Air RB Performance Guide - Master Thread:

USA - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum
Germany - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum
USSR - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum
British - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum
Japan - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum
Italy - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

Jets - All Nations (6.0 - 9.3) - Air RB - Performance Guide:
Jets - All Nations (6.0 - 9.3) - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

P-47 All - AEC vs. MEC - Air RB - Performance Guide
P-47 All - AEC vs. MEC - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

B7A2, B7A2 (Homare 23) - Air RB - Performance Guide:
B7A2, B7A2 (Homare 23) - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

Ju-87 D-3 / Ju-87 D-5 - Air RB - Performance Guide
Ju-87 D-3 / Ju-87 D-5 - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

Air RB - Map Temperature Guide:
Air RB - Map Temperature Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

Air RB - Game Mechanics Guide:
Air RB - Game Mechanics Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

Manual Engine Control / MEC - Guide:
Manual Engine Control / MEC - Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

Air RB Performance Guide - Master Thread:
Air RB Performance Guide - Master Thread: - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

Flight Stick Setup Guide:
Flight Stick Setup Guide: - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

Throttle Setup Guide for 0-100% with a WEP button hold toggle:
Throttle Setup Guide for 0-100% with a WEP button hold toggle: - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

Aircraft information/Tact Map guide:
Aircraft information/Tact Map guide: - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

* This will be the main page acting as a main hub to all other guides, charts and information*


There has never been a comprehensive introductory guide to Air RB. To make matters worse stat cards are misleading at best and there is clear lack of understanding of what is actually happening at a foundational level in Air RB. That being said, this guide will hopefully bring a better sense of understanding to Air RB to both new and experienced pilots alike. Understanding something is the first step to improving and having fun. This guide is meant to help facilitate that. I will be adding more modules here in the near future, with the next one being flight stick controls. This is not a proper flight test database, nor is it intended to be, as it’s not the proper format. that being said:

*I highly recommend reading the Air RB - Game Mechanics / Fundamentals modules before attempting to use this guide since it is foundational.

*Use the Air RB Map Temperature Guide if you decide to use the MEC settings in the guide

*I also recommend reading the detailed performance guide following the chart for each nation. The detailed performance guide has a lot of very good information including Infi-WEP settings. The chart is at the top of the modules for quick access if needed rather than scrolling down but the chart is more supplemental / quick reference to what is actually deeper in the guide.


I’ve discovered that the min airspeed where contrails appear on wingtips is universally between about 40-50kph higher than what is says in the chart. The planes do not handle any differently its just where the the contrails appear.

This should be kept in mind, that if rope a doping and using this number the enemy or your self still has a significant amount of ability to handle or get the nose up compared to before the contrails were changed.

First off, I want to above all thank those of you in the community for constructive criticism, suggestions and ideas that made this guide what it eventually became. with that out of the way, I wanted to give an update to what the future looks like for this guide. Unfortunately, I will not be updating it moving forward, for several reason which I will go into in more detail here.

The changing of flight models by the developers with no notice or announcement to the players is incredibly disruptive and irresponsible. It will silently get players killed in game never knowing that their plane has been changed. in addition, instead of updating the chart as needed, I would literally have to recheck every single plane periodically just to make sure Gaijin didnt change something without telling anyone. This is exactly what they did with almost every single Japanese fighter at the beginning of the year,

In addition to helping players understand their aircraft better, the guide was also meant to highlight some issues found with aircraft performance so they might be adjusted by Gaijin. Examples of this are planes marked with an (H) in the aircraft notes overheat and have auto radiator settings that need to be adjusted. The yak fighter line is good example of this, where the radiators are incorrectly set to 111 Celsius when they should be set to 109 Celsius where the plane actually overheats. This issue is still present in game even after I tried to contact gaijin with this information with a technical moderator and they never responded.

After months of the previous version of this guide being in the Realistic battles section of the forums, a forum moderator decided to move all the charts into machinery of war. This was the same area where historical flight data was and created alot of confusion. It also scattered the guide in several different areas making it less organized. I tried to contact the moderators to put it back under RB at which point they refused. I wont get into more details about it, but in the end had to redo the whole guide in a very specific way because of this delaying the completion of the guide

I’ve tried to help make Air RB a better experience by providing knowledge and tools to better help players get into flying which the learning curve is pretty steep. I’ve also shown where there are things that could be easily fixed and made suggestions in that regard. Unfortunately, the lack of transparency of the developers making flight model changes, the lack of addressing the issues I found in testing, and the negative experience with the forum moderators I don’t see the purpose in providing a guide for a game that wants to willfully stay broken or less than what it could be.


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I wanted to inform anyone who was interested that I am considering updating the entire guide. The plan for updating is as follows:

*update min ideal turn speed since contrails were broken a few patches ago. I am currently spending most of my time testing this more thoroughly.

*Audit all performance tests confirming they are correct or adjusting as needed

*Adding new map temperatures as needed

*A section on how to set up a seperate screen with aircraft information such as throttle, horsepower, manifold pressure down to at least 3 decimal places (

It would be very helpful if just one technical moderator or equivelent could be involved in reviewing the updated data since it would correct at a minimum, the incorrect auto radiator settings, and contrail generation.

Thank you,


Ive tried reaching out to forum moderators to fix what ive documented or at least get a response. If I get ignored again I will not update it for reasons I previously posted here in this thread.

I really hope I get some sort of response this time because its been a long time that all this has been broken.


I’m trying to get the overheating engines and engine degradation in the game fixed. I have submitted a bug report regarding the issue. If you could go to the link below and click “I have same issue” box that would help move this forward toward a fix. Thank you.

Incorrect auto radiator settings, details included // // Issues

Well, I tried to give some feedback to Gaijin and for whatever reason they do not want to hear it and are down right hostile to the feedback.

Needless to say, I will not be updating this guide specifically because of how they reacted to this feedback. I will however post a tutorial on how to set up how to see detailed info on aircraft. I will also gladly help anyone else one with questions or anything else. As for the exchange I had with Gaijin here is the link:

Fixing engine overheating and engine degradation - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

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– Ju-87 D-3, Ju-87 D-5 guide:

Ju-87 D-3 and Ju-87 D-5 - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

– P-47 All -AEC vs. MEC chart:

P-47 All - AEC vs. MEC chart - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

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– Aircraft information/Tact Map guide:

Aircraft information/Tact Map guide: - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

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– B7A2, B7A2 (Homare 23) guide:

B7A2, B7A2 (Homare 23) - Air RB - Performance Guide - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum

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I’ve started doing some testing again lately and have been observing some changes to the planes in the game.

It would be helpful if any one was interested in testing new MEC settings I’ve found for planes like the F4U-4, F4U-4B and F8F-1s. Having a flight stick and throttle and also mouse and keyboard would be helpful to compare certain differences.


After much thought I have decided to update this chart. I was wondering what would you like to see in this updated guide that isnt already included. I will be adding the time where some planes engine degrade by a certain temperature threshold currently titled “Engine degradation over time or at time. It will look like this” Eng Deg/time or Eng Deg @ time. so for instance the P-38s in game go from 92/122 radiator limit to all of a sudden going to 80/120 radiator limit. this will be shown as:
Eng Deg: (-12/-12C) @ 16min.

I am also noting which aircraft have “resilient radiators”. this is something I’ve found like the P-40E where getting the engine in the white for 30 sec or simply turning off and back on the engine heals all the engine wear incurred up to that point. This will be noted along with yellow, orange and red overheat thresholds to best maximize performance out of the engine since you can heal it at will.

If there are any other things you think might be helpful let me know.

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Also will adding WEP duration and MEC 100% throttle speed.

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