BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

I mean there is no way to tell, so until a dev can confirm it you’re talking out your arse mate haha.

From what testing I could do and that was my result but maybe it has been changed since then. If there was a change then it was pretty had to notice

I’m with Gunjob on this one. In the files there is nothing stating any temperature or bands, that could be used to determine what nozzles are hot. Either im looking in the wrong place, or that data is not shown.

The good news is that all 4 of the exhausts aren’t used. Just the rear two. We just need Gaijin to half the heat then we’re golden

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Confirmed with a dev, the only thing that matters for decoying an IR missile is the thrust to flare signature ratio.

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Do we know that ratio for the harrier?

Not specifically no, but the Harrier’s (all of them) gain the most thrust at lower speeds, so as you turn and flare you’re increasing in thrust and lowering the ratio between the two. This probably explains why it feels hard to flare an IR missile, as you’re probably already going pretty slow while defending.


Just turn off the engine while you flare then

Understandable, when flaring in harrier fly straight

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I mean pretty much, keep your speed high and cut throttle as a last ditch effort.


the 9M


(For legal purposes, i am not responsible for any death or severe damage to your airframe resaulting in failiure of employing this tactic against InfraRed seeking missile).
(Employ against AIM-9M at your own risk)


I was in the middle of writing


See I wasn’t talking out of my arse

You didn’t mention thrust at all?

Maybe the fact that I couldn’t flare a damn AIM-9J could be a slight form of evidence lmao.

The Devs have now confirmed that each nozzle acting as an individual engine is not what’s going on. So no that’s clearly not evidence.

Doesn’t really make sense, there has been many occasions were I’ve decoyed missiles whilst stalled in mid air with my J-11A and the message I sent was semi-sarcastic.

Harrier’s (all of them) gain the most thrust at lower speeds

What do you mean by this? As in they have the most thrust in-game at lower speeds?

as you’re probably already going pretty slow while defending

I don’t consider 700km/h to 900km/h to be slow and that’s the speed I usually fly at, those are also the speeds I usually get a IR missile fired upon.