Aircraft information/Tact Map guide:

How to get Aircraft information/Tact map:

This is how I obtain the data i need to provide the aircraft performance guides. I use this for the detailed information down to several decimal points, that other overlays or aps , to my knowledge, do not provide. Also, this is the game data straight from the source with no third party software involved. Below are two possible options that you will end up with: Single monitor windowed setup or iPad, tablet, or other device screen setup.

– For Single monitor windowed setup, Use Step 1A then go to Step 2 Aircraft information/Tact map configuration.

– For iPad, tablet, or other device screen setup use Step 1B then go to Step 2 Aircraft information/Tact map configuration.

*Step 1A
How to get Aircraft information/Tact map method 1:
*** After starting the match or test flight map of your choice ***

In graphics settings, select windowed mode at about half the resolution you play with in full screen, You should now have a windowed game, this is to make room for the second window with the aircraft information we are going to pull up next.

In the same options menu as “Graphics”, you will see an option in blue lettering called “open map in browser” in the lower left corner, click on this. (See figure 1)

A map with several boxes will appear. It will look something like this. (See figure 2 below). Next go to step 2 below called “Aircraft information/Tact map configuration.”

Figure 1

Figure 2

*Step 1B
How to get Aircraft information/Tact map method 2:
*** After starting the match or test flight map of your choice ***.

To load the map on your iPad or other device, find the internal IP of the computer you use to run the game, then add :8111 to it. So if your computer is 123.456.7.8 for example, your address would be 123.456.7.8:8111

Here is a link to a short video on how to find the Ip address:
How to find your Local IP address for Windows 11 - YouTube

Once you have the aircraft information up on your screen, using a mouse to select, move and resize the information boxes around makes life super easy. I personally connect a blue tooth mouse to my iPad mini and move the boxes that way.

I use a Logitech mx master that can connect to up to 3 devices with a push of a button on the bottom and simply switch between the iPad mini and my desktop as needed.

*Step 2
Aircraft information/Tact map configuration:
There are two boxes we are primarily interested in that usually overlap each other by default on initial start up. We are going to separate them and expand them so we can see the information we need. Although there is a map, our priority is the detailed aircraft information.

Click on the top of the indicated box and drag it to the side to separate the two boxes with aircraft information. Once they are separated, resize them to your liking so you can see the information better. (See figure 3 and 4 below).

Figure 3

Figure 4

Notable fields (see Figure 5 below):
The individual fields such as radiator, throttle, mixture and others can all be click dragged and moved in whatever order desired. Highlighted are the fields that are of primary importance. Generally, the browser will remember your configuration the next time you fly the same plane. The items displayed are dependent on the aircraft, an example is the bf 109 F-4 and a P-47D. The 109 has water temp but the p-47 has head temp.

These are the fields I find most useful for testing, youll notice just how granular some of the readings are like the temperature on head/water temp and oil temp. Its much faster to see if your heating up or cooling down. As for radiator you can now see how auto engine control is working (or not).

When switching between planes or at the start of a match, refreshing the browser page will update the selected aircraft and show the correct fields and resolve any flickering / flashing on the screen.

Figure 5

Trouble shooting / FAQ:
– refreshing the browser page will update the selected aircraft and resolve any flickering / flashing on the screen.

– The individual fields such as radiator, throttle, mixture and others can all be click dragged and moved in whatever order desired.

– Generally, the browser will remember your configuration the next time you fly the same plane.


Alot of people ask me how I get the information to make the performance guides that I have been making. I’m going to include it in a section with a tutorial on how to test in order for anyone to get their own air rb mec settings to use in game.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to make this guide better or easier to digest I welcome the feedback.
