Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Just play the french one.


So there’s no claim that the UK was involved in the Bhishma project, and all we have to go on is that for a time in history, India was a colonial possession of the UK, and is a part of the Commonwealth Republic scheme, which has zero present, or since 1948, past, military alliance with the UK.

Some vehicles, like the Harrier, are brain-dead obvious as additions as either UK domestic, or Indian variants that could be present in a UK tree under what for lack of a more specific term or logic we can call “Gaijin’s commonwealth rules”.

Basically as it stands, we have zero actual connection or affiliation beyond strong historical bonds, that predate the game, and that the actual rationale for adding the Bhishma is to fill in an area of need for the UK tree.

Sorry Smin, Gaijin and team, but it seems entirely arbitrary what you can add to a tree at that point, and it’s hard to have any rules at all if you can’t come up with some sort of reason why the T-90S Bhishma couldn’t be in the Japanese, Italian, Israeli, or Chinese trees then. All of those trees could use a tank similar to “fill in an area of need”.


Ah @Smin1080p you’re finally awake, is there anything else coming for Britain this patch?

I already know that SUE is coming to France. I asked Smin for what has not yet been confirmed or denied.

The Super Etendard is coming for the French tree this major update. At least at the moment, there are no immediate plans for Germany to receive it. That’s all we have to announce right now.


Sad to know, but the information is appreciated, greetings.

There’s definitely something more for Britain because @Smin1080p keeps ignoring me (I’m on to you)

No, we are just not here to constantly deny things.

Mostly everything for the update has been shown at this stage.


Yeah im ready to move on to the next update 🤣

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Back on suicide watch for another major update then


Case of Indian T-90 even me who like playing Britain can say nonsense it should go to RU TT (even I don’t like playing RU TT much but they build it they have right to get it) even Arjun make more sense than T-90 to be in UK TT
same goes as Lynx should go to German because in developing by German company and Italy had nothing to do with it M1A1AIM are on the right spot because tank was build by US there are many nonsense vehicles like these that go where they don’t belong
What up next hm? T-90A on US TT because they capture it or CV9040 in RU TT because RU capture it? These nonsense need to be stop didn’t say they can’t be add but put it where it belong


For real, US/USSR Power creep and I got to unlock my Checks notes Copy paste Sea Harrier but worse

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The Lynx is not being added to Italy because Italy had any participation in the vehicles development. Its being added to the Hungarian line of vehicles which is now a subtree nation inside of Italy as Hungary are the only current operators of the vehicle.

The version coming to the game in this major update is the serial production version owned and operated only by Hungary. That is the reason for it to come within the Italian tree.

As we have already explained, Germany still has the possibility of some KF variants down the line. As well as PUMA versions with Spikes that are possible for Germany.


Major update ‘Future’ sounds banging! British light tanks, German Lynx/MBT’s, Japanese AA, French Sweden and Britain fighters, game balance… When does it drop??


For me the point is sub tree stuff are messed up at the begin with if hungary are much of the problem then make it independent TT and get all stuff they use from whatever to Leopard 2A7HU it make more sense and what Hungary have anything tie with Italy anyway?

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We have multiple major updates throughout the year. With two more still to come this year.

In-between events, battlepassess and other content deployment for chances to get more vehicles.

Unfortunately everything cannot all come at once all at the same time in the same update.

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Speaking of Hungary will their air sub tree be added in the near future as we got ground and now helis ?

The M1 AIM and Leopard C2 you keep referencing both had other connections and positions to fill in other trees

And we going to ignore the fact Germany has a British made, operated and designed vehicle cough cough the Hunter F.58? Most people I’ve spoken to would’ve preferred the Alpha Jet but I guess it was just a way to cut corners since it would be cheaper to reuse a already existing modelThis also applies to the joke of an aircraft, the Sea Harrier FRS.1 Early (the squadron Sea Harrier FRS.1 Late is literally free…)

There are a ton of vehicles with connections to other nations but at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter, fancy words or terms are used to make excuses like this which is saddening.

The M1 AIM

I honestly don’t think the US needed another Abrams, this could’ve easily gone to Britain as a replacement of the T-90S. It would’ve at least been a Western vehicle in a Western Tech Tree and possibly would’ve also avoided the drama with the addition of the T-90S Bhishma.


Cough new nation cough hehe