Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

all 3 12.3s will likely become 12.7 with the addition of Fox 3. Fair assumption most Fox 3 carriers will be minimum 12.3 but most likely 12.7 if they are gen 4. Typhoon DA2 will likely be Br13 and could come anytime between Dec and March

It is likely, yes, however it is impossible to know for sure unless one is a Gaijin employee.

This is true. Based upon the last update. Only one thing is certain. US and USSR will be 13 soon

I can assess that based on the average of 0.7 new BRs per year. 1.0 BRs if you take into consideration decompression.
And 12.7 is where we end for this year as per the average, which makes sense as we’re also likely going to be seeing AARHs this year.

@Texas_Engineer_Mike Heh, it appears my memory tricked me.
As for ECM, people need to stop begging for specific aircraft cause it doesn’t exist in general code yet.
Mig-21SMT remains the longest standing aircraft with an ECM pod in War Thunder.

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I think we’ll see ECM with Fox 3. Would make sense. Next gen of BVR with counter-BVR added at the same time


Ram II is in the US tree.

C2A1 Mexas is in Germany.

Canadian and Australian junk(tanks, planes and boats) will go in whatever tree they choose until one or both get a tree.

mod confirmation about that.

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Can we have proper SPAA next major update? Too many CAS right now, mainly F-16C and Mig29-SMT, cuz gaijin decisoin to nerf SPAA except Pantsir and TorM1 it making toptier GRB become worse.

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Devbloggers soon

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Short answer: No.
Solution: Grab a fighter or pray your team has a fighter.

Also Pantsir was introduced “nerfed”. It’s worse than ADATS & TOR-M1 at hitting targets within range.

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From Oshida’s datamine, what does this mean?

" * SAAB-105G, SAAB-105OE, SK60B : Tried to Add EFS"



Engine Fire System


Britain will receive export MBTs from commonwealth nations **when gaijin feels like it. **

There is still an equally big possibility that the canadian Leo 2s will go to Germany, as Gaijin said that the British tree still isn’t the commonwealth tree.

Source please? Smin basically told us: “yeah we will add some commonwealth vehicles to the british tree if they fill gaps and if we feel like it, but the british tree still isn’t the commonwealth tree.”

Germany could and should get : Me 163C, Me 263, Me 262 HGI, Me 262 HGII, Me P.1101, Ju 287 V3, Me 262 C-3, He 280, Me 163 Sg500 “Jagerfaust” and to some extent, the Me 329 and Focke-Wulf Flitzer, altough the latter might not fit into war thunder since they only existed in mockup ( and unfinished prototypes)


At the rate Gajjin is adding WWII era stuff, I wouldn’t except most of these if any, any time soon or at all.

While gajjin hasn’t officially given us a roadmap, it definitely seems that their racing towards the modern Era as fast as possible, both air and ground. With some nations were almost their, like Russia already possessing some of its most modern and numerous ground vehicles in the tech tree, and nations like Japan and Italy already being maxed out with any new MBT’s they can add.

In this regard i understand why gajjin is prioritizing filling gaps at higher BR’s rather than adding more content for WWII era stuff, because realistically for most nations, we already have more than enough vehicles from that Era to fill all the roles needed. Getting my 7th version of the 262 isn’t gonna have as much of a drastic impact on the German tech tree as say, getting Mig-29 with R-73’s or china receiving a better CAS plane too replace the Q-5L and F-16 instead of another Russian/American prop

would that ECM pod even be useful? I read it only jams Hawk SAM Radar

Still annoys me they put the Ram 2 in the US tree, they legit have nothing to do with it

Italy still has the Ariete AMV PT2 and C2.

I always see people mention this mystical Ariete C2 but I can never find anything actually solid about it.

I may be wrong, but to my knowledge, it’s the production version of the AMV that got officially designated earlier this year.