Yes, because i better prefer fight with ground units against ground units
No, because i am a pilot in ground battle.
I belive not i am the only one who hate planes hellis(especially on 8.0 BR) on ground battles. I belive it will be more skill based, if ground vehicles vs ground vehicles play, without air support. From this i created a table for a possible new game mods which not modify the current one just expand it with extra with possibility.
But do not afraid this idea, it will not delete current ground game mod, just create some new ones next to the current one.
Yes because if gaijin will make ground only mode, there will no more “CAS is OP” topics. But this modes should have separate BRs because without CAS some wehicles can become more effective.
SPAA users quality not the best, moreover players use it in small number, not to talk most of them opened which always killed by fighters planes before able to hit or shot down one plane so they are useless. The figure is not true fully.
Except warthunder is team game. So while you have rock, your team mate can be scissors so he can kill paper while you deal with scissors of other team that wont kill him. Dude its super simple I dont understand how you can fail at kids game.