekeeping operations.

Canada’s military history reflects the country’s commitment to global security and peacekeeping, often characterized by professionalism, bravery, and a strong sense of duty. It has played a significant role in shaping its national identity and continues to have a notable presence in the international military community.

I think Canada could bring interesting and unique vehicles to WarThunder that we currently do not have and this tree I think included enough vehicles to be it’s own standalone tree.

First I want to say I dislike adding BR’s/Rank’s to vehicles so my placements are just generalities of the area I would think they could maybe end up.

Tech Tree photo

Further information will be made for each of these vehicles when I suggest them individually and this will just cover some brief specs.

Canadian Ground Forces Tech Tree

Line 1

Rank I-VII
Rank I
Vicker Mk. VIb (Reserve)

In 1938 Canada purchased 2 Vickers Mark VIB and a further 12 more in 1939.
Armour 4-14mm
1x 12.7 mm Vickers machine gun
1x 7.7 mm Vickers
Crew: 3
Max speed: 56 km/h

Daimler Armoured Car Mk. II (1.3)

Same as the one found currently in game:

Crew: 3
1x 40 mm QF 2 pounder gun
1x 7.92 mm BESA MG

Maximum speed: 80 km/h

Covenanter Mk. I (1.7)

Crew: 4
1x 2 Pdr Ordnance Quick Firing gun Mark IX or Mark X,
1x 7.92mm Besa machine gun

Maximum speed: 49.89km/h

Covenanter Mk. V (2.0)

Canadian Covenanter Mk. V dug out of a Clay pit

Crew: 4
1x 2 Pdr Ordnance Quick Firing gun Mark IX or Mark X,
1x 7.92mm Besa machine gun

Maximum speed: 49.89km/h

Staghound Armoured Car (General Motors) (2.0)

1x 37mm gun
2x .30 MG’s
1x 2-in smoke motor

Turret: 1 ½ inch
Hull front: ⅞ inch
Sides: ¾ inch

Maximum speed: 88.51 km/h

Rank II
Staghound Mk. III (2.7)

Crew: 4.
1x 75 mm gun
1x 7.92 mm BESA machine gun
2x 51 mm smoke dischargers.
Maximum speed: 90 km/h

Stuart Mk. V (2.7)

Same as the Stuart V that is currently found in game:

Crew: 4
1x 37 mm (gyro stabilizer)
3x .30 MG’s

Turret front: 1 ½ inch
Body: 1 ¼ inch
Hull Front: 1 ⅛ inch
Sides: 1 inch

Maximum speed: 61.16 km/h

Stuart Mk. VI (2.7)

Would act the same in game as the 5th CAD one:
Crew: 4
1x 37mm M6 gun
2x 7.62mm M1919A4 Machine Guns
Hull armour:

  • Front: 28mm
  • Side 28mm
  • Back 25mm

Maximum Speed: 58km/h

Lorry 3 ton 4x4 6 Pdr. Anti Tank Portee (2.7)

1x 6- Pdr Anti tank gun
Another photo:

Fox 6pdr (3.0)

1x 6pdr gun

Rank III
M24 (3.7)

Same as the one found in game:

Crew: 5
1x M6 75mm gun
1x 12.7mm Machine Gun
1x 6.62 M1919A4

Maximum speed: 57km/h

Rank IV
1/4 ton Jeep 106mm RCL (6.0)

1x M40A2 Recoiless Rifle

M113A1 106mm RCL (6.3)

1x M40A2 Recoiless Rifle
1x .50 cal Machine gun

Length: 5.29 meters
Width: 2.69 meters
Height: 2.2 meters
Combat Weight: 11,748 kg
Capacity: 2 crew + 10 passengers, fully equipped
Cargo Payload: 1,364 kg
Engine: 210 HP GMC Diesel
Speed: 64 km/h Land, 5.6 km/h Water
Fording Depth: 1 meter
Range: 320 km

LAV I Cougar (6.7)

Cougar Information: (other variants were very similar however this suggestion is about the Cougar)

Crew: 3
76mm L23A1 gun( HESH, Smoke and Canister rounds)
7.62 mm C6 Machine gun
8 66mm smoke grenade launchers mounted in 2 sets of 4.

Vehicle Specs:

Length: 5.97 m
Width: 2.50m
Maximum speed: 100km/h
Engine: 275 hp Detroit Diesel 6V53T two-cycle turbo-charged diesel
Suspension: 6x6
Weight: 11.0 t

LAV I Cougar

Rank V
Iltis (TOW) (7.3)

Crew: 2-3
Tow Launcher

Maximum speed: 130 km/h

LAV II Coyote (7.7)

Crew: 4

Length: 7.57 m
Width: 3.25 m
Height: 2.7 m

On-road speed: 62 km/h
Off-road speed: 40 km/h
On-road range: 650 km
Off-road range: 500 km
Maximum grade: 60%
Side slope: 30%
Ditch cross: 2.5 m

Arctic: No
Add-on armour: Yes (not sure what this package is but if somebody knows please feel free to share, its described on the government website as: “Add-on armour shields against larger projectiles.”)

Amphibious: No
M242 25-mm Bushmaster cannon (same gun as the Bradley)
C6 7.62-mm coaxial, medium machine gun (FN MAG)
C6 7.62-mm flexible, medium machine gun
76-mm multi-barrel grenade dispenser

LAV II Coyote

LAV III (8.3)


Crew: 3
Mass: Basic weight: 13,702 kg | Combat load: 16,958 kg
Engine: Caterpillar 3126HEUI
Top Speed: On road 100 km/h | Off-Road: 70 km/h
Horse Power: 350
Maximum grade: 60%
Side slope: 30%

Cant find direct specifics but its basic armour (without any upgrades) covers the Standardization Agreement STANAG 4569 level III
More information on NATO AEP-55 STANAG 4569 can be found here
STANAG 4569 - Wikipedia
LAV’s in 2008 were kitted with a new armour kit to help protect against IED’s, explosively formed penetrators and 30 mm caliber armour piercing rounds
Can be fitted with ceramic appliqué armour (MEXAS) plates.
Can be fitted with cage armour

M242 25-mm Bushmaster cannon (already found in game on the M3 and M3A3 Bradley’s) [500 rounds]
I cannot find the exact ammunition it uses but the LAV II had the same gun, and used armour-piercing sabot and HE-T)
C9A2 5.56-mm LMG
C6 7.62-mm coaxial MMG

2 - 76-mm 4-barrel smoke grenade launchers [8 smoke grenade reload stowed inside]
Has heat-absorbing filter to protect against thermals and IR
Driver, Commander, and Gunner Daytime Optical TIS (Thermal Imaging System) and Generation III Image Intensification (II) (Night Vision)
Independent Hydropneumatic suspension for each wheel
LWS (Laser Warning System)
Quiet APU (Auxiliary Power unit) for Silent watch
Laser Range Finder
Run-Flat Tires
Not amphibious (only LAV I’s are amphibious)
Each of the 8 wheels independently driven

Lav iii

Rank VI

About the Light Armoured Vehicle III Upgrade (LAVUP)
M242 25-mm Bushmaster cannon (already found in game on the M3 and M3A3 Bradley’s) [500 rounds]
I cannot find the exact ammunition it uses but the LAV II had the same gun, and used armour-piercing sabot and HE-T)
C9A2 5.56-mm LMG
C6 7.62-mm coaxial MMG

LAV III technical specifications:

Basic weight: 20,000 kilograms
Combat weight: 28,000 kilograms

Length: 6.98 metres
Width: 2.71 metres
Height: 2.81 metres

Arctic: No
Add-on armour: Yes
Crew: 3

LAV 6.0 (8.7)


Crew: 3
Mass: Basic weight: 20,638 kg (45,500 lbs) | Combat load (with Add-on-Armour): 28,576 kg (63,000 lbs)
Engine: Caterpillar C9
Top Speed: On road 100 km/h | Off-Road: 40 km/h
Horse Power: 450
Maximum grade: 60%
Side slope: 30%
Ditch cross: 2 m


M242 25-mm Bushmaster cannon (already found in game on the M3 and M3A3 Bradley’s) [500 rounds]
I cannot find the exact ammunition it uses but the LAV II had the same gun, and used armour-piercing sabot and HE-T (NATO Standard))
C9A2 5.56-mm LMG
C6 7.62-mm coaxial MMG


2 - 76-mm 4-barrel smoke grenade launchers [8 smoke grenade reload stowed inside]
Has a heat-absorbing filter to protect against thermals and IR
Driver, Commander, and Gunner Daytime Optical TIS (Thermal Imaging System) and Generation III Image Intensification (II) (Night Vision)
Independent Hydropneumatic suspension for each wheel
LWS (Laser Warning System)
Quiet APU (Auxiliary Power unit) for Silent watch
Laser Range Finder
Run-Flat Tires

Not amphibious (only LAV I’s are amphibious)
Each of the 8 wheels can be independently driven

Lav 6.0

LAV III (Trophy APS) (9.0)


Crew: 3
Mass: Basic weight: 13,702 kg | Combat load: 16,958 kg
Engine: Caterpillar 3126HEUI
Top Speed: On road 100 km/h | Off-Road: 70 km/h
Horse Power: 350
Maximum grade: 60%
Side slope: 30%

Cant find direct specifics but its basic armour (without any upgrades) covers the Standardization Agreement STANAG 4569 level III
More information on NATO AEP-55 STANAG 4569 can be found here
STANAG 4569 - Wikipedia
LAV’s in 2008 were kitted with a new armour kit to help protect against IED’s, explosively formed penetrators and 30 mm caliber armour piercing rounds
Can be fitted with ceramic appliqué armour (MEXAS) plates.
Can be fitted with cage armour

M242 25-mm Bushmaster cannon (already found in game on the M3 and M3A3 Bradley’s) [500 rounds]
I cannot find the exact ammunition it uses but the LAV II had the same gun, and used armour-piercing sabot and HE-T)
C9A2 5.56-mm LMG
C6 7.62-mm coaxial MMG

2 - 76-mm 4-barrel smoke grenade launchers [8 smoke grenade reload stowed inside]
Has heat-absorbing filter to protect against thermals and IR
Driver, Commander, and Gunner Daytime Optical TIS (Thermal Imaging System) and Generation III Image Intensification (II) (Night Vision)
Independent Hydropneumatic suspension for each wheel
LWS (Laser Warning System)
Quiet APU (Auxiliary Power unit) for Silent watch
Laser Range Finder
Run-Flat Tires
Not amphibious (only LAV I’s are amphibious)
Each of the 8 wheels independently driven
Trophy APS

Rank VII


Line 2

Rank I-VII
Rank I
M8 Greyhound (Reserve)

Same as the one found in game:

1x 37 mm cannon
1x 12.7mm Machine Gun
1x 7.62 Machine Gun

Maximum speed: 91km/h

M1917 (1.3)

Crew: 2
1x 37mm gun
Maximum speed: 7km/h

Lynx 2pdr (1.7)

1x 2 pdr

Humbler Mk. IV (2.0)

1x 37mm gun
1x 7.92 Besa MG
1x .303 Bren Gun.

Turret front: 14mm
Hull front: 13mm
Sides: 10mm

Maximum speed: 72.42 km/h

Ram Mk. I (2.3)

1x 2-pounder cannon

Rank II
Valentine Infantry Tank Mk. III (2.7)


Grizzly Mk. I (Early) (3.3)

Crew: 5 (Driver, Co-driver, Gunner, Loader, Commander)

Max speed: 31kph / 19.3mph

Turret front: 3"
Turret rear: 2"
Turret side: 2"
Turret top: 1"
Hull front: 2"
Hull rear: 11/2" 1"
Hull side: 2" - 11/4"
Hull top: 2" - 1"
Hull bottom front 1"
Hull bottom rear: 1/2"

Main cannon: 75mm M3 (with 75,76 or 78 rounds *Can’t fully tell because the ink in the book bled)
Hull MG: Browning cal. .30 M1919A4 (Shared 1,4750 rounds)
Turret MG: Browning cal. .30 M1919A4 (Shared 1,4750 rounds)
A.A. MG: Browning cal. .50 M1919A4 (300 rounds)

Grizzly [Early]

Grizzly Mk. I (Late) (3.3)

Crew: 5 (Driver, Co-driver, Gunner, Loader, Commander)

Max speed: 31kph / 19.3mph

Turret front: 3"
Turret rear: 2"
Turret side: 2"
Turret top: 1"
Hull front: 2"
Hull rear: 11/2" 1"
Hull side: 2" - 11/4"
Hull top: 2" - 1"
Hull bottom front 1"
Hull bottom rear: 1/2"

Main cannon: 75mm M3 (with 75,76 or 78 rounds *Can’t fully tell because the ink in the book bled)
Hull MG: Browning cal. .30 M1919A4 (Shared 1,4750 rounds)
Turret MG: Browning cal. .30 M1919A4 (Shared 1,4750 rounds)
A.A. MG: Browning cal. .50 M1919A4 (300 rounds)

Grizzly [Late]

Ram Mk. II sub-model "A"/"B" (Folder)

Folder for sub-models of the Ram II tanks

Ram Mk. II sub-model "A" (3.7)

WD numbers CT39831 to Ct39980
This sub-model is identified by: Ventilator on the right sponson door and a pistol-port on the left door.

RAM Mk. II “A”

Ram Mk. II sub-model "B" (3.7)

WD numbers CT39981 to CT40100
This sub-model is identified by: A ventilator fan replaced the pistol port on the left sponson door.

Ram Mk. II "B"

Ram Mk. II sub-model "C"/"D" (Folder)
Ram Mk. II sub-model "C" (3.7)

WD numbers CT40101 to CT40437
This sub-model is identified by: the removal of the sponson doors and replaced by ventilator ‘humps’

RAM Mk. II “C”

Ram Mk. II sub-model "D" (3.7)

WD numbers CT40438 to 40937
This sub-model is identified by: The removal of the sponson doors and replaced by cast bulges (no ventilator)

Ram Mk. II "D"

Rank III
Sherman III/V (Folder)
Sherman III (4.0)

would be similar if not the same to the Sherman M4A1 found in game:

Crew: 5
1x M3 75mm gun
1x 12.7mm Machine Gun
1x 7.62mm Machine Gun

Maximum speed: 38km/h

Sherman V (4.0)

would be similar if not the same to the Sherman M4A1 found in game:


Ram Mk. II (Late) (4.0)

WD numbers CT159402 to CT160193
This sub-model is identified by: The removal of the sponson doors and replaced by cast bulges (no ventilator), T54E1 tacks, the compass was moved to the turret where it previously was in the instrument panel, an extra drain plug was added, HRUH generator were installed instead of HRH which were on previous models.

Ram Mk. II "CT150000 series" (Final/Late)

Grizzly Mk. I Firefly (4.3)

Specifications:(I assume some of the specs were impacted with the new turret but I am unable to find any so these specs are for the base model grizzly)
Crew: 5 (Driver, Co-driver, Gunner, Loader, Commander)

Max speed: 31kph / 19.3mph

Turret armour: Unknown
Hull front: 2"
Hull rear: 11/2" 1"
Hull side: 2" - 11/4"
Hull top: 2" - 1"
Hull bottom front 1"
Hull bottom rear: 1/2"

Main cannon: 76.2mm QF 17-pounder
Hull MG: Browning cal. .30 M1919A4 (Shared 1,4750 rounds)
Turret MG: Browning cal. .30 M1919A4 (Shared 1,4750 rounds)

Grizzly Firefly [Shop No. 65 – CT-160258]

Sherman Vc Firefly (4.7)

Same as the one found in game:

Rank IV
Centurion Mk. 3 (7.3)

The Canadian Tank divisions in Germany were the first to receive Centurion tanks

Same as the one found in game:

Crew: 4
1x 84mm 20 Pdr.
Maximum speed: 35km/h

Centurion Mk. 5 (7.3)

Crew: 4
1x 84 mm 20 OQF mk.1 Cannon

Centurion Mk. 11 (7.7)

1x 105mm gun

Rank V
Leopard 1A2 (8.7)

105-mm L7A3 with 55 rounds
Unknown on the MG’s that were in it

Crew: 4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Max speed forward: 62 km/h
Max speed reverse: 25 km/h

Leopard C1 (8.7)


Crew: 4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Weight: Combat loaded: 47 tons (42400 KG)
Engine: MTU V 10 Multi fuel engine
Max speed forward: 62 km/h
Max speed reverse: 25 km/h

Laser range finder
8x smoke grenade dischargers (4 mounted on either side of the turret)
Dozer blade
Mine roller
Mine plough
Add-on armour kit “MEXAS” (Will be featured in a separate suggestion as a Leopard C1 MEXAS)


105-mm L7A3 (or L7A1 depending on the source) with 55 rounds
2x 7.62 C6 machine guns (One coaxial and the other roof mounted on either the loader or commanders hatch)

Canadian Leopard C1

Leopard C1 MEXAS (8.7)


Crew: 4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver)
Weight: Combat loaded: 47 tons (42400 KG)
Engine: MTU V 10 Multi fuel engine
Max speed forward: 62 km/h
Max speed reverse: 25 km/h

Laser range finder
8x smoke grenade dischargers (4 mounted on either side of the turret)
Dozer blade
Mine roller
Mine plough
Add-on armour kit “MEXAS”
Thermal imager for the fire-control system
Upgraded Sight (same seen on the C2)
Upgraded Fire control computer (same seen on the C2)


105-mm L7A3 (or L7A1 depending on the source) with 55 rounds
2x 7.62 C6 machine guns (One coaxial and the other roof mounted on either the loader or commanders hatch)

Canadian Leopard C1 MEXAS

Rank VI
Leopard C2 (9.0)

Crew: 5
1x 105mm L7A3 (depending on the source, some state L7A4)
2x 7.62mm C6 Machine gun’s

Maximum speed: 66km/h

Canadian Leopard C2

Leopard C2 MEXAS (9.0)

Same as the one found in game:
And before you ask the Leopard C2 MEXAS is not called the C2A1

Crew: 5
1x 105mm L7A3 (depending on the source, some state L7A4)
2x 7.62mm C6 Machine gun’s

Maximum speed: 66km/h

Leopard 2A4 (10.3)

Same as the one found in game:

Crew: 4
1x 120mm rh120 L/44
2x 7.62 C6 MG

Maximum speed: 69 km/h

Leopard 2A4M CAN (10.7)

1x 120mm L/44 Gun
2x 7.62 C6 MG

Maximum speed: 72 km/h

Leopard 2A4M CAN: The Maple Leaf Leopard

Rank VII
Leopard 2A6NL (11.7)

Same as found in game:

Canada purchased 20 of Leopard 2A6’s to give to Germany as Germany lent Canada 20 Leopard 2A6M’s that would be sent to Afghanistan

1x 120mm L/55 gun
2x 7.62 MG’s

Maximum speed: 68km/h

Leopard 2A6M CAN (12.0)

1x 120mm L/55 gun
2x 7.62 C6 MG’s

Maximum speed: 68km/h

Leopard 2A6M CAN: Fail-safe Leopard

Line 3

Rank I-VII
Rank I
Daimler Armoured Car Mk. I (1.0)

1x 2pdr gun
1x 7.92mm MG
1x .303 Bren gun

16 mm turret front
14 mm hull front
10 mm sides

Maximum speed: 80.47 km/h

Stuart Mk. I (1.7)

Same as the Stuart Mk. I found in game:

Crew: 4
1x 37mm M5
2x M1919A4 Machine Gun’s

Maximum speed: 51km/h

Wolf Mk. I (2.0)

Crew: 5
1x 2 Pdr. Ordnance Quick Firing

Covenanter IV (2.3)

crew: 4
1x 2 Pdr. Ordnance Quick Firing
1x .303 inch Bren Gun

maximum armour thickness of 40-millimetres,
minimum armour thickness of 7-millimetres
Maximum speed: 49.89 km/h

Rank II
M3 Lee/Grant I (Folder)
M3 Lee (2.7)

Same as the M3 Lee found in game:

Crew: 7
1x 37mm M5 cannon
1x 75mm M2 cannon
2x M1919A4 Machine Gun’s

Maximum speed: 39km/h

Grant I (2.7)

Same as the one found in game:

Crew: 6
1x 37mm M5 cannon
1x 75mm M2 cannon
1x M1919A4 Machine Gun

Maximum Speed: 39km/h

Gun Carrier (3-in) (2.7)

Same as the one found in game:

Characteristics of the Carrier, Churchill 3-inch Gun Mk I

Crew: four (commander, gun layer, loader, driver)

Weight: 39 tons
Length: 26 feet 1 inch (including gun)
Width: 10 feet 8 inches (with air intake louvres on sides)
Height: 9 feet 1 inch
Length of tracks on ground: 12 feet 8 inches
Width over tracks: 9 feet 1 inch
Clearance under hull: 1 foot 9 inches
Armour thickness: Superstructure: frontal plate (basically an extension of the vertical driver’s visor plate) 89 millimetres
Side plates: 76 millimetres
Rear plate: 76 millimetres
Roof plate: 15 millimetres
Road speed: 15½ mph
Cross country speed: 8 mph (approximately)
Engine: 12 cylinder Vauxhall Bedford twin-six 350 horsepower
Weight of engine: 3,376 lbs (dry)
Fording depth: 3 feet 4 inches (without preparation)
Trench crossing ability: 10 feet
Vertical obstacle capacity: 2 feet 6 inches
Turret: Fixed
Main armament: 3-inch, 20-hundredweight – high velocity anti-aircraft gun
Elevation main armament: minus 10-degrees to plus 15-degrees
Traverse main armament: 5-degrees either side of the center line
Muzzle velocity main armament: 2000 feet per second (able to penetrate 100 millimetres of armour at 200 yards)
Ammunition stowage: 49 rounds of armour piercing and 16 rounds of high explosive

Achilles (3.3)

Same as the one found in game:

Crew: 5
1x QF 17-pounder (76mm)
1x 12.7mm Machine Gun

Maximum speed: 42km/h

Matilda II Mk III (3.3)

Same as found in game:

Crew: 4
the Infantry Tank Matilda II Mk III (with twin Leyland diesel engines,
1x 2-pounder Ordnance Quick Firing gun Mark IX or Mark X
1x co-axial 7.92-millimetre Besa machine gun mounted in the turret
fitted with the No. 19 Wireless Telegraph Receiving and Transmitting set (a radio set))

Churchill Mk. I (3.3)

Same as the Churchill Mk. I found in game:

Crew: 5
1x 40mm 2 pdr.
1x 76mm OQF 3-inch Howitzer Mk. I
1x 7.92mm BESA Machine Gun

Churchill Mk. II (3.7)

Crew: 5
1x 2-pounder gun
2x 7.92 BESA Machine Gun
1x Bren Gun

Rank III
Churchill Mk. IV (3.7)

Crew: 5
1x 57mm 6pdr OQF Mk. V Cannon
1x 7.92mm BESA Machine Gun

Maximum speed: 25km/h

Churchill Mk. III (4.0)

Same as the one found in game:

Crew: 5
1x 57mm 6pdr OQF Mk. V Cannon
1x 7.92mm BESA Machine Gun

Maximum speed: 28km/h

Sherman Ic Hybrid Firefly (4.7)

Same as the M4 Tipi IC in game:

Crew: 5
1x 76mm QF 17-pounder
1x 12.6mm Machine Gun
1x 7.62mm Machine Gun

Maximum speed: 38km/h

Rank IV
Bobcat SPG 105 (5.3)

1x 105mm gun

M4A2(76)W HVSS (5.7)

Same as the M4A2 (76)W found in game:

Crew: 5
1x 76-mm M1A2 long-barreled, high-velocity gun fitted with a muzzle brake
2x Browning .30-calibre M1919A4 machine-gun
1x Browning .50-calibre machine-gun
Maximum speed: 48 km/h

M4A2E8: The Easy 8 left in a maple home

M4A3(76)W HVSS (5.7)

Same as the M4A3 (76)W found in game:

Crew: 5
1x 76-mm M1A2 long-barreled, high-velocity gun fitted with a muzzle brake
2x Browning .30-calibre M1919A4 machine-gun
1x Browning .50-calibre machine-gun
Maximum speed: 48 km/h

Rank V
FV101 Scorpion (P11) (6.7)

Yes this a Prototype Scorpion on its side and on fire.

Assuming the specs are the same as the production:

1x 76 mm L23A1 gun
1 x 7.62mm (possibly the L43A1 or a Canadian substitute)

Crew: 3
Maximum speed: 72.5 km/h

M109 (7.0)

Crew: 6
1x M126 155 mm
1x 12.7mm Machine Gun

M109A1 (7.0)

Crew: 6
1x Watervliet Arsenal M185 155 mm
1x 12.7mm Machine Gun

M109A4+ (7.3)

Crew: 6
1x Watervliet Arsenal M185 155 mm
1x 12.7mm Machine Gun

Rank VI


Rank VII


Line 4

Rank I-VII
Rank I
Vickers Light Tank AA Mk. I (1.0)

Same as the one found in game:

crew: 2
4 x 7.92 mm BESA machine gun

Maximum speed: 51 km/h

M3 Half-track (Serial No. CZ4289153) (1.3)

2x 12.7mm Machine guns

Staghound AA (2.0)

Same as the one found in game:

Crew: 3
1x twin .50 MG’s
1x 2-in smoke mortar

Turret: 1 ½ inch
Hull front: ⅞ inch
Sides: ¾ inch

Maximum speed: 88.51 km/h

CMP 15 CWT 20mm (2.3)

Armament: 20 Bofors
Crew: 3
Maximum Speed: 74 km/h (46 mph)

Engine: 216 cubic inch, 6 cylinder in-line, 85 hp

Rank II
GM High Capacity Snowmobile 40mm Bofors (2.3)

1x 40mm Bofors

Specs of the stndard halftrack snowmobile:

GM High Capacity Snowmobile: Canadians Know Snow

CMP Ford 3 Ton 40mm Bofors (3.3)

Crew: unknown but seems to have seats for 4 or 5.
1x 40mm Bofors
Maximum speed: 70.81 km/h

Loyd Carrier with 40mm Bofors (3.7)

crew: ~3
1x 40mm Bofors
Maximum speed: 48 km/h

Rank III
Crusader AA Mk. II (3.7)

I am unable to locate a photo of Canada using this vehicle

Same as the one currently found in game:
crew: 4
2x 20 mm Oerlikon Mk.II guns

Centaur Mk. II Anti-Aircraft (4.0)

Crew: 4-5
2x 20mm polsten guns

Skink (Hispano) (4.3)

Similar to the one found in game: except the specs would be a bit worse and the guns would be polsten’s

Crew: 5
4x Hispano 20mm guns

Hull: Grizzly Tank
Front: 2"
Sides/rear: 1 1/4"
Bottom: 1"

For a short brief write up on the history of the skink check the Skink (Polsten) in Rank IV.

CMP 4x4 3-Ton Quad Polsten (4.3)

Crew: unknown (Data book states “Body seats 5”)
1x Quad Polsten 20mm mount


Maximum speed: 70.81 km/h

Rank IV
CMP Truck 6x6 with Quad Inglis (4.7)

Crew: probably 2-3

1x Quad Inglis 20mm

F60S Quad 20mm AA (4.7)

crew: 3
1x Quad Inglis 20mm

Maximum speed: 50km/h

Skink (Polsten) (5.0)

Same as the one found in game:

Crew: 5
4x Polsten 20mm guns

Hull: Grizzly Tank
Front: 2"
Sides/rear: 1 1/4"
Bottom: 1"

For more information on the skink history:


n May 1943, the G.O.C.-in-C. of the First Canadian Army requested a vehicle be developed that had the following requirements:

Accommodate 4 guns
Ammunition stowage for one minute of fire
360° traverse at minimum 40° per second and maximum 50° per second.
The requirement for AA at the time could only be filled by using the Crusader or American AA equipment. However, the First Canadian Army did not want to use the Crusader AA, and information requests for American equipment at the time were not forthcoming. The project was assigned project number 47(DVA).

Since Canada was at the time a dominion of Great Britain, a lot of military technologies and reports were shared between them. From the beginning of development, Great Britain and the USA showed great interest in the project. Great Britain’s interest was strong as development of the Crusader AA Mk II had only just began, and the War Office wanted to see which one would end up being better to procure for their forces.

On February 28th, 1944, Project No. 47(DVA) was officially reclassified and given the name “Skink”. The name had been given to the tank before then, however officially it had still been named Project No. 47.

The initial idea was to make turret kits that could be fitted to Shermans; the turrets were initially going to be fitted with a quad Hispano 20 mm gun mount using 50-round boxes, though there were also plans to use a belt-fed system. During development, the armament was swapped to Polsten guns, as requested by the British War Office as well as recommended by the First Canadian Army. This change of armament set back the already delayed development stage of the Skink as they had to redesign the turret to accommodate the Polsten guns.

Great Britain at this time had planned to order 130 turret kits which then turned into 130 complete Skinks; however, in August 1944, they called for a complete cancellation of their Skink orders as they became more interested in the new Grizzly tanks. Following the cancellation of British orders, the entire Skink project was stopped. At this point, only 1 Skink prototype had been completed, with 2 more partially completed - these were later completed, with one retained in Canada and the other, jointly owned by Canada and Great Britain, was sent to Britain for experimental purposes at the request of the Canadian Military Headquarters in London.

On September 5th, 1944, the Skink prototype (SK1001) arrived in Britain. During that month, the Canadian Military Headquarters also requested that a second Skink be sent. However, due to complications, the second Skink that was to be sent to the UK never left Canada. On September 8th, Canadian Military Headquarters in Great Britain were requested by the Director of the Royal Armed Corps that the Skink be sent to D.T.D. Chobham and then E.W.(G) Lulworth for firing trials. On the 11th of the same month, the Skink was released to head to Chobham. On October 9th, at Chobham, the Skink was demonstrated and went through traverse and elevation tests.

On November 1st, the Canadian army wrote to the Canadian Military Headquarters in London and stated that Great Britain agreed for the jointly-owned Skink, now in Lulworth, to be released to the European theatre for operational trials following the trials at Lulworth, as well as the formation of a unit that would use the vehicle from the Canadian First Army, named the No. 1 Tank Demonstration Unit CAC.

The crew of the vehicle and the unit they came from were as follows:

Captain H Valle - CMHQ
A/Capt WH Marshell - 3 CACRU
L54863 A/Sgt Bogden GG - 3 CACRU
L104991 Tpr Champagne RL - 2 CACRU
B61218 A/SSM Moore TH - 1 CACRU [Substituted for A/SGT Bisson PE before entering the theatre]
B696338 A/SGT Bisson PE - 3 CACRU
The trials at Lulworth continued from November 1944 to January 1945. Following the trials, the director of the Royal Armoured Corps stated that there was no operational requirement for the Skink in British formations. On January 16th, the Skink was released to the 21st Army Group as part of the First Canadian Army. The Skink was deployed to the European theatre from February until the end of March when it returned to England. While in the theatre, the Skink was unable to be used in the role that it was intended for, due to the lack of aerial opposition by this point in the war. The unit only saw a single enemy aircraft, at a distance that the Skink would not have been able to engage effectively. However, the Skink was found to be effective when used against dug-in enemy infantry positions, in particular with the HEIT incendiary rounds.

The Skink (No.1001) was to be sent back to Canada and one of the Skinks in Canada sent to Great Britain as they wanted to take on the costs of a full Skink rather than 2 jointly owned Skinks. After discussions with Canadian Headquarters in Ottawa, it made more sense that they keep the Skink that was in England rather than swap them. It isn’t fully known what happened to the Skinks in Canada or Great Britain after the war.

The information for this was collected from:
Canadian Military Headquarters, London (CMHQ), Files Block No. 55 - 5779 from the Canadian Library and Archives

Canadian Military Headquarters, London (CMHQ), Files Block No. 55 - 5780 from the Canadian Library and Archives

Design Record Canadian Developed Military Vehicles World War II Volume 3 Tanks and Tank type Vehicles

I also have a digital copy of “FN-22-2 Operators’ Manual Tanks, A.A., 20 MM., Quad “Skink” August 1944” however the content of manual did not provide me with any historical information and I have just been using it to create bug reports on the the skink.

Rank V
AIFV (20mm) (6.0)

1x 20mm Oerlikon cannon
Length: 5.29 meters
Width: 2.69 meters
Height: 2.2 meters
Combat Weight: 11,748 kg
Capacity: 2 crew + 10 passengers, fully equipped
Cargo Payload: 1,364 kg
Engine: 210 HP GMC Diesel
Speed: 64 km/h Land, 5.6 km/h Water
Fording Depth: 1 meter
Range: 320 km

AIFV GBD-ADA (25mm KBA)(7.3)

Can’t directly find a photo of this vehicle but I can assume from the description its the Dutch M113 Commando & Verkenning

Crew: 3
Weight: 8.8 t combat load
Main armament
Type :25mm KBA autocannon
Mount: GBD-ADA turret
Ammunition: 450 rounds, 80 APDS and 120 HEI ready to fire
Elevation: 12 to +52°, powered
Traverse: 360°, powered
Stabilizer: No

Engine: GMC 6V53 6-cylinder diesel
Power output: 215 hp at 2.800 rpm
Transmission: Automatic, 3 forward, 1 reverse

Speed: 67 km/h on road; 6 km/h in water
Turn radius: 6.4 m
Power to weight ratio: 23.9 hp/t

Obstacle crossing
Ground clearance:0.41 m
Wall: 0.6 m
Trench: 1.5 m
Gradient: 60%
Fording: Amphibious

Armor type: Aluminum
Armor thickness
32 to 44 mm hull front
32 mm hull top
25 mm hull floor
19 to 32 mm hull sides
32 mm hull rear

NBC system: Yes
Smoke system: 2x3 smoke grenade dischargers

Rank VI
Mowag Shark Wildcat 30 (8.3)

Crew: 3
2x 30 mm Mauser Mk30-F
Maximum speed: 100 km/h

Thanks to Caid for bring this vehicle to my attention with his suggestion on the old forum:
Mowag Shark Wildcat 30, Canadian Swiss Cheese maker. - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum

Rank VII
Mowag Shark Crotale (11.3)

Crew: 3
4x R440 crotale SAM Missiles

Maximum speed: 100 km/h

Thanks to Caid for bring this vehicle to my attention with his suggestion on the old forum:

ADATS (11.7)

Same as the one found in game:

Crew: 3

ADATS Missiles x 8 (8 stowage)

Maximum speed: 65km/h

Multi-Mission Effects Vehicles (12.0)

Crew: 4
Speed: 100km/h (62m/h)

Main Armament:
ADATS Missiles
IRIS-T Missiles
CRV-7-PG Rockets

Other Specs:
Hydropneumatic suspension


Line 5

Rank I-VII
Rank I
C21UCG (1.3)

During WWII Canada experimented with many different projects and one of such projects. Canada developed these with the fear of a Japanese or Russian attack and the majority of these ended up serving as airfield defence but one of them was shipped to England. (Probably for testing) In 1941-42 Canada created 24 Universal Carriers that mounted a 2 Pdr. AT Gun at the front with rounds for the gun being mounted to the around the sides of the vehicle. the Model for this Universal carrier was also called C21UCG.

Crew: ~3
Armament: 2 pdr AT gun
Maximum speed: 50.2 km/h


T30 Halftrack 75mm (1.7)

Canadian Army T30 Howitzer Motor Carriage halftracks equipped with a 75-mm M1897A4 howitzer

Crew: ~~
1x 75-mm M1897A4 howitzer

Rank II
Archer (2.7)

Same as the one found in game:

Crew: 4
1x 76mm QF 17 Pounder

Maximum speed: 33km/h

3" S.P. Ram Mk. I (3.0)

Hull specs (RAM):
Weight (fully equipped): 60,000 lbs. (Based on M-10)
Engine: Continental Motors Corporation R975-EC2 or R975-C1; Static Radial Air cooled 4-cycle petrol 9 cylinder
Maximum sustained speed on hard road: 25 mph (40.23 km/h)
Expected cross country speeds: 4-20 mph (6.44 - 32.19 km/h)
Maximum grade ascending ability: 35°
Maximum grade descending ability: 35° - 45°
Maximum width ditch vehicle will cross: 7ft 5in (2.26m)
Maximum vertical obstacle vehicle will climb over: 24 inches (0.61m)
Maximum fording depth (not waterproofed): 40 Inches (1.02m)
Crew: 5 (driver, co-driver, 3 gunners (assume gunner, commander, loader)

Armour: (Values may be incorrect a bit as the files are difficult to read)
Upper Hull:
Top plate: 3/4 Inch
Front bow plate 1 1/2 Inches
Back and side plates: 3/4 Inches
Deflectors (above track): 1/4 Inch

Lower Hull:
Bow plate: 1 1/2 Inches
Side plate: 1 Inch
Rear cover, plate: 1 Inch
Bottom plate: 1/2 Inch

Gun shield: 21/4 Inches
Sides: 1 Inch
Top: 1/4 Inch
Plate, trunnion support: 21/2 Inches
Floor (over ammo, compartments): 3/8 Inch
Traverse: 360°
Maximum elevation: 30°
Maximum depression: -10°

3-inch M-7 (55 rounds total: 6 rounds held in a read use mounting at the back of the turret at waist height, 49 rounds stored in a stowage compartment under the floor.) (there were discussions on a modification to the 2 side compartments to hold 24 semi-ready-use rounds Source:

Fire-rate achieved during testing: 5-12 rounds per minute (Rounds across the board had ejection issues so the real fire-rate could be higher)
Sight: M.51 (American Model)
(optional: A.A. 50 cal. could be added to the rear of the turret as the mounting was there but I was unable to find any photos of it founded

3" H.E. M42 Fuzed M43A1
3" A.P. M79

(Technically it could fire any round the M10 did however these are the only 2 rounds I could find record of it firing)

Driver sat on the right-side


M7 Priest (3.0)

Crew: 8
1x 105mm cannon
1x 12.7 Machine Gun

Maximum speed: 39km/h

M10 Wolverine GMC (3.3)

Same as the one found in game:

crew: 5
1x 76 mm M7 cannon
1x 12.7 mm Machine gun

Maximum speed: 49km/h

Sexton Mk. I (3.7)

Ordnance Q.F. 25pdr Mk1/Mk2/Mk3 (sources vary)

According to Design Records
Able to store up to 112 shells.
87 - H.E./Smoke
18 - A.P.


Crew: 6
Gun Elevation: 40°
Gun Depression: 9° (not sure if this is suppose to be -9)
Gun Traverse: 25° Left and 15° Right
Maximum Speed: 25 miles an hour ( 40.23 km per hour)
Additional Canvas cover for the crew was also standard to have in the vehicle/


1/2" Bullet Proof steel on the sides and the rear
3/4" Bullet Proof steel in the front

Hull: Ram Tank

Front: 3" - 2"
Rear: 1 1/2"
Sides: 2 1/2" - 1 1/4"
Bottom: Front: 1"
Rear: 1/2"


Sexton Mk. II (4.0)

Ordnance QF 25-pounder (MkI/MkII/MkII)
According to Design Records
Able to store up to 112 shells.
87 - H.E./Smoke
18 - A.P.

Crew: 6
Gun Elevation: 40°
Gun Depression: 9° (not sure if this is suppose to be -9)
Gun Traverse: 25° Left and 15° Right
Maximum Speed: 25 miles an hour ( 40.23 km per hour)
Additional Canvas cover for the crew was also standard to have in the vehicle/

1/2" Bullet Proof steel on the sides and the rear
3/4" Bullet Proof steel in the front

Hull: Grizzly Tank
Front: 2"
Sides/rear: 1 1/4"
Bottom: 1"


Rank III
Ram 3.7-inch S.P. (5.3)

Same as found in game:

Crew: 9
1x QF 3.7-inch Anti Aircraft gun

Rank IV
3/4 Ton SMP Dodge SS.11's (6.7)

3x SS11B ENTAC Missile

M113A1CDN SS.11 (7.0)

8x SS.11 Missiles

Length: 5.29 meters
Width: 2.69 meters
Height: 2.2 meters
Combat Weight: 11,748 kg
Capacity: 2 crew + 10 passengers, fully equipped
Cargo Payload: 1,364 kg
Engine: 210 HP GMC Diesel
Speed: 64 km/h Land, 5.6 km/h Water
Fording Depth: 1 meter
Range: 320 km

Rank V
M38A1 ENTAC (7.0)

Crew: 2
4x SS11B ENTAC Missile

M113A1 TOW (M220A1) (7.3)

M220A1 Tow Launcher

Length: 5.29 meters
Width: 2.69 meters
Height: 2.2 meters
Combat Weight: 11,748 kg
Capacity: 2 crew + 10 passengers, fully equipped
Cargo Payload: 1,364 kg
Engine: 210 HP GMC Diesel
Speed: 64 km/h Land, 5.6 km/h Water
Fording Depth: 1 meter
Range: 320 km

M151A2 1/4 (M232 Tow Launcher) (8.0)

Crew: 3
1x Tow Launcher (2 stowage)

MRZR (TOW) (8.0)

Crew: 2
1x Tow Launcher (Looks like stowage for 1-2 Missiles)


Rank VI
M113A2 TUA (8.3)

I am finding it difficult finding information on the M113A2 TUA so here are some generic M113A2 specs with correct armament:
Weight: 12.5 Tons
Crew: 3-4
Armament: TUA Launcher (TOW 2) 8-10 missile stowage inside the vehicle (might be wrong as finding information is difficult)
Armor: Aluminum Alloy
Thickness: 1.1” – 1.75”
Engine: Detroit Diesel, 6V-53 Liquid Cooled 2 Cycle V-6 Cylinder Piston 212 HP
Fuel Capacity: 95 gal
Speed: 40 mph (the website I took this from might be a bit too generous)
Range: 300 miles


TUA Launcher unknown on how many Missiles in stowage.
Crew: 3
Mass: Basic weight: 13,702 kg | Combat load: 16,958 kg
Engine: Caterpillar 3126HEUI
Top Speed: On road 100 km/h | Off-Road: 70 km/h
Horse Power: 350
Maximum grade: 60%
Side slope: 30%

Cant find direct specifics but its basic armour (without any upgrades) covers the Standardization Agreement STANAG 4569 level III
More information on NATO AEP-55 STANAG 4569 can be found here
STANAG 4569 - Wikipedia
LAV’s in 2008 were kitted with a new armour kit to help protect against IED’s, explosively formed penetrators and 30 mm caliber armour piercing rounds
Can be fitted with ceramic appliqué armour (MEXAS) plates.
Can be fitted with cage armour

Rank VII


Premium/Event/Squadron Tank Line

Rank I-VII
Rank I


Ford cwt 60 (PIAT) (1.3)

18 PIAT launchers

Standard F60 Specs:
Powerplant: one 70.8-kW (95-bhp) Ford V-8 petrol engine
Dimensions: length 6.20 m (20 ft 4 in); width2.29 m (7 ft 6 in); height 3.05 m (10 ft O in)
Performance: max speed 80 km/h (50 mph); range 270 km (168 miles)


4th C.A.B. Halftrack with Rockets (1.3)

Most are unknown since I do not know what half-track this was and its unclear in the war dairies of what it fully was:

Armament: 4 Typhoon rockets (probably RP3’s but unknown)
Ranges of up to 1,500 yards (1,350 metres)


Ram Prototype (1.3)

Crew: Unknown
1x 2 Pdr cannon
1x .303 Machine Gun


Stuart Mk. VI (20mm Hispano) (1.3)

Hull armour:

  • Front: 28mm
  • Side 28mm
  • Back 25mm

Seems like there would still be a bit of armour in the front but I’m not sure what armour thickness there would be so this is just my assumption

Crew: Unknown but we can assume maybe 3-4
Max speed: 58km/h

20mm Hispano (unknown which model as we do not know what wrecked aircraft they took the gun from)
Ammo: Unknown
Ammo count: Unknown



Universal Carrier (PIAT) (1.7)

Specs: (All are somewhat assumed as there are no official specs so I’ll be using specs for the base Universal Carrier but it could be expected the performance of the vehicle to be worse due to the weight and position of the modification)

Max speed: 48 km/h
Engine: 3.9-litre Ford V8 petrol 85 hp (63 kW) at 3,500 rpm
Armour: 7 -10mm

15x PIAT’s in a angled mortar-style mount (angle could be adjusted)
Max Range: 400 yards (365.76 meters)



Light Weight Rocket Launcher (1.7)

Fired 3-inch warhead mk. I Rockets
Rate of fire 8 rockets per second.


Staghound (Chevrolet) (2.0)

I cannot find any photos of this vehicle

The Chevrolet T17E1 version of the Staghound was powered by two 97-hp GMC Hercules engines with a hydraulic transmission. It was served by a five-man crew with three men fitting inside the fully-enclosed, power-traversed turret. It was armed with a 37-mm tank gun and co-axial and bow-mounted .30-inch Browning machine-guns.

The two Canadian armoured car regiments initially received 72 Staghounds each plus a number of additional vehicles allocated to HQ and various other organizations which were in service overseas during the Second World War.

Crew: 5
Maximum speed: 90km/h


Staghound Armoured Car (Rocket Modification) (2.0)

37mm M6 gun
2x .30 cal M1919A4
60lb HE (Possibly RP-3 since it mentions the rockets were from the typhoon)

Turret: 1 ½ inch
Hull front: ⅞ inch
Sides: ¾ inch

Maximum speed: 88.51 km/h


Rank II


Hamilton Bridge 4x4 Wheeled Tank (2.3)

1x 2-Pdr. gun
Maximum speed: 88.5km/h


Stuart Mk. VI (5th C.A.D.) (2.7)

Same as the one in game just moved to Canada Tree:
Crew: 4
1x 37mm M6 gun
2x 7.62mm M1919A4 Machine Guns
Hull armour:

  • Front: 28mm
  • Side 28mm
  • Back 25mm

Maximum Speed: 58km/h


Grizzly Mk.1 (Early) (Portugal) (3.0)

Crew: 5 (Driver, Co-driver, Gunner, Loader, Commander)

Max speed: 31kph / 19.3mph

Turret front: 3"
Turret rear: 2"
Turret side: 2"
Turret top: 1"
Hull front: 2"
Hull rear: 11/2" 1"
Hull side: 2" - 11/4"
Hull top: 2" - 1"
Hull bottom front 1"
Hull bottom rear: 1/2"

Main cannon: 75mm M3 (with 75,76 or 78 rounds *Can’t fully tell because the ink in the book bled)
Hull MG: Browning cal. .30 M1919A4 (Shared 1,4750 rounds)
Turret MG: Browning cal. .30 M1919A4 (Shared 1,4750 rounds)
A.A. MG: Browning cal. .50 M1919A4 (300 rounds)


Sexton Mk. I Prototype (3.3)

I do not have any photo and not alot of information on this vehicle.

Ordnance Q.F. 25pdr Mk1/Mk2/Mk3 (sources vary)

According to Design Records
Able to store up to 112 shells.
87 - H.E./Smoke
18 - A.P.


Crew: 6
Gun Elevation: 40°
Gun Depression: 9° (not sure if this is suppose to be -9)
Gun Traverse: 25° Left and 15° Right
Maximum Speed: 25 miles an hour ( 40.23 km per hour)
Additional Canvas cover for the crew was also standard to have in the vehicle/


1/2" Bullet Proof steel on the sides and the rear
3/4" Bullet Proof steel in the front

Hull: Ram Tank

Front: 3" - 2"
Rear: 1 1/2"
Sides: 2 1/2" - 1 1/4"
Bottom: Front: 1"
Rear: 1/2"


17pdr M10 (Canadian Prototype) (3.3)

I do not have any photos of this vehicle
crew: 5
1x 76 mm M7 cannon
1x 12.7 mm Machine gun

Maximum speed: 49km/h


Ram Mk. II "A" (2x AA MG's) (3.3)

Could potentially be a Ram II “B” but its difficult to tell exactly the hull number.
Armament also included:
2x K" guns in an AA Mount or 2x M1919A4’s


Cromwell V (1st Czechoslovakian Independent Armoured Brigade Group) (3.3)

Same as in game:

Crew: 5
1x 75mm OQF Mk.V
1x 7.92mm BESA Machine Gun

Maximum speed: 52 km/h


Sexton Mk. II (Portugal) (4.0)

Ordnance QF 25-pounder (MkI/MkII/MkII)
According to Design Records
Able to store up to 112 shells.
87 - H.E./Smoke
18 - A.P.

Crew: 6
Gun Elevation: 40°
Gun Depression: 9° (not sure if this is suppose to be -9)
Gun Traverse: 25° Left and 15° Right
Maximum Speed: 25 miles an hour ( 40.23 km per hour)
Additional Canvas cover for the crew was also standard to have in the vehicle/

1/2" Bullet Proof steel on the sides and the rear
3/4" Bullet Proof steel in the front

Hull: Grizzly Tank
Front: 2"
Sides/rear: 1 1/4"
Bottom: 1"

Rank III


Churchill Mk. IV AVRE (4.3)

1x 240mm gun


RAM II (75mm) (Dutch) (4.3)

1x QF 75mm Mark 5. cannon


RAM II (75mm Mk.V) (4.3)

1x 75mm Mk. V cannon



6x6 Mack 10 Ton with 25-pounder Portee (4.7)

Not much is known about this vehicle

1x 25 Pdr. Cannon

Rank IV


Centaur Mk. VII (5.0)

Crew: 5
1x 95mm Howitzer
2x 7.92mm Machine Guns


Ferret Scout Car (ENTAC) (7.0)

From what I can find Canada make 2 examples of this vehicle with this modification


Maximum speed: 58 mph (93 km/h)


Rank V


M113 Commando & Verkenning (Netherlands) (7.3)

Crew: 3
Weight: 8.8 t combat load
Main armament
Type :25mm KBA autocannon
Mount: GBD-ADA turret
Ammunition: 450 rounds, 80 APDS and 120 HEI ready to fire
Elevation: 12 to +52°, powered
Traverse: 360°, powered
Stabilizer: No

Engine: GMC 6V53 6-cylinder diesel
Power output: 215 hp at 2.800 rpm
Transmission: Automatic, 3 forward, 1 reverse

Speed: 67 km/h on road; 6 km/h in water
Turn radius: 6.4 m
Power to weight ratio: 23.9 hp/t

Obstacle crossing
Ground clearance:0.41 m
Wall: 0.6 m
Trench: 1.5 m
Gradient: 60%
Fording: Amphibious

Armor type: Aluminum
Armor thickness
32 to 44 mm hull front
32 mm hull top
25 mm hull floor
19 to 32 mm hull sides
32 mm hull rear

NBC system: Yes
Smoke system: 2x3 smoke grenade dischargers


BV206 SMP MOSV (TOW) (7.7)

Canada ended up buying 8 TOW BV206’s

Crew: Unknown
Tow Missiles

Length: 6.86 m
Width: 1.85 m
Track width: 6.2 m
Height: 2.4 m
Payload: 1.9 t
Weight: 6.34 t


LAV II CMD (7.7)

Crew: 4

Length: 7.57 m
Width: 3.25 m
Height: 2.7 m

On-road speed: 62 km/h
Off-road speed: 40 km/h
On-road range: 650 km
Off-road range: 500 km
Maximum grade: 60%
Side slope: 30%
Ditch cross: 2.5 m

Arctic: No
Add-on armour: Yes (not sure what this package is but if somebody knows please feel free to share, its described on the government website as: “Add-on armour shields against larger projectiles.”)

Amphibious: No
M242 25-mm Bushmaster cannon (same gun as the Bradley)
C6 7.62-mm coaxial, medium machine gun (FN MAG)
C6 7.62-mm flexible, medium machine gun
76-mm multi-barrel grenade dispenser


Mission Master Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicle (8.3)

2x seven-tube rocket launchers Laser Guided Rockets


General Dynamics Land Systems Canada LAV Demonstrator (8.3)

1x ATK Mk44 30mm
1x 7.62mm Machine Gun


LAV III (SFOR) (8.3)


Crew: 3
Mass: Basic weight: 13,702 kg | Combat load: 16,958 kg
Engine: Caterpillar 3126HEUI
Top Speed: On road 100 km/h | Off-Road: 70 km/h
Horse Power: 350
Maximum grade: 60%
Side slope: 30%

Cant find direct specifics but its basic armour (without any upgrades) covers the Standardization Agreement STANAG 4569 level III
More information on NATO AEP-55 STANAG 4569 can be found here
STANAG 4569 - Wikipedia
LAV’s in 2008 were kitted with a new armour kit to help protect against IED’s, explosively formed penetrators and 30 mm caliber armour piercing rounds
Can be fitted with ceramic appliqué armour (MEXAS) plates.
Can be fitted with cage armour

M242 25-mm Bushmaster cannon (already found in game on the M3 and M3A3 Bradley’s) [500 rounds]
I cannot find the exact ammunition it uses but the LAV II had the same gun, and used armour-piercing sabot and HE-T)
C9A2 5.56-mm LMG
C6 7.62-mm coaxial MMG

2 - 76-mm 4-barrel smoke grenade launchers [8 smoke grenade reload stowed inside]
Has heat-absorbing filter to protect against thermals and IR
Driver, Commander, and Gunner Daytime Optical TIS (Thermal Imaging System) and Generation III Image Intensification (II) (Night Vision)
Independent Hydropneumatic suspension for each wheel
LWS (Laser Warning System)
Quiet APU (Auxiliary Power unit) for Silent watch
Laser Range Finder
Run-Flat Tires
Not amphibious (only LAV I’s are amphibious)
Each of the 8 wheels independently driven


LAV III Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry «PPCLI» (8.3)


Crew: 3
Mass: Basic weight: 13,702 kg | Combat load: 16,958 kg
Engine: Caterpillar 3126HEUI
Top Speed: On road 100 km/h | Off-Road: 70 km/h
Horse Power: 350
Maximum grade: 60%
Side slope: 30%

Cant find direct specifics but its basic armour (without any upgrades) covers the Standardization Agreement STANAG 4569 level III
More information on NATO AEP-55 STANAG 4569 can be found here
STANAG 4569 - Wikipedia
LAV’s in 2008 were kitted with a new armour kit to help protect against IED’s, explosively formed penetrators and 30 mm caliber armour piercing rounds
Can be fitted with ceramic appliqué armour (MEXAS) plates.
Can be fitted with cage armour

M242 25-mm Bushmaster cannon (already found in game on the M3 and M3A3 Bradley’s) [500 rounds]
I cannot find the exact ammunition it uses but the LAV II had the same gun, and used armour-piercing sabot and HE-T)
C9A2 5.56-mm LMG
C6 7.62-mm coaxial MMG

2 - 76-mm 4-barrel smoke grenade launchers [8 smoke grenade reload stowed inside]
Has heat-absorbing filter to protect against thermals and IR
Driver, Commander, and Gunner Daytime Optical TIS (Thermal Imaging System) and Generation III Image Intensification (II) (Night Vision)
Independent Hydropneumatic suspension for each wheel
LWS (Laser Warning System)
Quiet APU (Auxiliary Power unit) for Silent watch
Laser Range Finder
Run-Flat Tires
Not amphibious (only LAV I’s are amphibious)
Each of the 8 wheels independently driven

Rank VI


General Dynamics Land System TRX (8.3)

30mm cannons,
coax machine guns,
anti-aircraft, anti-tank,
multi-mission missiles,
target acquisition sensor and sight options


LAV III (DAS) (8.7)


Crew: 3
Mass: Basic weight: 13,702 kg | Combat load: 16,958 kg
Engine: Caterpillar 3126HEUI
Top Speed: On road 100 km/h | Off-Road: 70 km/h
Horse Power: 350
Maximum grade: 60%
Side slope: 30%

Cant find direct specifics but its basic armour (without any upgrades) covers the Standardization Agreement STANAG 4569 level III
More information on NATO AEP-55 STANAG 4569 can be found here
STANAG 4569 - Wikipedia
LAV’s in 2008 were kitted with a new armour kit to help protect against IED’s, explosively formed penetrators and 30 mm caliber armour piercing rounds
Can be fitted with ceramic appliqué armour (MEXAS) plates.
Can be fitted with cage armour

M242 25-mm Bushmaster cannon (already found in game on the M3 and M3A3 Bradley’s) [500 rounds]
I cannot find the exact ammunition it uses but the LAV II had the same gun, and used armour-piercing sabot and HE-T)
C9A2 5.56-mm LMG
C6 7.62-mm coaxial MMG

2 - 76-mm 4-barrel smoke grenade launchers [8 smoke grenade reload stowed inside]
Has heat-absorbing filter to protect against thermals and IR
Driver, Commander, and Gunner Daytime Optical TIS (Thermal Imaging System) and Generation III Image Intensification (II) (Night Vision)
Independent Hydropneumatic suspension for each wheel
LWS (Laser Warning System)
Quiet APU (Auxiliary Power unit) for Silent watch
Laser Range Finder
Run-Flat Tires
Not amphibious (only LAV I’s are amphibious)
Each of the 8 wheels independently driven
Defensive aids suite (dazzler)



LAV 6.0 Recce (8.7)

Crew: 3
Mass: Basic weight: 20,638 kg (45,500 lbs) | Combat load (with Add-on-Armour): 28,576 kg (63,000 lbs)
Engine: Caterpillar C9
Top Speed: On road 100 km/h | Off-Road: 40 km/h
Horse Power: 450
Maximum grade: 60%
Side slope: 30%
Ditch cross: 2 m


M242 25-mm Bushmaster cannon (already found in game on the M3 and M3A3 Bradley’s) [500 rounds]
I cannot find the exact ammunition it uses but the LAV II had the same gun, and used armour-piercing sabot and HE-T (NATO Standard))
C9A2 5.56-mm LMG
C6 7.62-mm coaxial MMG


2 - 76-mm 4-barrel smoke grenade launchers [8 smoke grenade reload stowed inside]
Has a heat-absorbing filter to protect against thermals and IR
Driver, Commander, and Gunner Daytime Optical TIS (Thermal Imaging System) and Generation III Image Intensification (II) (Night Vision)
Independent Hydropneumatic suspension for each wheel
LWS (Laser Warning System)
Quiet APU (Auxiliary Power unit) for Silent watch
Laser Range Finder
Run-Flat Tires

Not amphibious (only LAV I’s are amphibious)
Each of the 8 wheels can be independently driven


Leopard 2A4M Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians) «LdSH(RC)» (11.0)

1x 120mm L/44 Gun
2x 7.62 C6 MG

Maximum speed: 72 km/h

Rank VII


Special Canadian Modifications


Here is a list of modifications that could be added to some of the vehicles if the Canadian tech tree is added.

CDP Tracks (Only on some vehicles)

The CDP track was lighter and simpler than standard American tracks and did not require rubber, which was in short supply when Japan advanced into Southeast Asia and conquered Malaya.

Sherman V 3-inch turret mortar

Ended up being cancelled as the introduction of M4’s with 105mm promised better results and would more reliable.

Rheinmetall SolarΣShield

This helps reduce the heat on the tank from the sun and reduces the heat signatures of the tank.

Anti Panzerfaust Armour

During WW2 Canada wanted to create a way to prevent the shaped charge of the Panzerfaust from reaching/detonating on their tanks. This trails under up with some mixed results as the spaced meshed screens did not always stop the projectile and would not be able to stop Panzerfaust 60’s.
This lead to the realization that there was no easy way to prevent Panzerfaust damage fully and it would be better to rely on these mesh screens. However many Sherman’s and other vehicles were fitted with these screens throughout the war.

SAAB Barracuda

This helps reduce the heat on the tank from the sun and reduces the heat signatures of the tank.
Also tactical umbral

Vehicles that also could be added


Chevrolet C15A truck with a Bren AA mount:

LAV 700 (30 mm)
LAV 700 (90 mm)
LAV 700 (105 mm)
LAV 700 (120 mm)

I will also be working on individual suggestions for each of these vehicle and more that I come across during my research.
If you want to help work on any of the singular suggestions for each of these vehicles feel free to send me a DM.

For those interested in Canadian Vehicle we have created a discord for people to research and help each other find information on Canadian Vehicles.


Starts at rank one, but there’s a lot of shared equipment.
While I’d prefer Canada as a sub-tree to say Britain [2nd sub tree essentially], I wouldn’t mind this one dedicated if an airforce compliments it well enough.

Good proposal.


Canada should either be a Sub-Tree alongside Australia (replacing South-Africa since they can have a Independent TT in their own right) or the Independent TT should be a Joint Australian and Canadian (CANAUS) TT


Well, I wholeheartedly support this tree, I do agree there is one too many 1 to 1 things from other nations. For reference, there is PikPikker’s old Canada tree proposal Canadian ground forces tech tree for War Thunder proposal by PikPikker

Now for dealing with the problem of too many shared equipment. For one anything that does not use any of the Canadian modifications should be removed and looked at if it is needed to be readded to the tree post this shuffling.

I was going to add more ideas to help this but I forgot what I was going to suggest.


What about the LAV 700 and its variant there is a 30mm auto, 105mm and 90mm


+1, there is definitely enough here for it to be it’s own tech tree.


Definitely +1, the tree looks absolutely solid.
I think that it would especially be great if Australia and New Zealand were incorporated into it as a sort of NZAC alliance or as those two being sub-trees for this one.
Very good job, much better than the previous suggestion by Pikpikker!


Or a “Commonwealth” tree


I wouldn’t go so far, as I don’t think that India, ZA and other Commonwealth nations don’t fit so well together in a shared tree.


I think a combined commonwealth tree would be a great addition, replacing the UK and SA combined tree to make a giant new one. As Britain struggles to get a lot of vehicles added then a combined UK, CAN, AUS and SA tree would allow for great variety within one tree. If not then a Canadian tree of it’s own would a solid addition.


UK still has an insane amount of vehicles that are yet to be added to the game for air, ground and naval.
On their own they could quite easily rival Germany.
An unfortunate thing is that the ZA sub-tree doesn’t allow for a light vehicles line to be added to the UK, which is a huge part of what is still missing from the UK tree.


I actually thought of adding a variant or 2 of the LAV-700 as premiums but found that Saudi Arabia is the only country to field them and USA in Nov 2021 tested the 30mm variant. As well I was unable to find evidence that Canada tested it. Similar to the CV90 Canada tested I can find some off hand remarks but nothing solid enough to make me comfortable to adding it to the tree.


I assume you mean things like the Grant, Lee, Stuart, M10 etc.?
I was told by a few other people to not include vehicle’s such as those but I felt it wouldn’t be right to not include vehicles that Canada operated. I could of possibly trimmed down a bit of rank II and I was warned about not including (copy/paste vehicles) however I wanted to make sure to represent Canada’s operated, tested, and/or produced vehicles to the best of my ability to be able to highlight the amount of vehicles Canada has operated/tested/produced in and or out of conflicts.

If you ever remember what it was feel free to share as I’m sure I am missing a few vehicles.

I thought of working on one but man… there’s a lot of Canadian planes I could add, also I’m more of a ground forces player then an air one (however I still have most of my air tree’s decently high) but I wouldn’t mind working on it with somebody else since it’s not tough collecting lists of vehicles but the thing that is most time consuming is thinking of rank and BR for each vehicle.

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Fair. Funnily enough, the Lee-Grant folder was one I’d keep just for the novelty. I was trying to find ways to keep most of them in and be able to argue they are modified and not copy and paste vehicles so I was looking into the CDP tracks but came up with a dead end.

What I could find about them is they were the main track of the Grizzly and Sexton and a hand full of Rams got to wear them for tests. Along with the fact the British had tested the track ( the first time is was on backwards) but I couldn’t find on what they tested them on.

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Yeah CDP tracks I think were bought into service after the Grant/Lee wasn’t really used as much since Sherman’s and dedicated TD’s/SPG were found to just work better.

From what I could find they didn’t modify the Lee/Grant, but I haven’t looked into them specifically that much.

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I was looking into the CDP tracks for any tank that had used it but with the exception of what I listed, I came up blank.

Well, I would have loved to help I don’t know anything about Canadian air. However, this is a good idea as it will help prove that Canada has more than just a feasible ground one. However, my limited expertise outside of ground stuff lies with naval stuff and even then I don’t know enough to make a concept tree for that.

A Canadian tree could easily be added as a second ground tree to Great Britain, and is one of the top nations I’d like to see. At the very least, they could stop splitting Canadian vehicles (and Australian vehicles for that matter) between multiple tech trees. People from those countries deserve to play all of their vehicles together in the same lineups.



However much I would like to see a more expanded subtree in Britain I admit it would be too much to fit into the tree as you would end up with 3 sub trees as we already have the SA/Jordan sub tree and so a CANAUS faction with NZ subtree would be an extremely welcome new faction tbh. Especially as there are plenty of AUS/Canadian vehicles currently present in the game to give a good foothold on the nation even some for naval.

All I would say is that Britain gets a rapier system if we move the Canadian adats into a separate tree. Britain are hurting hard for SPAA as is


I remember what I was going to suggest. There are some places where more folders could be used: the 2.7 Stuarts and 3.3 Grizzlys and maybe some of the Churchills. I can’t see anywhere else I think they could be added.

Yeah I could see that being a potential benefit.