Rocket base change…
Red zones in GRB…
Specifically the XP-55 (this has brought me so much fun and joy this year!)
Crazy BR changes…
Fox-3’s goin crazy
Iranian F-14
^ Exactly!
“My way of seeing the game and criticism of actions by Gaijin are not off limits because I am not under contract.”
^ That, and also no influence whatsoever by Official Gaijin Staff or representatives like my self… we may be asked for advice on certain things… but…
All we really care about is that the Forum Rules are followed… So, really War Tinder has all of the Creative Freedom within the Rules of the Forum sorta thing…
I hate butting in… but, yeah just to help make things bit more clear
I think it could be interesting to you wrote on community reactions to updates and events (EX: Fox-3s, Iranian F-14, BR Changes). It could be cool to see a summary of the communities reaction to all these changes, positive or negative :)
One thing I’m considering doing with certain things is consistantly comparing my view to the community’s view and why I think the same or differently.
That would be awesome!
You could write about the amazing map design and the balanced match making.
active radar homing missiles and how they were absolutely an amazing idea (they were not)
My feedback a bit long so i use spoilers to separate points:
Lets share my experiences:
Remove expiration date from every booster, atleast the lootbox boosters. Last time i waste 10 milion credit and got always garbage boosteras and small amount of money. If in not enought, boosters have an expiration date, so 70% of them are sadly a waste…
I better prefer, if the expiration date removed because free time decide what time you have a time to play with this game. Just think a bit throught if you have 35+ XP booster and 40+ credit booseter and each alive for 10 battle and expiration date for 1 week, half of them still wasted. I just bring an example from ‘world of tanks’. This game also have credit and xp boosters but them not have expiration date. So you can collect as many you can, storage a huge amount of boosters, use them when you want it. The expiration not influence it.
Map rotator:
too much time drop a same map and start become boring… example 9/10 time i fight on flanders while marked with dislike and start become boring.
Ground vs Ground units not a combined battles:
Vehicle re BR balance…(some example) you forgot to modify some tanks BR also like:
Seal clubbing tanks against BR 2.7 and BR 2.3:
-M4A3(105) from 3.0 to 3.3 because 2.0-2.7 BR tanks suffer from them(superior armor, one shot/kill gun… 50 cal HMG)
-T18E2 from 3.0 to 4.0 because 2.0-2.7 BR tanks suffer from them(superior mobility, one shot/kill gun…)
-Sherman III/IV seal clubber tank from BR 2.7 to BR 3.7 (one shot gun, immortal front armor and fight against 2.7 and lower BR back up tanks)just increase his BR to 4.0 or 4.3 and allow them to use T45 APCR like M4A2 able it.
-M8 LAC: low BR seal clubber (with good mobility fire power and 50 cal MG)
-M8A1 Seal clubber in 2.7 BR just put it a bit bigger BR for balance like BR 3.3(low profile, fast and one shot gun)
GE suffer:
Tiger H1
-Not removed Tiger H1 ,every earlier added disadvantage(no AA MG,No APCR round, have zero negative gun depression between 10 and 12 o clock and between 12 and 2 o clock from unknow reason, not not able to use his powerful frontal armor in hilly maps(attached tiger image))
-Panther F :from 6.0 to 5.7 only in ARCADE battle , his front turet armor 120mm but 90% of tank on 4.7-5.7 BR have 130+ armor penetration skill.
-Panther II: suffers against 8.0 opponents(T-54,…) moreover have an irritative disadvantage: ammo sensitive: turet got hit(not matter where) and this shot is az APHE type ammo, a one of non-damaged ammo will blow up the whole tank or the ammo not got hit/ not hit by a metal pieces(become red) it will explode.
-Tiger II H suffers and useless agains 8.0-7.3 BR tanks(T-54,M48 pattons,IS-4M)(useless his armor(HEAT-FS/APDS rounds), outadated his gun and have bad mobility.) not to talk 4000+ his repair cost.
Tiger II P suffers: big,too weak his turet armor and a single shot from M18 hellcat(BR 5.7) or T-34/85(BR5.7) blow up the whole tank in frontside… and increased his BR not worth it … repair cost too expensive 4000+ . In most case, can do nothing in battle… maybe if repair cost reduced it will favor for community.
SD KFZ 251/21: This tank created as ground supported unit in first hand from not used luft Waffe cannon and from a halftrack. The main point of view:
Brsprgr(HE) belt contain AP-I round, problem because AP-I round useless againts air targets or too much need to shot them down
Pzbrgr (AP-I) belt contain HE shell, problem because HE useless agains ground units
Missing AP-T belt or Tracer belt
H-Pzgr (Ground target) belt should be: HVAP · AP-T ·HVAP · AP-T
And if it make him Too OP than move from 3.3 BR to 4.3 or 4.0 BR and Balanced
Pzgr. L’spur: AP-T · HEF-T (Universal)
Brsprgr. L’spur: HEFI-T · HEFI-T · HEFI-T · AP-I
Pzbrgr.: AP-I · AP-I · AP-I · HEFI-T
H-Pzgr.: HVAP · AP-I · AP-I · AP-T
Kügel Blitz:
M.Gr.: belt contain AP-I round, problem because AP-I round useless againts air targets or too much need to shot them down
Pz.Gr belt contain HE shell, problem because HE useless agains ground units
Pz.Gr. H belt contain HE shell, problem because HE useless agains ground units this is a fast light flanker or self defence belt agains light armored target. SHould be the following one: Pz.Gr. H: HVAP-T · AP-I · HVAP-T
And if it make him Too OP than move to highter BR.
Default: AP-I · HEI-T
M.Gr.: HEI-T · HEI-T · HEI-T · AP-I
Pz.Gr.: AP-I · AP-I · AP-I · HEI-T
Pz.Gr. H: HVAP-T · HEI-T · HEI-T
Marder A1-:
DM51A1:belt contain HVAP-T round, problem because HVAP-T round useless againts air targets or too much need to shot them down
DM43: belt contain HEFI-T shell, problem because HE useless agains ground units
Not exist : DM63: APDS · APDS · APDS · HEFI-T
Default: HVAP-T · HEFI-T -
Marder 1A3 same shoe:
but need the DM63(: APDS · APDS · APDS · HEFI-T) should contain only APDS round
US suffers:
-M4/T26 without APCR round useless againt Tiger II H
-T25 Pilot 1 reduce BR to 5.7
-ADD T 25 pilot 2 with gun stabilizator
-M26 Persing:
Same shoe like Tigers 2 against cold war tanks a bit useless basically need 2 Persing variant and Early and late.
M26:Stand on same BR like Tiger 2 P or BR 6.5.(France M26 also)
-M26A1: Stand on 6.7 BR allow to use M332 APCR.(Copy from Italian Tech Tree +1 tank)
-M4A3E2: BR should be 5.5 not in 5.7 because if play on 5.3 its a seal clubber tank and if stand on 5.7 suffer from big cats.
UK suffers:
Churchill MK VII: need M61 APHE variand or/and T45 APCR
Churchill MK VII Crocodile: need M61 APHE variand or/and T45 APCR and allow to detach flamethrower fuel tank car, block in movenets if you own this tank you know it what i want to say.
Sherman VC: suffer from garbage ammo first order solution. first order ammo rack contaion low ammo capacity and hight restore time… while the ammo rack not empty and the loader able to use more than 10 round:

SU suffers:
T-44: T-44 have a same problem now like the m4a3e2 in old time. When T-44 Fight against 6.0 BR tank are to OP, when fight agains 7.3 or 7.7 BR tanks to weak and garbage. Not matter to use it as a medium tank and try to encircle heavies or not. His armor useless against HEAT-FS and APDS shells and one shot will detonate ammo or knock out his crew. That was why it needed fight on a specific BR in interval from 6.3-7.0.
Now in realistic it would be better when fight it on 6.7 BR.
Now in arcade game mod in would be better if fight on 6.3 BR, becasue easy to spot his weakpoints and a lot of howitzer added last update.
BMD-4 and BMP-2:
No APFSDS ammo, problem because fight against armored targets and ATGM number limited
APDS belt contain HE round, problem because HE useless agains ground units
HE belt contain AP-T round, problem because AP-T round useless againts air targets or too much need to shot them down
APT belt contain HE shell, problem because HE useless agains ground units
Default: AP-T · HEF-I* · AP-T · HEF-I*
30 mm HEI: HEF-I* · HEF-I* · HEF-I* · AP-T
30 mm APT: AP-T · AP-T · AP-T · HEF-T*
APDS belt contain HE round, problem because HE useless agains ground units
HE belt contain AP-T round, problem because AP-T round useless againts air targets or too much need to shot them down
APT belt contain HE shell, problem because HE useless agains ground units
Default: AP-T · HEF-I* · AP-T · HEF-I*
30 mm HEI: HEF-I* · HEF-I* · HEF-I* · AP-T
30 mm APT: AP-T · AP-T · AP-T · HEF-T*
Italy suffers
M13/40 series Thin cans too bad his penetration skill and mobility and still stand on 2.0 BR against 2.3, 2.7 and 3.0 BR they are useless.
M13/40 (I)
M13/40 (II)
M13/40 (III)
M14/41 Stand on BR 2.3 and useless not just in his own BR against BR 3.3 tanks his gun useless
M13/40 (I) reload speed too slow:
M15/42: against 3.7 BR tank useless thanks to his bad mobility and weak gun just move from BR 2.7 → BR 2.3
Other ground change suggestion:
Why history inaccurate the crew model update on some SPAA case(GE and Italy):
Why history inaccurate the crew model update on some SPAA case(GE and Italy)
Dicker Max and Sturer Emil Ammo count:
Sturer Emil and Dicker Max remaining projectiles and charges possible location
Ground vehicles addon:
M24 to UK: M24 Chaffee for British tech tree
M24 to france with indochine war style.
Bishop to UK: Ordnance QF 25-pdr on Carrier Valentine 25-pdr Mk 1, Bishop
Harry Hopkins (A25): The Airborne Disaster to UK: Tank, Light, Mk VIII, Harry Hopkins (A25): The Airborne Disaster
Vickers Light Tank Mk.VIB AA (15mm BESA): Stuka’s Bane : to UK: Vickers Light Tank Mk.VIB AA (15mm BESA): Stuka's Bane
M4A4 sherman to US and UK: M4A4 Sherman V: The workhorse of the Royal Armoured Corps
STUG 4 to GE: Sturmgeschütz IV - #2 by JamesPond1200
7,5 cm Pak 97/38 L/36 auf Pz. 740 (r) to GE: 7,5 cm Pak 97/38 L/36 auf Pz. 740 (r)
BA-64 PTRS: to SU: BA-64 (PTRS) : fun car with anti-tank rifle. - #7 by Cpt_Frakk
15 cm s.F.H. 13/1 L/17 (Sfl.) auf Geschützwagen Lorraine Schlepper(f): a.k.a. sd kfz 135/1 and marder I a.k.a. sd kfz 135 /2:15 cm s.F.H. 13/1 L/17 (Sfl.) auf Geschützwagen Lorraine Schlepper(f)
Italian tech tree:
-a researchable Toldi II(Like Toldi IIA B20) variant,
-2S3 Acacia to HU and SU
-a researchable 41M Turan II(Like 41M Turan II without Skirt early) variant, for Hungarian tech tree
-PZ III N for Swedish tech tree
-ADD T 25 pilot 2 with gun stabilizator to US
-Type 58 missing from China tech tree
tech tree expandation with the following one:
-Tiran 5
-Tiran 6
-TCM 20(BTR 152)(use BTR-152 instead of M3 halftrack)
-M4A1(FL 10)
reccommendation on tech tree location:
Japanese tanks addon:
-Type 97 Te-Ke
-Type 5 Ke-Ho
-TA-SE(turet mount on Chi-ha hull)
Recommended location on tech tree:
UK ground units addod(list):
UK tech tree full fill from rank I to Rank III with the following vehicles
pls allow us to research Chinese PT-76
Addod collection under this statement
US need the new M41A2 bulldog which fight on 6.3 br and able to use Heat-fs also
90mm Gun Tank M47E1 Patton II: 90mm Gun Tank M47E1 Patton II - "A Design Fulfilled"
GE :
Jadgpanzer 4 serie 0 Jagdpanzer IV - Wikipedia
Pz.Kpf.Wg. M4A4 748 (a) Firefly Pz.Kpf.Wg. M4A4 748 (a) Firefly
Geschützwagen IVb für 10,5 cm LeFH 18/1 L/28 Geschützwagen IVb für 10,5 cm LeFH 18/1 L/28
Sweiden/Finnish tech tree:
KV-1A - Klimi a Finnish KV-1 model 1942 KV-1A - Klimi a Finnish KV-1 model 1942
T-50 to Finnish tech tree: File:T50 parola 1.jpg - Wikipedia
Autoblinda Alleggerita Mod. 1942 (or Autoblinda Mod. 1942/AB42): Autoblinda Alleggerita Mod. 1942 (or Autoblinda Mod. 1942/AB42)
M113 (Oerlikon 25/80): M113 (Oerlikon 25/80)
Semovente Sexton Da 105/22: Semovente Sexton Da 105/22
Semovente M44A1 da 155/23(and to US tree also): Semovente M44A1 da 155/23
Hungary addon ground units:
Hungary: Hungarian Ground Forces
Vehicles from Community made tech trees(not all created tech tree link collected):
Here is a lot of tanks which fit to tech tree PL,CZ,HU, SK, RO:
Hungary: Hungarian Ground Forces
Visegrad V4 tank tree: The Visegrád Group Tree (PL, CZ, HU, SK): European Powerhouse
GE tank into Hungarian tree: Sources and proofs for German tanks in Hungarian usage
RO tanks addon: Romanian Land Forces Sub-tree - Viața este o bătălie
UA tech tree addod: Ukraine Ground Forces Tree
Planes addon:
HU tech tree expandation:
WW2 tech tree part:
Hungarian Aviation Subtree — What it should look like! - #208 by PacketlossRedux
HU sub tech tree idea: Hungarian Aviation Subtree — What it should look like!
Entirely Hungarian WW2 fighter: The WM-23 “Ezüst Nyíl”: Entirely Hungarian WW2 fighter: The WM-23 "Ezüst Nyíl"
Bell P-39D-1 Airacobra: Bell P-39D-1 Airacobra - Iron Dog Reloaded
Polish planes: Independent Polish Aviation Tech Tree (re-posted for the new forum)
Maps alternatives:(research cost low or nothing)
-steppe’s (old Cuban map) +1 map
-old vietnam map but cut it half in horizontal:
Bottom part: it would be easy to create an asian city map for low tier tanks T1-3, fantasy name: ‘Vietnam Fishing City’. (marked with red)(+1 map)
Top part: it would be easy to create an asian swamp map for T1-5 tanks, fantasy name: ‘Vietnam swamp’.(+1 map)
-Nevada or Desert small town(old american Desert) +1 map
-Europen Abandoned City: (old Eastern Europe map) +1 map
-Artic base Zero(old artic base map)+1 map
-Artic coast(old artic pier map) +1 map
Maps upgrade caused problems
Since the old map purge lot of map got a huge update most of them lost his orignal concept and keep olny his name while construction/terrain 100% changed. That updates/upgrades more harmfull than you expected. Why lets summarize my experience in short form:
All upgraded map concept fit for 3 pattern:
-front line: massacre in mid and limited flank opportunity.(like north Holland Hurtgen forest) and restricted areas on maps which not allow us to flank enemy
-Hill land where half of tanks are useless thanks to bad gun depression
-lowland where everyone camping.
Moreover not just boring every map thanks to same pattern, they are destroyed in current state which most case provide more 0 or 1 death quit. Not variety just same … and they mappers work on big force to convert old ones to fit this 3 pattern. Copy paster schema. Basically force players to rush instead of use tactics and skill. Not to talk the oldschool TD (like SU-85,Stug ) useless. And i m not satisfied. As a veteran player who play with warthunder since 2014, and when i realized the mass map destruction which happend since 2022-2023 i sad really. Why happend? I not know that why needed(the map construction update). Because if happend when want to improve spawn protection, it happend the opposite. 75% of maps which got an update more opened the spawns or hard to leave it safety. Thats the experience. If nobody tested it or how accepted the changes without someone checked it or idk what happend . So please do not hide behind the following statement: maps got and update because improved the spawn protection, because thats NOT TRUE. Idk what suggestion based on roadmap(s)
Thats my currents statepoints according the experience and yes new map changes are terrible.
In other hand, the hills around spawn is a big problem and harmful than provide advantage… where you can stuck on spawn because enemy team able to shot spawn from maps mid. Tanks no enought negative angle gun depression.To able to eliminate that problem they need to enter the hill top where they are free target thanks to no cover objects. To leave spawn also need to move across the hill where also no cover and easy to get spoted and become a free target. If stucked on spawn and encircled by multiple hostile enemy just need a bomber and blow up the whole team. This solution only a low budget fire fight than a solution…
Restricted sides to never able to flank uptier OP armors… basic garbage corridor maps
Lets summarize the maps problem:
-Carpathian Hills:
Not able to attack from down side located hill opposite side, from added spawn point easy to get stucked by slope and opened fields between spawn and hil ,no cover objects, slow tanks are extremly useless, recapture the A point(hill) too hard and most case imposible basically you need to hill climb in opened field, the trenches in middle (B point) restricted the walkable ways and tanks able to get stucked.
"Gaps have been closed and the spawn points on the Carpathians location have been protected. " … destroyed this map before. You can’t flank enemy from C point side and the 2nd added spawn not protected, hard to leave it safe not just in AB in RB also thanks to additional flora in field next to roads in top side. This provide perfect cover for spawn campers small tanks. In other hand you need to hill climb which have a negative effect on slow armores and low gun depression tanks.
-Hurtgen forest:
Restricted the sides and force players to move to city only into a meat grinder, added hills/dunes around the spawn points which cause easily get stucked inside spawn and get bombed,
to leave spawn you need to across the cover hills and in hil top you are a free target.
-38th Parallel:
CQC nightmare, force players to rush the middle island , removed attack ways, more opened serpentines, less cover, much hard to push back the enemy thanks to island provided covers and limited opened areas/ attack ways
Spawn protection wellcome (but sadly not save from spawn bombers… and able to get stucked by uptier tanks), but other part i not really like instead of redesing it would be better if make a same structured map. If i where you i will restore old Cuban map+ add spawn protection part and add will new map: name likefantasy name: 'steppe’s new cuban design.(Note: +1 map)
As i see totally destroyed become too opened and unplayable in arcade game mod/realistic: capture and hold road on G line, spawn camp both spawn : tactic to sneak and capture point or push the opposite team not work, instead of this camp from as far as you can, and if spotted an enemy runner kill him, close combat game play destroyed. Main problems: in G line the road directly connected to both spawn(pizza and fast mouse tanks easy to approach both enemy spawn and spawn camping), and this will decide the whole battle, which team will controll the flank road. C point too opened… and mid part of the map become too opened which mean much more hard to attack and capture mid of the map… and hold it. From A and B like(mostly from A point) the whole mid side of the map attackable. Restore old Jungle map… G line directly connected 2 spawn and thanks to terrain change C point imposible to capture and hold by red team(right side).
force players to rush the captured points in middle of no where without covers and not able to fall back safety if attack lost, objects not provide enought covers, too big the opened field and no cover object or rare, too easy to reach opposite points where spawn camp the opposite teams spawns, too easy to encircle opposite team spawn points, basically you can spawn camping from middle of the map, dunes cause gun lower depression problem and lot of armors useless, in Arcade game mode above 2.3 unplayable. Basically a R.A.T. playground which disgusting.
One from the many example:
-Fields of Poland still as a time and money waster map. Still as too opened which means 90% of map are ‘No Mans Land’(like in Red desert/Middle east/Sands of Sinai case) that was why i hate it. Stand on a cover and wait for impatient player to get a kill or try to sneak closer the capture points and and hope nobody spot you in a middle of field. Or be as a good PILOTS bring a small BR tank, get 200-250 point and bring a juicy plane and blow up the whole enemy team…
100% worth it… + the added dunes able to block gun deppression.
-Middle east:
Still as a no mans land style map. Get the a closest camping point fast in early, near spawn and shot the opposite team in his campers point near his spawn. Unplayable. Broken by concept. New one much more CQC nightmare and meat grinder in mid. better fit for BR 1.0-4.3 not for modern vehicles
-American desert: FIXED THE NOT BROKEN MAP . Of course update it and got a total different map. Instead of make a same designed map, redesigned an Old But Gold map. What a pity…
(I would like a link(s), on the basis of which suggestions it was changed (Pls send it to me i really interested about in.)).
Because the top side team(red team) spawn become more opened and blue team spawn campers easily to sneak and find cover behind the rocks and hold back the whole team. Train station too opened from red team side just find a good spot and kill the blue players which try to capture it … they have zero chance to find cover. Of course remove the only cover from blue team and add the other part of station. This make this point more harder to capture it and a bit unplayable the map. From train starion side now we able to spawn campt the top side team… GG.
-Abandoned Factory: "Northern spawn point of the right team on the “Abandoned Factory” location have been changed to provide a safer start on the way to the capture point.” …thats not true, because it more opened removed the old good cover and reduced the player attack ways number. Also added the pipes into movement ways, so you should get out them with bigger circle which not just not provide protection, increase the first and second wave attack time. Middle stuctures have one output and one input way. The input and output way also a bottleneck. Secondly the three factory structure provide less cover which the previous two garanted when opposite team captured the hill.
Not to talk the following construction: if the enemy enter the hill or take that houses nothing will provide cover and spawn protection. Sadly this map with this modification not got an improvement
-Restore the old Aral Sea, because the jetty work as a block : the first-two wave attack can’t use the cover here and the huge hight ground allow the opponenet to give a focus fire the acrossing or falling back teammate. (slow tanks will suffer when need to use alternate way to enter the cityand lost 1-2 minutes) (ok it will work as a spawn camping prevention but now as a blocking point also, to remove campers on city much more harder and advance to recover lost ground. …restore an old one and add a shipwreck to a current Lighthouse location and problem fixed). If it not enought old spawn protection environment’s 70-75% removed or changed which provide more opened maps. like in Sinai, Aral Sea case. Or put more back the spawn(maybe into the valley to got more disadvantages) forexample in RB maginot line case and you need to across the full opened fields while no cover exists.
-Not needed a change, old form much better. the only which needed to allow armors br from 1.0- 3.7. It was a full cool potato tier map… idk why redesigned. “The aircraft part of the Karelia location has been expanded.” …and also the terrain modified in tank battle again a bit as i saw, which provide us a new map which more CQC style than the previous and the old one. oldschool TD like Hetzer, Su-85 useless and unplayable on this map or suffer heavy looses thanks to forced CQC.
-Advance to Rhine:
Minor modification on cities like in: Advance to Rhine, easter europe, which in first impression not bad but if you realise what it cause , its a disaster. But what it caused ? Mostly large tanks much harder to maneuvering and stuck in environment. Favor for one team of the team (depend on location)to set up an ambush and successful hold the points.
-Eastern Europe map:
Basically now the flora allow to both side to sneak behind the opposite side of the team and spawn camp… what a good anti spawn camper solution… thats sad.
Other maps related suggestion:
-Maginot-line: on fields of Maginot-line map not fit for Churchill tanks when reach a position elapsed 3-5 min and most case fight agains panther and tigers which eliminate him with only one shot while nothing can do against him. Maginot line on 400x400m: tanks which max speed 30km/h suffer on this map(like churchills)… need speed limit to play on this…
-Old Poland map but keep fields of poland map. Old one have better terrain for arcade tank battles.
-550x550m version of Field of poland unplayable for tank, which maximum speed 20-30 km/h thanks to the terrain modification this vehicles lost his max speed and can do nothing make do, just die by bombers or stronger opponenet them useless.
-European province… same as fields of poland
-Restore old artic base map: current is a tunnel style map, the old one provided much more opportunity to… or allow playable the old one also.
-Remove Sand of sinai from ARCADE battle
-Remove Pradesh from ARCADE battle
-Delete Fire-arc variant: baseconquest#2 500x500m map with full opened, just capure C point and play duck hunting and hunt down easily the opposite team. to enter city 3-5 minute…
-Fire-arc Battle#2 have a same shoe…
-Restore old Fields of normandy: Thanks to terrain change on A line no hills and team who captured church on A4, it will destroy the whole opposite team thanks to the perfect spawn camping spot. The old map construction provided better cover and opporunities for both team thanks to the hills… but if never played on them you will never know that.
Spawn Detection Zone Wrong marked in every minimap
3D Decorations idea list (not all just some)
If not exist…
From Sweiden map:
HU Roundels…
… they are used not just the air force ground units also:ét_vasútállomás_T-72_Rmms_kocsin.JPG/640px-Kecskemét_vasútállomás_T-72_Rmms_kocsin.JPGínyi_II_-_Hungarian_Assault_gun_(23946901978).jpg/1200px-40-43M_Zrínyi_II_-_Hungarian_Assault_gun_(23946901978).jpg
‘Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno!’
The “Type 58” doesn’t really exist. China never produced any domestic T-34-85s, and what is often unofficially called the “Type 58” is a local upgrade package already in-game as the T-34-85 Gai.
Britain getting the “finished” challenger 2 rework. Cause Gajin have put that on hold after the previous “minor changes” to the tank. And as predicted after the minor changes (now that they have buffed Britain they will nerf them) every single challenger received the boot and got a weight increase.
Then the one of the two challengers worth playing, with a unfinished turret, a breach made of paper and and so many caps in the amour 50 cals could pen it the challenger 2 LEP got a engine nerf making it as sluggish as a base challenger 2. the only advantages being gun and thermals.
Say goodbye to early positioning say hi to camping a corner or playing behind a hill. ooh wait people can pen you on the roof breach and be almost always guaranteed a crew member or more.
I am not thrilled at any of the changes except economy. In some respects would be nice in late 2024 to revert the challenger 2 changes so at least my breach is consistent.
Other then that revisiting the older changes to the economy and seeing the development of it over the year would be nice.
The fight against boting would be a cool addition since the ban waves appear to be working.
The strides in making cosmetics no longer be pay to win.
What the future of minor tech trees are. Are they gonna keep adding subtrees? are they gonna make more nations? what are the pros and cons?
How has the community shifted from Individualism to echochamberism? Are there any plans to rift similar match making teammates together? if so how?
The overall balancing with data that is internally reviewed and processed can you disclose what data is being processed is it skill (Rounds fired in a match, how many hit, kd/r , etc.) or vehicle performance (round, amour, soft factors, crew training, etc.)
no worries it was understood.
i was simply telling how many subject could be discussed in within this review and letting the choice to the author.
of course, it would be following current forum rules. ^^"
This has actually been hugely helpful! I will definitely use these as sources for community views on certain things for 2024 in review, as well as ideas for things to write about.
This has also given me ideas for some things to write about that I’ll definitely consider. Thanks!
Current state of air battle (top and near-top), the balance, the economy, the matchmaker, the entire furball mess, the tomcat/phoenix drama, the possible-yet-not-comming RB EC (or reworks) thingies and the vehicle grind (with the SB zomber drama it creating).
And some ideas for reworking the both assault arcade modes?
You wellcome any time :) if you not mind i will expand this list and marked with different color because i found some other suggestion from my old notes.
I don’t mind at all, that’d be great.
Why I was pinged?
hi , idk maybe something gona wrong or mentioned one of your created topic :) .
Yes these were very handy and well-written! +1