Thanks for this question. So for the first question about links to lings to links, this is because I was told to take this to the bug report, then the bug report was closed and I was told to take to a suggestion, then I was told to make it a bug report again, so… link to a link to a link.
Regarding overheating, its way simpler, its that the radiator on auto is set to 111 degrees C, the engine overheats at 109 degrees C. It should be reconfigured to a threshold of 109 degrees C. So there is an issue with the auto radiator management. in game it opens to only 20% (111 C) when it needs to be at 24% (109 C).
Not to muddy the waters but, in addition, regarding engine degradation, the P47D has engine degradation (turning yellow) after 4 minutes of flight at 100% throttle and dying (Black) at 14 minutes. You can see the overheat threshold drop at 4min from 255 degrees C to 254 and just keeps dropping. Keep in mind, it takes a p47d about 7:47 min to get to 6000m not including distance it needs to cover to get to the enemy.
And my suggestion was deleted from the suggestion section. All this effort to give feedback and it was hoop after hoop just to get round filed in the trash. Nothing has changed at Gaijin, its still a punitive business model where the customer is always wrong.
How many times we need to repeat?
If you have questions related to Suggestion - send PM to Suggestion Modeartor. He will give you all the details you need to add to get your suggestion approved.
Instead, you decided to break forum rules.
Dont use the wep constantly an you wont overheat on most planes, it is pretty simple, and historical accurate as most planes couldn’t use wep constantly. And if you want more control in the radiators use the manual control.
Thank you for answering the question of if I should bother to update the performance guide. I wont bother since you have made it perfectly clear that constructive feedback is not welcome. I tried to help you and instead of taking the feedback and simply saying “thank you for the feedback” you respond with the above hostile statement.
I was trying to give YOU information to help make YOUR game better, not mine. If you want to be dismissive, punitive and then tell me how I went back and forth from bug report to suggestions and broke a forum rule, then maybe the rules to make a simple suggestion are overly prohibitive. Also, I think you miss the point of the spirit of which this feedback came from for YOUR benefit to make a better game for everyone who experiences it.
If you want the game to stay broken, in a state of less than what it could be then keep things the way they are and never change for the better. Its very unfortunate that nothing has changed in the last few years at Gaijin.
You’re taking this so hard/personal when it isn’t that serious. Why does it have to be all or nothing with everyone in this forum? It wasn’t approved, so ask them why it wasn’t and move on. I’ve had like 5 suggestions not get approved to be posted and they told me why, and it wasn’t even that serious. Follow the process.
If overheating with AEC (Automatic Engine Control) happens at 100% throttle because the overheating parameters are set wrong, it is a bug. Just read the this post again:
That engines are dying within minutes on 100% is just a bad joke.
What was not mentioned was WEP with AEC.
The time limits mentioned in aircraft manuals were aimed to extend the service life of engines. With some research you find out that for example DB 600-605 engines were used far longer with WEP if the pilot was in danger. Extreme examples over Normandy report from entire sorties flown with WEP by the Luftwaffe - their pilots gave a shit about service life, they wanted to survive.
That gaijin is unable or unwilling to adjust AEC parameters to allow WEP to be used with a dynamic control of rads is just embarrassing.
And even if you use MEC:
The game is unable to simulate the cooling effect of water-methanol or just water injection - in all aircraft. Try to fly a 190 F-8 with WEP & MW 50 - the temperatures for overheating decrease after a few minutes with with WEP - after 10-15 minutes you get a flashing red at 83° degree Celsius of the engine oil. And - historically correct - you have no manual rads for oil in 190 A/F models. And iirc: in 190 manuals WEP was limited to 3 minutes…
If you played long enough you will notice that Il-2 Sturmovik has exactly the same problems: Russian devs are unable or unwilling to setup everything outside USSR planes somehow correctly, but wt manages to nerf even USSR planes… Use Yak-3s with 97% power and you have no overheating, even with AEC, but with 100% you kill your engine in the long run…
Edit: Flag attack…waiting for 2nd flag and forum mod to “unflag” it…
Constructive feedback is welcome what you’re doing is not. Instead you’re throwing a tantrum and insulting both tech mods and devs. Furthermore challenging moderation as well. That’s why Stona yelled at you.
That’s why i am asking. I am 100%% ok with the automatic engine controls screwing you over because it makes stupid decisions. I am not ok with the modelling being wrong.
This is clearly another mistake from gaijin, who despite having an extremely easy solution do not bother to correct the problem and simply close reports and forget about it.
For me a simple solution is for the radiators of all airplanes to open in relation to the temperature regardless of what the radiator has to open. For example, the P-51, after a few minutes the engine heats up to the point of having to gradually lower the power mainly because the radiator does not open enough to cool, and the funniest thing is that when you lower the power you see how it opens more. The key to the solution would be that the radiators are opened as much as necessary to keep the engine at the optimal temperature at all times, as when the power was lowered to less than 50%, the radiators were opened so that they could do more. air resistance, and then add one more WEP to the airplanes, being that when going from 100% to WEP the radiators would continue to operate, opening with respect to the engine temperature, and when turning the mouse wheel the WEP would be even more serious, closing the radiators maximizing speed at the cost of quickly overheating the engine
Of course each engine is different and suffered from different overheating, so with correct automatic radiators what would happen is that some airplanes would need to have the radiator more open than others, apart from the fact that with the passage of time certain engines would get hotter, with so the radiators should be opened more and more during the game.
That is objectively not a bug cause it’s not a bug report on specific vehicles’ engines with sources about those vehicles parameters.
Not sure how anyone can read that and think they’re talking about a bug.
Gaijin listening to the community is not the dark ages as you imply.
They are making a rather bad WEP suggestion as well, which of course isn’t a bug.
Which was not reported on the bug report site. If the automatic parameter is wrong, that’s for 1 aircraft and evidence needs to be shown to correct it.
I don’t bug report props personally, and I would never have a bug report of that low in quality personally.
On a subject that wasn’t a bug… and seemingly poorly formatted their suggestion.
Bad reviews did not improve War Thunder, those that sent feedback via the feedback form did.
Simulator devs aren’t obligated to listen to their clients: See Eagle Dynamics, one of the least feedback-friendly devs in the genre.
So yeah, as I was saying @MOBB , what you described in your bug report is not a bug.
It doesn’t specify which aircraft are bugged, it seemingly provides no sources for specified aircraft, and it houses a bad suggestion about WEP.
Your other posts claiming that players are wrong is not helpful when you’re trying to rally support.
Regarding the issue of incorrect radiator settings when using auto engine control, I have marked all aircraft in the chart linked below with an “(H)” if it has an overheating issue, usually linked to the radiator, in auto engine control. Scroll down to the detailed description and it will tell you in detail what is wrong with the aircraft and how to correct it. Example: click on the link, then go to usa then look at any of the P-47s in the chart, then scroll down to the detailed description. Air RB Performance Guide - Master Thread: - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum
If Gaijin chooses to address this, the link above outlines exactly what the issues are and some solutions that I have found. At 100% throttle, having engine degradation and overheat start at approx 4:30 into my flight and engine death start at approx 14 min in my P-47D isnt a good player experience. My goal is, simply, to help make the game better so I’m providing the information above in the links. Gaijin, please read it or forward to someone who is in a position to act. @Stona_WT@Smin1080p
It’s an “Intended feature” that some planes are built different in this game. Gaijin is never wrong so everyone in this forum should comply. I’m stating facts and not sarcastic.
Overheating out of 100% throttle, even though we have automatic radiators that assist in cooling the engine by adjusting how much the radiators are opened. And the radiators are set to 10 or 20% accordingly to the reference temperature. When it can be 30%, for all the convenience. “Just use manual settings” I say. As if the auto feature is foe noobs only.
Absolute jokes aside, I thought wepping forces the radiators to be shut.