Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Yep he is just making videos because main are upset and paint the forums in a bad light even though he have a discord channel with dangerous people moderating it.

I say this if he thinks it’s ok to laugh at the forums then he need to look at the TEChub.
That he doesn’t even moderate it.


Yea most what I say is holding gaijin to account and having a laugh

Because there are no damn “rules” regarding that. You are just making up these “rules” in your head to try to make sense out of/find logic behind something that just makes no sense/has no logic.

It sounds harsh, but you wouldn’t be the first not last person to do something like that.

It’s likely to come.

It’s between the F-16A and mid-block C/D models in terms of performance so theoretically it would fit the bill for any patch going forward.

Only issue would be sourcing data on it, but they could ballpark it reasonably close since the J-10 is “similar looking” and “totally not developed directly from the Lavi”.

PL-8, Python 3, I mean totally different missiles.


Props from me for the Italian and French navy avatars. That is something I asked for ages.

But overall, if there won’t be any WWII plane or historical ship from that period, for me it is one of the worst patches ever.

I honestly think that balance for everyone should be maintained during every patch period. Even small stuff.

Is it known what aircraft are getting bitchin Betty?


Fair enough you guys are having issues with a content creator, but i hardly think this is the place to discuss that

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I mean like you know how dangerous this is right ?

He can create a narrative about the forums

Appreciate the info, praying china gets some new CAS options sometime later this year, as it’s painfully behind other nations


No sorry, thanks to the British Mandatory Palestine, the UK is getting the Lavi to fill some gaps in the tree.


Since we are still using phantoms can we have a Indian SMT please

Just to clarify here we said for some time Italy would be the home of some minor axis nations and home to Hungarian vehicles for some time. Hungary is now also a fully confirmed sub tree of Italy.

We have never stated anywhere that every single Australian vehicle will go to the British tree. We have never said the same about Canadian vehicles either. We also do not have or currently plan to have an Australian or Canadian sub tree for the UK. Vehicles from nations that do not have a predesignated home do not have a set “rule” that you are applying here that just because all of their existing vehicles in game are in a single tree, that other vehicles cannot be added to other trees depending on the relevance and need for that nation / role.

The M1 AIM and Leopard C2 you keep referencing both had other connections and positions to fill in other trees. As such, there are no plans to move them to the British tree currently or simply flat outright make the UK tree the “Commonwealth tree” and that every single vehicle from the Commonwealth will 100% come to the UK tree. Simply, Commonwealth vehicles or vehicles with connections too it may be used to bolster the British trees needs.

I hope this clarifies better.


Respectfully. Can you tell me where the UK had any involvement in the T-90S Bhishma project? It must’ve happened after the initial Bhishmas, and it must be some very niche material Gaijin is in possession of, that informs you of how they could be connected. Nothing anyone has found online thus far suggests that the UK had anything to do at all with the project, or even the on-going assembly of the Russian kits, or manufacturing of Indian domestic armor and computerization upgrades.


Ok than you for that answer m8

Btw since we have the research helicopters with ground vehicles.

Will it be possible to see a SAAF tech tree tab with in Britain using this new technology ?

We never claimed the UK had any involvement in the T-90S Bhishma project development and this was not the reason for introducing it to the tree: [Development] Squadron vehicles: T-90 Bhishma - News - War Thunder


We don’t have any plans to move subtrees into separate tabs currently.

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As I expected sub tree without historical nation involvement is a bad idea it should be rework about entire sub tree stuff now is just put random bs into nation that didn’t even be a part of development vehicles


Shame as having that will be able to bring SA aircraft into game without clogging up the main tree

@Smin1080p Will the German TT receive in this patch (or later) an Argentine Super Étendard? Thx