15 cm s.F.H. 13/1 L/17 (Sfl.) auf Geschützwagen Lorraine Schlepper(f)

[Do you want the 15 cm s.F.H. 13/1 L/17 (Sf.) auf Geschützwagen Lorraine Schlepper(f)?]
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I would like to suggest the 15 cm s.F.H. 13/1 L/17 (Sf.) auf Geschützwagen Lorraine Schlepper(f), similar to the Sd.Kfz.135 ‘Marder I’ the 15 cm s.F.H. 13 L/17 is based on the french Lorrain chassis, but instead of a Pak 40 it houses the massive, yet outdated 15 cm s.F.H. 13/1 L/17 (Schwere Feld Haubize 13/1 L/17). Instead of beeing a dedicated tank destroyer this vehicle was ment as an infantry support vehicle, the same role as the 15 cm s.I.G 33b on Pz I, II and III as well as IV, but instead of an “New” 15 cm s.I.G. 33, it used the old but more powerfull 15 cm s.F.H. 13/1 L/17. Of wich in summary 102 or 166 were build.

Why i would like to see it? Because it gives yet another, but just so slightly more powerfull derp gun to the germany tree, appart from the Sturmpanzer II, but with also new rounds to play with such as the Gr. 19 Be and it once again shows the need and tactics of the german army to use and modify captured equipment to fill their own gaps.


  • Crew: 4
  • Length: 4.79 m
  • Width: 1,86 m
  • Height: 2.20 m
  • Weight: 9,4 metric tons when combat loaded
  • Main armament: 15 cm s.F.H. 13/1 L/17
  • Ammo: 8+1 rounds
  • Main armament traverse: 7°/7°
  • Main armament elevation: -5°/+40° (some say -0°, but there were 3 different generation of the vehicle, and at least 1 gen could do -4° to -5°)
  • Engine: Delahaye 6 cylinder, water-cooled 3.56 liter gasoline, 70 hp at 2800 rpm
  • Power/weight: 7,45 hp / t
  • Transmission: 5 forward, 1 reverse
  • Maximum speed: 35 km/h
  • Maximum range: 120 km
  • Grade: 22 degrees
  • Trench crossing: 1.8 m
  • Step: 57 cm
  • Fording depth: 85 cm
  • Ground clearance: 30 cm
  • Ground pressure: 0.75 kg/cm2
  • Steering ratio: 1.94

Pictures:(Click to show)



Armor of overall around 10mm

There are 3 gun types the s.I.G. 33, the s.F.H. 13 and 18, with L/12, L/17 and L/30 barrle, all share the same ammo (only upwise, there are rounds the s.I.G cant fire, while the 13 can and other rounds only the 18 fired).

While there are quite a couple of rounds, i will only mention the from a game perspective wise the most important 5.

The I.Gr. 33 and I.Gr.39 Hl/A are allready in game and quite well known. (Intended German Tank and A. TK. G un developent states that with different driving bands they are fired in the different guns, full source see bellow.)

Ammo Types: Saphebc, He, Smoke, HEAT

Ammo:(Click to show)


Gr.19 Be (Beton) (Saphebc (No Tracer)) 43,5 kg 3,22 kg Ph-Salz und H.10 (4,6046 kg TnTa) 381 m/s 32-64mm/10m


Gr.39 Hl/A (HEAT) 24,58 kg 4,16 kg (5,32kg TnTa) 460m/s 185mm/all



Gr.19 (He-TF (No Tracer)) 43,5 kg 5,208 kg Amatol and Np.10 (6,67kg) 381m/s

Also Pressed filler of 4,336kg Fp.02. Or also with Bu1d. of 4,05kg Np.30 and Azin.

I.Gr.38 (He (No Tracer)) 38 kg 8,6 kg Amatol and Np.10 (11,01 kg TnTa) 460m/s



Gr.19 Nb. (Smoke (No Tracer)) 39 kg 0,62 kg Np.10 (1,054kg TnTa) 440m/s


Kt. (Canister Shot (No Tracer)) 40 kg Lead or Steel Balls 430m/s



German Self-Propelled Artillery Guns of the Second World War Craug Moore

German Artillery in Combat Bob Carruthers

Geschossringband Teil 2

Intended German Tank and A. TK. Gun developent Summary No. 186 02.09.1945 Appendix C to War Office Technical Intelligence

Panzer Tracts No.10 Artillerie Selbstfahrlafetten by Thanks L. Jentz

German self-propelled guns by Gordon Rottman

Ringbuch für Sprengladungen Band II


seems like a fun howitzer to play with

With a higher muzzle velocity for the HE and improved pen of the HEAT, this one seems to have a bit more bite than the sIG in the game. Although I don’t know how much it will matter since it’s already a one-shot thumper lol. This guy could at least make the enemy even more deader ^^.

As someone who’s really interested in the German modifications of vehicles into SPGs this is an obvious +1 for me.

Yes, tho the s.I.G. Heat penetration should be the same high, 200mm/30°

a shorter name: sd kfz 135/1